Everything Starts From BTTH

Chapter 145 Ultraman Tiga (For Subscription, For Tickets)

With the filming of the camera, all the pictures of the scene were broadcast to major TVs. At this time, all TV stations were converted into this live video. This battle is a battle related to the future of mankind. It is composed of elites from various countries. If the Salvation Team can't defeat monsters, can humans still deal with monsters?

"It's so big!" Looking at the horned beast coming out of the deep sea, the 50-meter-high horned beast is equivalent to the height of a ten-story building. The scene looks really shocking. These are not far from the battlefield. The reporters, even in the helicopter, were taken aback by the monster's ferocity.

"Can they really win?" The baby looked at the huge monster that appeared on the TV, the fierceness that could be felt through the TV screen, asked worriedly, and then squeezed into Xiao Xie's arms , it seems to be more secure.

"It's okay, I have everything." Xiao Xie hugged the baby softly and comforted, but Xiao Xie knew in his heart that it was impossible for these people to defeat this monster known as the horn-winged beast, like the most powerful one on earth now The weapon is a nuclear bomb, but if a large-yield nuclear bomb is used to deal with a monster, then the final result is that humans and monsters are buried together, but if a small-yield nuclear bomb is used, this monster cannot be dealt with.

"The target appears, be sure to intercept it outside the city, and the Red Star missile is ready for a positioning strike."

"Red Star Missile, ready to complete, launch (shoot shè) countdown, ten, nine, eight... three, two, one, launch (shoot shè)!" Following the command of the headquarters, one hundred missiles were enough to flatten an island. The red star missile shot up into the sky and flew towards the horned beast (body shēn) approaching the city.

"Boom boom boom..."

A violent explosion sounded, forming a huge cloud of smoke and dust in a radius of several kilometers.

"Did it succeed?" Everyone looked at the huge smoke with anticipation.

"How is that possible?!" The smoke cleared, and the exposed horn-winged beast only retreated a few hundred meters without any scars on its body. Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"What's going on?" Xiao Xie also had a solemn expression on his face. According to his observation, the destructive power of this monster is equivalent to that of a Dou Ancestor-level powerhouse, and its defense should not be so high, look. There is something that has been neglected by myself.

"Hahaha... Mebada is not so easy to deal with, absorbing energy is Mebada's housekeeping skills!" The alien leader You Qi looked at the video of Mebada fighting with humans and laughed loudly, If Mebada didn't have any special ability, how could he say that fifty Mebadas would be able to help them take back Saimo! This Mebada monster can absorb all kinds of energy, unless the energy exceeds its absorption limit at one time (sexual xìng), or it is decapitated, otherwise it will not die.

"Prepare to launch (shoot shè) nuclear bombs!" The people at the headquarters were also taken aback by the pictures passed over, gritted their teeth, and ordered, they didn't want to use this as a last resort. A lose-lose approach.

"The preparation of the nuclear bomb is completed, the countdown to launch (shoot shè), ten, nine, eight... three, two, one, launch (shoot shè)!" With the command of the headquarters, a small nuclear warhead of 10,000 equivalent was loaded. The missile launched (shot shè) out.


"How is this possible, it was absorbed!"

This time, there was no smoke and dust, and everyone could see clearly. The moment the nuclear bomb hit the monster (body shēn), just as it was about to explode, they saw a red light emitting from the monster (body shēn), and then that A huge amount of energy was absorbed by it.

"No, it's injured!" Seeing the round wound with a radius of one meter at the mouth of the horned beast, the commander exclaimed in surprise, as long as it can be injured, even a nuclear bomb can't hurt it. to it, otherwise there is no need to fight.


The horned beast roared angrily, a single horn on its head, and a red laser flashed, smashing a fighter into pieces. After smashing a fighter into pieces, another red laser was emitted, smashing another fighter into pieces.

"Damn! Flying Eagle Squad, spread out, attack freely, hold it, and don't let it enter the city!" The commander looked at the live video and shouted angrily, just before the monster didn't respond, It was caught off guard, and I didn't expect it to destroy two fighter jets in the blink of an eye.

