Evil Monarch Wields Nine Yangs

Chapter 342: Soldiers do not tire

Chapter 30: Soldiers Are Not Bored

Hearing that the other side was actually an officer of Tianchen Kingdom, the soldiers rejoiced and worshiped the ground. One of them said loudly: "We are under the control of General Gu Xuan, see adults!"

Immediately, Li Xing asked in detail, the officer uttered a whisper and explained the matter clearly.

It turned out that just three days ago, a surprise army suddenly attacked the barracks. This team of assault soldiers, up to a hundred people, all of them are gods, powerful. Sum of them, how are ordinary soldiers an opponent?

One by one, a variety of exercises are performed, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, and the God blocks the Buddha. The Tianchen Army suffered heavy losses. Nine god-man officers were killed and more than 100,000 soldiers were beheaded.

The military camp was in chaos, and Gu Xuan was the first general to escape. If it wasn't for Guli, the result would be even worse and the losses would be even greater.

I heard the narrative, Li Xing secretly shocked, the enemy actually sent a hundred soldiers formed by the magical man, really a big deal! Presumably, none of the hundred gods and men are weak, who can stop them unless the mage comes forward?

No wonder even Jiu Lixiong couldn't resist it. In the face of such a strong enemy, no method was effective.

"Army, where are you now, you know?"

Several people did not know that they had separated from the large army and were also looking for it.

Li Xingdao: "You don't have to look for it, wait for my news here."

Immediately, Li Xing used his means to turn into a ray of divine light, and released a search of divine thoughts. This lasted three or four hours, and he finally found the position of the army.

Returning to his place, he engulfed a dozen soldiers with the divine light and rushed towards the army.

Far away, as soon as Li Xing Shenguang arrived, there were dozens of Shenguang greeted, sweeping across the sky with murderous spirit. Li Xing knew the misunderstanding and hurriedly said, "I am Li Xing, the quartermaster under General Gu Xuan!"

As soon as the voice fell, Shenguang stopped, and only one continued to fly, but it was Jiuli Xiong who greeted him.

"Brother!" Jiuli Xiong overjoyed.

Li Xingdao: "Brother, how is the situation? I already know the matter."

Jiu Lixiong sighed: "We are slow to react, and the loss is great. However, the other party will not come to sneak attack again. After all, these means can only be one, can no longer. Nearly a hundred gods have been organized here, they come again, Can't take advantage. "

Li Xing nodded: "Brother, take me to Gu Xuan."

"Well, he's looking for you these days." Jiulixiong nodded and took Li Xing to the general's account.

In the camp, Gu Xuan looked iron-blue. He was very angry, and his last defeat undoubtedly wiped out all his previous achievements, and may even be punished by the emperor.

"Damn rebels, how dare you deceive me so!"

Gu Xuan hit the table with one palm, and the table shattered.

"Report, Li Xing, Deputy Chief of Quartermasters, please." Someone came.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up: "Please!"

Li Xinglong walked into the camp: "Li Xing, his subordinate, see General Wanan."

Gu Xuan waved his hand: "You don't have to be courteous, you came just right. You have lost a lot recently. What can you do to restore the defeat?"

Li Xing thought about it and said, "The other party's success is because they concentrated their strongest forces in the shortest possible time to give the most immediate harm. For such an attack, if you are prepared, you will end up if you are not prepared. Embarrassed. "

"The fact that this defeat has already been achieved, what the general will do next is to fight a few beautiful battles. It doesn't matter how many enemies are killed, what is important is to win, a small victory is better, a big victory is better.

"Why is that?" Gu Xuan asked.

Li Xing laughed: "When the subordinates came in, they were unhappy to see the general. Presumably they were afraid of the emperor's blame. Victory or defeat is nothing but a defeat. It is nothing. As long as you win a few times, the emperor will never hold you.

"I understand what you said, but how do you win?"

Li Xing laughed: "Easy, let's treat others as they are. We have not fought, but we have an idea."

Gu Xuan was overjoyed and said, "Come on!"

Li Xingdao said: "The subordinates have just said that the other party can successfully attack because they have concentrated the strongest force and achieved the strongest destruction in the shortest time. Therefore, we can organize such a force."

"This power does not require too many people, but everyone must know **** and how to create confusion."

"This can be done. In our military camp, we can gather hundreds of gods and men." Gu Xuandao.

"But it is not enough to do so. It also needs to cooperate with strategies. As for what strategies are, let the subordinates sell a trick first."

Gu Xuan had great confidence in Li Xing and immediately patted the chopping board and screamed, "Okay, Li Xing, this general will seal you as the leader of the god-man, and Jiulixiong will be the deputy leader. You two will lead the hundred gods and attack the enemy ! "

Gu Xuan, since having ambitions, has been more diligent in doing things and acting quite decisively. He immediately gave an order and gave the task to Li Xing.

