Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1236: Surprise

"It’s not a blue-green spring, it’s driven by the immature power of annihilation, and it can exert such a terrible power.” The creation king looked at his chest and sighed.

The starry glass and the look of the burial sky add to the strength of this creation king, which is much stronger than they expected. He thought he was most similar to their father, but this blow is enough for them to know. He is more powerful than their father's shattered gods. Not only do they have any chance of winning, but they also add an equally terrible gale.

"The world of God has long withered. If you are mutually disabled, the blood of God will be cut off forever. If I don't want to fight with the hopes of you, I have vowed to live in Borneo. I have vowed not to ask the world again. It will not be as simple as the spirit of the war between God and man. The things that are not as simple as you know, the spirit, must not be broken..." The creation of the king of the king's arm slowly opened, space, suddenly began Slightly trembled, the endless space around it was like being pulled by countless hands, and all the restless movements

"This is... this is a strong space blockade to launch the precursors. He wants to block us all here," whispered in the grave.

"So, I can only temporarily block you here. After what I hope to see, I will unravel the blockade." The king of creation, Xu Xu said, his words also proved that the sound of the funeral was falling. The tremors of space have also increased several times. Ye Tianxie feels that his body is beginning to become heavy and heavier and heavier. The anxiety in his heart is a quick enlargement.

"Interrupt him immediately"

Even if he is the King of Creation, the space blockade that is necessary to launch a person who can close the strength of their three gods for a long time needs a relatively long period of time, as the creation king himself said, he does not want to do it with them. Therefore, the two sides have only collided a few times, and he has begun to condense the feeling of danger of the space power that they are blocking, telling Ye Tianxie that if they are really completed by his cohesive force, the three of them will be completely locked. Here, it is difficult to escape

The body of Ye Tianxie turned into a dazzling Jinmang. When he first rushed to the body of the King of Creation, he was greeted by the storm of destruction that was enough to destroy the space into a black hole. He faced the storm of destruction personally. I understand why the funeral sky and the star glass have revealed that the storm is not approaching when it comes to the wind and the gods. He has already felt that his body has been forcibly terminated by the tearing of the body, and then he was forced to smash. Blowing out if he wants tough forward, the invincible wind blade is enough to tear his body

"Brother, let's resist the gale, you interrupt him."

In the ear, there was a shout of star-shaped glass. She waved the blue and yellow springs and tried her best to dispel the storm. The gods are now in their infancy, and the power is not mature. Otherwise, even if the stars are in the hands of the blue springs, it is difficult. Directly facing this ruined storm, the burial sky followed, the blue arm directly caught the gale, but hit the tough space barrier, the space barrier turbulent, a small range of small cracks, burial The sky was bounced off, and suddenly the teeth of the world could not be shattered by the creation of the King of Heaven. The gap between him and the king of creation is completely in front of the creation king. The three of them are like three. A child who just learned to fight, facing an adult with incomparable experience


The moment of destiny hits the space barrier hit before the funeral day, a sound is heard, the barrier is broken, and Ye Tianxie is not declining, and the creation of the king of the gods and the creation of the king of the gods keeps the hands open. Change, only a slight movement of the finger... Instantly, Ye Tianxie’s body suddenly settled, and he was blocked by death, and then the locked space exploded.


A sigh of sorrow, Ye Tianxie flew out of the terrible power of the space burst, and the body was torn open. More than a dozen long scars. He stopped his body, wiped the corners of the bleeding, cold Ruan said: "If you completely shred my body, don't want to annihilate my determination to destroy the Tianyun Spirit, and bury the sky."

A loud scream, Ye Tianxie once again lifted the moment of destiny, rushed to the creation of the gods of the Stars and the funeral days also immediately met, and he would meet in one place, while attacking to face this terrible opponent, scattered power roots Unable to bring threatening power to him, they can work together to resist the storm of destruction of the gale and the space blockade of the King of Creation, and it is possible to put pressure on the King of Creation.

The gale screams and screams, and the wings of the inexhaustible gods sway again, creating the next storm of destruction. The star glaze immediately comes forward, and the blue phoenix is ​​swung forward, and the soul of Ye Tianxie is heard in the heart: "No. Take care of it, you two directly suppress the creation king from the side, believe me"

Star Glass never has any resistance to Ye Tianxie's words. She and the funeral Tian Xun transferred their position, and at the moment when the destruction storm was released, they respectively tore the space and came to the left and right position of the creation king, and then The unsettled bombardment of the destructive power of the cohesiveness turned to him.


