Chapter 76: Together

But he said that there are seven strange monsters in Hengling. The demons and gods are not easy to bully, and there are two top ten gods. So the two sides fought so darkly that no one could get cheap.

The two sides worked hard and Li Xing was not idle. In the same way, he began to provoke alienation. The gods and men who came to the battle were successively involved in the struggle, and it was difficult to extricate themselves. Even the proudly seeing snow was entangled by a tenfold god-man, and the two were inextricably linked.

Once these gods and men have red eyes, they can't distinguish between friends and enemies. As long as they appear in each other's line of sight, they will attack. Although the weak are killed, the strong will inevitably be affected and restless.

Li Xing was so intrigued that he appeared somewhere from time to time, vigorously creating confusion. The chaos continued for three days, and many high-religious gods and men were also seriously injured and had to give up to leave.

In fact, the gods who came to **** the reincarnation of heaven and man were regarded as potential competitors. The gathering of these people was a gunpowder. What Li Xing did was just to ignite the fuse.

The rest of the matter, with almost no effort from him, the chaos spontaneously became more and more serious, and he couldn't help it.

On the night of the day, the situation changed suddenly, and a thunderous explosion blew up, violently bombarding down the mountain peak. Suddenly, the ground shook the mountain, and the moon and the moon were dark. The big mountain, "Kacha", cracked a big opening, emitting hundreds of millions of strange lights, straight into Jiuxiao, illuminating the night sky, making the land a thousand miles away. It ’s like daylight.

All the fighting people, the lurking people, were shocked and rushed towards the mountain peaks. At this moment, a dazzling white light descended from the air and merged into the strange light. Two brilliances, intertwined, continued a breath.

Immediately, Guanghua was all in the crack. Heaven and earth return to peace.

At the moment Guanghua converged, Li Xing, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed into its rift. Entering it, you see a huge egg suspended in the gap.

Li Xing said nothing, sent out the power of ingestion, and directly ingested the substance into Baiyang Jingtian. The giant eggs did not repel and were collected smoothly.

"Success!" Li Xing's body disappeared and he entered Baiyangjingtian together.

Immediately after Li Xing, more than a dozen magical lights flew into the crevice. But at this moment, there was a loud noise in the air, a huge palm condensed by mana, covering it, and two majestic and solemn voices groaned: "All go away!"

The mana shook the four wilds, and all the gods and men showed fear, and immediately turned around and fled.

"Ah! It's a mage! Hurry up!" The people shouted and ran away.

The mana hand inserted into the cracks of the mountain, listening only to the loud sound of "rumbling", the mountain peak was separated from the middle, but the bottom was empty.

"Hateful! Who took the fetus? Who?" The voice was full of anger, shaking the god-man who could not escape, vomiting blood and falling to the ground.

The wrath of the mage is 11 thousand times more scary than the wrath of the god-man! They are the masters of all law, and they are masters of all law.

Li Xing, who was hiding in Li Xing's Baiyang Jingtian, could also feel what was happening outside, and his face was terrified: "Good guy, a mage is there!"

Emperor Tianxie hummed: "This person is just a small figure of Fa Tianyi. If a teacher restores his strength, he can kill him by saying a word!"

Li Xing smiled bitterly, Fa Tian's heavy master can definitely kill him. Those who practice blood have blood power, those who practice qi have true power, those who practice God possess divine power, and those who practice Fatian possess mana.

Mana is the most magical power in the world, and can command the power of nature for its use. Therefore, the abilities of the mage are extremely terrifying, they can tear the space, have immense power, and have a long life.

"If I had known that a mage was involved, I would not have come here at all." Li Xing sighed. "Presumably the rest of the gods and men would not dare to come. If I hadn't had Baiyangjingtian, it would have become a corpse at this moment. "

"This mage wants to get the rear soil spirit, Bacheng wants to receive a disciple, but unfortunately you are the first to board." Tianxie Emperor looked very happy, his projection stared at the rear soil platform, with intent attention.

After entering the Baiyang Realm, the spiritual fetus was suspended in the air, slowly spinning, and absorbed a large amount of Baiyang aura, and it seemed to grow up soon. This spirit fetus is not as overbearing as the Tongtian spirit fetus, but is submissive, so it does not trigger a ban in Jingtian.

Suddenly the fetal vibrated slightly, stopped absorbing the aura, and then split from the center, bursting out a phosgene from it. The phosgene landed on the ground, once again condensing into a baby girl.

That ’s right, it ’s a baby girl. She looks three or four months old, and is very cute.

Li Xing froze for a while, and asked, "Master, why is she a woman?"

Tian Xie said strangely, "What about women? They can also make avatars."

Li Xing shook his head again and again: "I'm going to make a female avatar!" He insisted incomparably.

"so cute!"

At this time, Chen Shuang saw the baby girl and quickly walked over to pick her up and tease her. The baby girl's eyes glanced round and giggled.

