Chapter 1367: Nine Yang Xiejun

Chapter 1367: Tu Ba

Upon hearing Li Xing's words so arrogant, the big man snorted: "Look at you bear-like, Grandma Di Laozi did not show the killer's trick, otherwise you'll end up with you soon."

Li Xing sneered: "Is it? If I do this, how long can you persist?"

Talking, he revealed the Supreme Supreme Beheading. As soon as this came out, it was terrifying and terrifying, and the terrible beasts on the entire wasteland shivered. They didn't even dare to call out.

The big man could see his eyes straight, and the cold sweat on his forehead came down. He wiped his sweat, and cursed, "Your grandma! Once this thing comes out, it will really kill me. But don't be proud, if I When you die, you can die with you. "

After all, this big man also showed a set of maps. As soon as this map appeared, there was a sky of murderousness, not inferior to Li Xing's Supreme Supreme Slash.

This time, it is called the Tian Luo Di net to kill the battle map. Once cast, the opponent will never escape, and will undoubtedly die.

Li Xing was startled, and said, "Good boy, you have hidden a hand."

"Grandma, you are not the same." Dahan was very upset. He wanted to teach Li Xing a meal but couldn't beat him.

Li Xing knew that this man was very powerful, and he could not do it, so he gave up the plan and said, "What is your man's name and where is he?"

The Han reluctantly said, "Where are you from and what is your name?"

Li Xingxin said that you would not suffer, so he said first, "My surname is Li, and the single name is" Xing ", and he is the number one emperor."

The big man then replied: "I'm Tu Tu, and I'm named Juli Tianzun.

Li Xing was taken aback, and said to himself that it is no wonder that you are so powerful, it turned out to be a strong ancient body in the ancient body.

After speaking, Tu Ba asked: "Your boy is very tough, is it also the ancient relics?"

Li Xingdao: "This is not true, but my constitution is a little stronger than yours."

Tu Ba was not convinced: "You can die without bragging!"

On the surface, the two were not convinced by each other. In fact, there was a feeling of cherishing each other in their hearts. The so-called hero is the hero. After fighting for a few words like this, You Xiang had already seen the minds of the two, and then she pouted and smiled, saying, "Two heroes, you have also beaten and said, have you wanted to drink a few glasses? I have a lot of good wine hidden in my plane. "

As soon as Tu Ba heard the wine, Harako almost came down, Li Xing also felt that his mouth was full of saliva, and he nodded.

This Tu Ba really has the courage to swallow the sky, and he entered the fragrant plane without hesitation, and ate with Li Xing. When they drank the first three glasses, the two only drank and did not look at each other.

But with three cups, the distance was close.

Tu Badao said, "Boy, look at you very patiently. Grandma Di Laozi has never met you so fiercely. I have a bit of admiration for you."

"Very cow, it looks stupid for you, but there are really two brushes, people can't help it." Li Xing also said.

The two looked at each other with a smile, and then started to push the cup for a change. After a while, they drank the fragrance of the fragrance. After drinking enough food, the two talents formally began to talk about mysteries.

This Tu Ba seems rough, but in fact, there are fine in the thick, and the wisdom is superb, which is not comparable to ordinary characters. Li Xing is even more insightful and has unfathomable means. The two admired each other, and both gave birth to friendship.

This sitting was three days, and after three days, the two had already joined hands and called each other brothers.

Everyone has his legend, and Tu Ba will share his life experience with Li Xing. Li Xing also talked about his own affairs with this new friend.

Tu Ba's experience is strange and his luck is comparable to Li Xing's life. He has a strong ancient body and talents, and has obtained a unique skill from ###. Later, after experiencing countless adventures and endless trials, I have achieved today's achievements.

This further deepened the relationship between the two, so on the sixth day, they worshiped and became brothers of different names.

Men and women can fall in love at first sight. In fact, men and men can also see each other as they are, and then they become friends with each other. This makes no sense at all.

At the time of worship, the two did not worship the heavens and the earth, but just hugged each other and became brothers. Li Xing was brother and Tu Ba was brother.

After worshiping, the two came out together and went through the barriers side by side. After learning that Li Xing wanted to capture the archaic fierce beasts and put them in the plane, Tu Ba admired him and said, "I said, brother, you are also ruthless. Do you dare to put these things into the plane? "

Li Xing said with a smile: "Jade can't think of anything, and let the children in the plane grow up in battle."

After listening to it, Tu Ba said, "Okay, I'll catch some, and put them in the plane to play with those eight grandsons."

As a result, the two teamed up and caught twelve beast kings and eighty beast kings. Among them, Li Xing ordered eight beast kings and five hundred beast kings to be put into the plane. The remaining four beast emperors and three hundred beast kings belonged to Tu Ba.

However, it is said that once these archaic fierce beasts entered the plane of the mixed element, the entire plane of the mixed element was in chaos. The powerful leader of the real people of the mixed Yuan immediately organized the real people of the mixed Yuan threatened by the beast, and retreated to a safe place. At the same time, a line of defense was also organized to resist the invasion of fierce beasts.

Besides, these fierce beasts, when they first arrived, were not very familiar with the environment. However, the peculiar civilization and rich resource environment in the plane of Hunyuan made them very comfortable, and I quickly liked this place.

These beasts are ruthless masters. Once settled, they began to expand around and set up their own territories. Soon ~ ~ The ancient beasts confronted the real people in the mixed Yuan, and they fought again and again.

In the beginning of the battle, the real person in the mixed Yuan fell into the wind and was defeated in a row and had to shrink the defense line. But because of this, the potential of real people in Yunyuan is being explored and growing rapidly.

In just over a month, a mixed Yuan real person broke into the thirties and became the main force to resist the beast attack. Even if the Beast Emperor appears, they can fight.

The task of beheading the three-headed beast king and the one-headed beast king was quickly completed. The next task is to enter the Manchu Hall, through the dangers in it, and then obtain the Archaic Beast Roll, so as to cultivate the nine kinds of beasts above.

At this level, Li Xing and Tu Ba broke through. When they entered the beast hall according to the map, they found that the monks had gathered thousands of people and were staying in the hall. They had not yet started the mission and seemed to be waiting for something.

Entering the hall, Tu Ba was unknown, and he patted the shoulder of the person in front of him, saying, "Your grandma, what are you waiting for?"

The man in front was a middle-aged monk, short and sturdy, turned his head suddenly when he heard the words, and stopped the fierce light. However, when he saw the strength of Tu Ba clearly, he accompanied a smiley and said, "The escalation of a sentence will make the adults drive, everyone is waiting."

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