The creation king did not dodge, perhaps facing this immature divine attack, he did not evade the necessary star glass and the burial attack all hit the space barrier that he quickly formed, after the loud noise, the space barrier broke Their violent power did not infiltrate into it. At this time, the storm of destruction of the gale gods was released, and they went straight to Ye Tianxie. However, facing the terrible storm that was enough to smash his body into pieces, Ye Tianxie did not retreat, but rushed up with the fastest speed.

"Brother" star glass screamed, the little face suddenly became pale, the creation of the king of God is also a slight glimpse, he subconsciously wants to take the hand off Ye Tianxie, do not want him to be buried in the storm of destruction, but, It’s a short time when the flash is not as good as a flash, how can he get it?

The devastating storm hit the front of Ye Tianxie, and that was the moment, so that they could not believe the scene of their eyes... They saw a bit of glaring green glory, followed by the violent destruction The storm suddenly stopped, then suddenly reversed, rolled to the rear, went straight to the creation king and the gale

The creation king is in a state of condensing divine power to release the strongest space blockade. It has just taken over the joint attack of the star glass and the burial sky. The body and consciousness enter a very short period of stagnation, and the devastating storm suddenly reverses. The king and the gale of the gods were completely unprepared, and the storm that was swept by the wind at the same time naturally did not hurt the creation king and the gale, but flew out their bodies to the band.

The storm of destruction of the gale gods is indeed terrible. However, this kind of storm is not a power storm, but a wind element with a density that is terrible. When the gale gods are launched for the first time, he has already determined The ability to control the elements, under the circumstance, what can be compared with the moment of fate, he was previously ruined by the storm of destruction, completely deliberately wanting him, it is the short gap that the creation king is not caught by surprise.


At the moment when the creation king and the gale gods were reversed by the devastating storm, a white mang appeared behind the creation king, and the shock reached the unprepared creation king.


The space power of the creation king of the king was completely dispelled, and the body was also separated from the back of the gale god. The beggar hit the position where he was in the sky, showing the figure of Beckham, the big cat claw The last blow of the light of the nightmare on the glove is the paradise of heaven that can make the body completely stiff in the air after the hit.

After approaching the North Gate, Ye Tianxie put all the cockroaches, Beckham, Kaka, and the ball away, unless it was absolutely necessary, otherwise it would be a stupid four partners who were hidden by him. One of his cards looked up to the king of the creation **** who was shot, and Ye Tianxie’s body vacated, and instantly approached the position of the creation king, the light of the destiny shines, the ruthless cutting His body

It is a beast of the nightmare that makes God stunned. Her moment of heaven not only dissipates the power of the powerful King of Creation, but also the body that is being shot in the same state in the air. He can't completely resist the nightmare power of Beckham.

"Destiny Seven Kills"

In the face of the creation of the king of the gods, who has no defense, Ye Tianxie has sent him a strike of sanctions... a heavy cut on his body.

Suddenly, the colors of the seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple will be surrounded by the creation king. The atmosphere of the self-created king is weak. Many final sanctions are two. Purple... The moment of the fate of the release of the sanctions has also fully recovered in an instant, purple, meaning that he will immediately use the "destiny seven kills" sanctions again.

The power of the creation king was completely weakened, and it also entered the state of 5 seconds of loss of soul. Unconsciously, the body was free to fall, and Ye Tianxie sighed out with a sigh of relief. Suddenly, an extremely dangerous atmosphere approached from behind. He didn't return to God, took a sigh of relief, and a group of Jin Mang suddenly exploded on his body...


The dragon soul roars, and the deterrent spirit is about to touch the body of the celestial body of Ye Tianxie. The body trembles, and even the long sounds have not been sent, but they have fallen. At the same time, the spiritual world has no defense. Under the influence of the roar of the dragon soul, he was caught in a coma state. In the case of defense, the glass can easily block the roar of the dragon soul. In the face of the creation king who is far superior to the star glass, he does not use the dragon soul roar, but Used at this time, and simultaneously stunned the creation king and the gale god

With the skyrocketing power of Ye Tianxie, the power of the dragon soul roaring has long since stunned the dragon soul roaring, and he has not known it, because he has never tried it since then, but at least In the past, I glanced at the founding gods and gale gods in the fall. He did not stop, but took back Beckham and rushed to the east with his fastest speed...

"Star glass, burying the sky, entangled them"

The voice of Ye Tianxie came from the east where he disappeared. The star glass would shoot down the blue spring from the air, and the side of the creation **** who fell in the coma would follow, and the purple aura on the blue spring would release the purple aura. The body of the **** of creation and the **** of the wind shrouded the starry glass, and whispered, "Brother, you can safely destroy the spirit... We will drag them..."

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