Li Xing blinked and said, "Master, she is a reincarnation of heaven and man, her qualifications must be very good, how about you accept a disciple?" Seeing that the baby girl is cute, how can Li Xing endure harm? So he persuaded Tian Xie and hoped that he would be accepted as a female disciple.

Emperor Tianxie seemed to have seen through Li Xing's thoughts, and smiled lightly: "Since this is the case, it is not reluctant." As soon as she beckoned, the baby girl flew into his hands. Little Shimei comes out and asks her to help you become a great cause in the future. "

After that, Emperor Tianxie disappeared.

Chen Shuang knew about the existence of Emperor Tianxie and laughed, "Xing brother, you little sister, is so cute, shall we have a baby?"

Li Xinggan laughed and said, "Will you have a child, I will talk about it later." He is busy every day now, how can he wait for the child.

Chen Shuang refused, and directly tired of Li Xing: "I just want to have a baby, I don't care ..."

So Li Xing was dragged into the bedroom where Bai Yang's aura condensed by Chen Shuang hardly. Within a short while, there was a seductive gasp, and Li Xing's cry: "This thing can't bite ..."

Li Xing was lying in Baiyang Jingtian, Li Xing couldn't be idle, because several women were here. You stayed with me for one night, I stayed with you for one night, and even a four-girl battle with a man made Li Xingyan blessed.

After seven or eight days of absurdity, Li Xing dared to come out to Baiyang Jingtian. It was found that the sun was shining high above the head, and there was a quiet surrounding, not even the Master's hair.

"Huh!" He breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally came out."

A divine light rose into the sky and disappeared.

Li Xing returned directly to the fiefdom to settle the Murong family who came to him. Most importantly, he wanted to rebuild the Qi Yunpai within the fiefdom, and then recruit his disciples. Within the fiefdom, there are many people and it is not difficult to recruit tens of thousands of disciples.

After one month, the Qi Yunpai had almost moved to the fiefdom. Qiyun Tower, which stands between mountains at this moment, is flying in and out from time to time. In Qiyun Tower, Li Xing is discussing major issues with the people.

"After the Qiyun faction, we can develop with all our strength." Li Xingdao said, "In the near future, the Tianchen Kingdom will be the situation where the vassals are competing for hegemony. And the final result will be that several factions control the entire country. By then, will the Qiyun faction be able? If you have a place, it depends on your own strength and accumulation. Therefore, you must not relax, you must do your best. "

You Yuxu nodded and said, "Li Xing, your status and strength are above me. I am in charge of teaching. I decided to leave it to you."

Li Xing shook his head: "My energy is limited. It is up to you to take charge of this position."

Seeing Li Xing's disapproval, You Yu nodded: "It's okay, but you still have to make up your mind about major issues in the middle."

Now, Li Xing is Tianchen Fanghou and commander of Jin Yiwei. He has great power and high status, and has completely overwhelmed Yu Yuxu. In comparison, Li Xing is indeed more suitable for teaching.

Even if he refused at this time, You Yuxu wisely stated that in the future, Li Xing's will will prevail.

Gu Yeqi and Feng Jiu were both very excited, saying: "I Qi Yun faction will be able to carry forward, no matter who is in charge of teaching, we must unite as one and work hard to develop."

Everyone was deeply convinced, and on the spot, they formulated a plan for the development of the Qiyun School, such as recruiting disciples with all their strengths, raising the evaluation criteria for core disciples to the level of gods and so on.

Unconsciously, the three-month period has expired. Li Xing ordered everything to go alone to Tiandi City, the capital of the Emperor.

At the moment of Li Xing's departure, Tianchen's domestic situation suddenly changed. The Marshal of the Three Route Army, against water at the same time, not only retired independently, but also signed an armistice agreement with the rebellious three surnames.

At the same time ~ ~ The surnames of Tianchen, like consultations, have emerged one after another, standing on their own as kings. The Tianbo family, the Liu family, the Gu family, and the Wu family have a clear stand and are determined to rebel. Only the North Teachers did not state their position and were temporarily neutral.

As a result, a large number of princes declared their independence under the banner of allegiance to the emperor. In Tianchen, there are some big princes with great influence, and even the eight surnames dare not provoke them easily.

So, overnight, the kingdom of heaven split into hundreds of forces, big and small. The herds are coming together, and the era of chasing the world is here.

Changes come so fast and the scope is so wide. Even if the Beichen Royal is charming again, it will not be able to return to the sky. Only the matter of keeping the royal territory can be done.

When Li Xing entered Tiancheng City, he found that people were trembling, there were no people on the street, and the city was under martial law. Knowing that something had happened, he went straight to the East Palace and went to meet Bei Chenji first.

When Li Xing saw Bei Chenji, he found that this prince, who was supposed to be high above him, had a decadent look and was drinking alone.

When Li Xing got behind him, Bei Chenji ignored it, and only said to himself: "The world has been stolen by the rat generation, what a use me, my prince!"

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