A few moments later, including Jiuliong, ninety-eight gods and men appeared in front of Li Xing. This group of gods and men, the strongest people, practiced the God of Seven, only three people. Six people who practiced God, nine. The rest are the first five to five of the gods.

Ninety-nine god-man stood outside the camp, Li Xing lived in front of Gu Xuan.

Xuandao Gu: "Everyone, during the extraordinary period, before this general declares the end of your mission, you must obey the command of Li Xingda. If you violate the rules, the military law will deal with it!"


Although they are all gods, soldiers are soldiers, and obedience is a heavenly duty, so no one objected, and no one felt that Li Xing was weak and unworthy to lead them.

"Very good, Li Xing, the rest is left to you." Gu Xuan smiled slightly and completely delegated power.

Li Xing nodded and said to the crowd: "Next, what I ask you to do, you just do it, let's go with me!"

Thousands of miles away, millions of rebels were stationed on the wide grasslands. Among the rebels, hundreds of gods were hidden, sitting in the army. Obviously, the enemy was also worried that the Tianchen Military Headquarters would also attack one by one, so it was well prepared.

At a distance of 30,000 miles, Li Xing, the group of gods, flew a day and a half before arriving at the other camp, thousands of miles away.

Having determined the position of the enemy camp, Li Xing immediately divided the hundred gods into two groups. There are two groups of gods and men, one of which includes three seven-level gods. In the other group, there are nine sixfold gods.

Li Xing itself, distributed in the second group.

After grouping, he instructed the first group of people: "You fifty people are responsible for constantly interfering with the enemy army. Remember, it is interference. The goal is not to kill the other party, but to attack the god-man who attacks them.

"There are three masters at the infant level. When you shoot, you must show your strength to the maximum. If the opponent chases, immediately retreat. If there are three masters, you will not lose money."

This group of gods and men all said, "Yes!"

He told another group: "Your group, hide your body with this leader, ready to attack at any time!"

Having said that, Li Xing once again introduced a method of information transmission, called the "Book of Mind", to impart to all. This book of mind is a small means, as long as it is the generation of Yuanshen, you can practice it, and you will learn it once you learn it.

Learning this method, between the two gods and men, within 100,000 miles, can communicate messages to each other, very convenient. Naturally, this law was taught by the evil.

After learning the book of mind, two groups of men and horses immediately proceeded according to Li Xing's arrangements.

The rebel camp, at this moment the men and women are resting, cooking smoke.

Suddenly, several strong divine thoughts were passed on all at once. Wherever these divine thoughts went, they directly killed the patriarch.

The divine thoughts of gods and men are not trivial. For some mentally weak nationals, they can be killed directly and efficiently.

Suddenly, the screams kept rising and hundreds of people were killed instantly. The god-man in the rebel camp was provoked, and more than a hundred violent thoughts struck back.

However, the thoughts from these attacks immediately disappeared and disappeared without a trace. The rebel gods were wary, fearing that the opponent would attack the west, so they dared not hunt.

Ten minutes later, the God of Mind attack began again, and the rebel god-man was angry again, and then counterattacked.

If so, the first group of gods and men dispatched by Li Xing harassed dozens of times in a row. The gods and men of the rebel army, no matter how good their patience, couldn't hold back, ten gods and men attacked and madly pursued.

However, the first group of people had already prepared and fled immediately. Among them, the three elementary infant gods are the best means to protect and avoid losses.

The enemy god-man chased for a while, unable to catch up, but chased farther and farther. Fearing that the barracks were empty and used by the enemy, they returned immediately.

However, the harassment started again as soon as he went back. This often relapsed, tossing all night, the rebel sergeants were frightened and some people had already begun to escape.

As soon as this happened, the rebel coach realized that the situation was serious. You know, if these sergeants feel that they may be killed by the enemy at any time, and their gods and gods are helpless, they may cause great chaos and even collapse.

Such things have happened more than once in history. Therefore, the coach made an immediate decision and came to many gods and men, and gave an order to immediately chase down the enemy and not make him repeat.

When the order was issued, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com. When a group harassed again, more than a hundred gods all attacked and tried to kill.

An hour later, the hunt continued.

At this moment, Li Xing received a message from a group of god-man with a spiritual book: The enemy chased thousands of miles away, I will wait for all my delays, please attack immediately!

Li Xing, these two groups of people, have been waiting for a long time. Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Xing shouted, "Kill the enemy with all your strength, rush!"

Fifty gods and men attacked with all their strength. Li Xing took the lead and cooperated with nine gods and gods. They released the thoughts and rushed to the enemy camp. Li Xing even released the invisible demon and the chaos.

For a moment, the chaotic will, and the invisible killing unfolded. One nation after another was beheaded and killed, with many deaths and injuries.

Among the enemy forces, there were eighteen gods and men in town. The eighteen men rushed out to fight immediately. The first person, thinking that Li Xing's strength was inferior, knocked the divine thoughts over.

Li Xing sneered, violent divine thoughts, fighting back. Suddenly, the lightning flashed in the air, and the god-man snorted, spitting blood.

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