"Understood!" After receiving the commander's order, the remaining fighters began to attack around the horned beast, attracting it, otherwise it would enter the city and more people would be killed and injured.

"Baby, I'll go to the toilet." Xiao Xie greeted the baby and went to the bathroom.

"Go ahead!" The baby stared at the TV closely, which is related to the future war of mankind, attracting all the people in front of the TV.

"Shadow separation (body shēn) technique!"

Xiao Xie made a seal with both hands, separated a shadow (body shēn), and then took out the spark prism, let Ultraman deal with the monster! Although the shadow part (body shēn) will disappear when attacked, but after the shadow part (body shēn) uses the spark prism to transform into Ultraman Tiga, he will appear in the body of Ultraman Tiga (body shēn). There will be an oolong situation that disappears when attacked.

"Next, I'll leave it to you." Xiao Xie handed the Spark Prism to Shadow Fen (body shēn).

"Don't worry! Main body, I know what to do." Shadow Fen (body shēn) took the spark prism, opened the bathroom window and flew out.

"Baby, how is the situation now?" Xiao Xie walked out of the bathroom and asked the baby.

"The Salvation Team is dragging the monster's footsteps, but it doesn't seem to be able to stop it for long." Baby said with a worried look.

"It's okay, humans won't lose so easily." Xiao Xie put the baby in his arms and comforted.

Baby put his face on Xiao Xie's mouth and asked worriedly: "What if monsters appear in our city? Those superheroes, why haven't they appeared, Iron Man and magicians, they just see it like this Killing with monsters?"

Xiao Xie stroked the baby's cheek and comforted: "Don't worry, superheroes will appear."

"The Eagle Squad asks for support!" Another fighter was destroyed. The Eagle Squad, originally composed of ten fighters, now only has five fighters left.

"Even if you send more fighter jets, you can only hold back the monster's footsteps. There is no way but to launch a large-yield nuclear bomb. Otherwise, once the monster enters the city, the consequences will be unimaginable." The commander gritted his teeth and said: "Prepare to launch (shoot) a high-yield nuclear bomb!"

"The preparation of the nuclear bomb is complete, the countdown to launch (shoot shè), ten, nine, eight...three, two."

"What is that? Stop the nuclear bomb (shoot shè)!" At the critical moment, the commander stopped the nuclear bomb (shoot shè), and looked solemnly at the rapidly approaching unknown object displayed on the radar.

"Hurry up and use the satellite to call up the image of this unknown object. What is it? The speed is so fast that it has reached Mach 10!" The commander quickly ordered, this fast approaching the battlefield, what is the unknown object? Is it a new monster, or something else?

"This is!" Looking at the images sent back by the satellite, everyone in the command base was shocked.

"That's it? Ultraman Tiga!" The pilot driving the fighter jet shouted in shock as he looked at the giant falling from the sky. Although he didn't watch TV series like Ultraman to coax children, his own son (Love ài) Look, but isn't this Ultraman made up? How could it really appear? The pilot felt that his worldview had completely collapsed.

(Love ài) (Love qíng) The crowd watching live TV together in the apartment looked shocked at the giant who suddenly appeared on the battlefield. I saw that the giant (body shēn) was about the same height as the monster, (body shēn) body The lines are red, purple and white, and a pair of eyes glowing like duck eggs.

"Yeah! Ultraman finally appeared!" Zhan Bo exclaimed excitedly.

"Come on! Ultraman Tiga has really appeared!" Guan Gu was also very excited, (body shēn) as a cartoonist, seeing the Ultraman in the anime appear in life, his heart (emotion qíng) As you can imagine.

"Am I crazy or the world is crazy!" Hu Yifei said in disbelief.


Other people around the world who were watching in front of the TV were all boiling when they saw this scene.

"My God! Our true savior has really appeared! Tiga!"

"Tiga has appeared, the monster is going to be unlucky, hahaha..."

"Tiga, avenge my parents by killing this abominable monster!"


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