The worm was about to hatch.

Not good!

Are they still a step too late?

The Insect King has already successfully hatched?

How is this possible?

Yun Mengyan in the ship looked at the scene in front of her with disbelief.

There are more and more cracks on the eggs, and the creatures in them seem to be eager to break out of the cocoon!

"This is impossible! Even if this planet is completely drained, the energy in it is not enough to support the hatching of the Insect King."

"It is indeed impossible!"

But now in front of them is an Insect King egg that is about to hatch.

And at this moment, a small arm suddenly stretched out from the egg.

Seeing this arm, all the sleepers were stunned.

Because what was presented to them was not the expected Zerg limbs.

On the contrary, a pink and delicate little girl, who looked like a doll, struggled out of the insect egg.

She fell to the ground and immediately made a soft sound of "嘤嘤嘤".

"Wuwuwu, it hurts..."

"Where is this place, why is it so dark..."

"Where are my family? Where are my parents?"

The harmless little girl curled up on the ground pitifully and helplessly.

The sleepers around them didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

In their expectations, weren't they facing the powerful and vicious Zerg King?

But what about this little girl in front of them?

Did they make a mistake?

No matter how you look at it, the little girl in front of them is just a weak human larva.

"Did we make a mistake?"

Even the legion commander Yun Mengyan in the bridge couldn't help but frown.

Yin Yue was also a little confused. Why did such a little girl appear when the eggs of the insect king should have been hatched?

At this time, Lu Jin's cold and ruthless voice rang in the ears of all the sleepers.

"Kill her."

Lu Jin's eyes were cold and without any emotion.

The legion leader Yun Mengyan and Yin Yue beside him did not expect Lu Jin to be so decisive in order to kill the little girl.

Didn't he hesitate at all?

"You must remember that the Void Zerg is a group that will do anything to survive."

"They have no virtues. Everything they do is a genetic trend."

"A pure, emotionless, real beast!"

Lu Jin ordered again, and one of the sleepers took the lead and walked towards the little girl.

He raised the grenade launcher in his hand.

At this time, the little girl's eyes showed a trace of fear.

She huddled in the ruins, shivering, and her piercing eyes exuded a weak breath.

"You...are you going to kill me?"

At this moment, even the battle-hardened Sleeper was a little shaken.

But at the moment he was shaken, a black shadow attacked him with lightning speed!

The sharp claws pierced through the Sleeper's body.

At this time, the other Sleepers realized that a large number of insect swarms had surrounded them.

And the little girl stood in the center of the insect swarm, sweeping away the pitiful and helpless atmosphere before.

Scales grew on her body, and fangs like beasts grew in her mouth.

Instantly, she had turned into a terrifying monster.

"Insect swarms, give everything for your queen!"

At this moment, all the Sleepers knew.

Because of their hesitation, the Insect King got a chance to breathe.

The endless insect swarm instantly enveloped the Insect King.

Not long after, a huge giant Insect King composed of all the insect swarms appeared in the sleepers' field of vision.

As the Insect King waved his hand, the tide of insects immediately devoured all the sleepers.

In just one encounter, all the sleepers who had just entered the cave were transformed into nutrients for evolution by the Insect King.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jin couldn't help but frown.

"This Insect King must have forced himself to break out of the cocoon and be reborn. It wants to use the remaining insect swarms to escape our encirclement!"

"The insect swarm has now been condensed into a rock. If you want to defeat these insect swarms again, you must use weapons of mass destruction!"

At this time, the legion leader Yun Mengyan stood up.

She was extremely regretful at this moment. As a legion leader, she was actually inferior to Lu Jin in her judgment just now.

Although even if the Sleeper Legion had taken action before, it might not have been able to

The Zerg King caused substantial damage.

But she had fought against the Zerg for many years, but was deceived by the Zerg's weak disguise.

This was her shame, and she had to get back at it!

"In the hangar of the Silence Coffin, there is a Legion-level Titan."

"I will drive the Legion-level Titan to fight against the Zerg King."

With that, the Legion Commander Yun Mengyan left.

Coming to her cabin, Yun Mengyan looked at the psychic amplification cabin in front of her like a petri dish.

She took a deep breath and stepped into it again.

Connecting the line to her interface, a large amount of nutrient solution covered her.

At this moment, Yun Mengyan's consciousness was once again connected to the psychic space of the Sleeper Legion.

In this space, the sleepers who were killed by the Zerg King before were standing in this space and did not wake up immediately.

"Damn it! If I had pulled the trigger, so many people wouldn't have died!"

"No need to regret, that's the Insect King. This is the first time we've encountered such a disguise, but it's also the last time!"

"What should we do next? If the Insect King really escapes, the entire star sea will be plunged into an endless insect disaster!"

"Even if it's a Titan mecha, it's a bit difficult to intercept the Insect King!"

"Ordinary Titan mechas are indeed not good, but what if it's a legion-level Titan?"

Yun Mengyan's figure appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw the figure of the legion leader, the morale of the Sleepers rose again.

After all, Yun Mengyan was able to become the legion leader of the Sleeper Legion, and she still had basic leadership charisma.

And the Sleepers were even more excited when they heard about the legion-level Titan.

Because the legion-level Titan of the Sleepers is a powerful Titan mecha that only Yun Mengyan can control.

Only Yun Mengyan, the legion leader's psychic level, plus combat experience, can perfectly control one of their Sleeper Legion's trump cards!

Legion-level Titan, Death!

"I'm ready, I will bring honor to the Sleeper!"

[Authorization successful, Legion-level Titan "Death" has been successfully activated. ]

In the psychic space, Yun Mengyan's figure gradually turned into a series of data and disappeared.

When Yun Mengyan opened her eyes again, her perspective was already inside a Titan mecha.


Lu Jin in the bridge saw the huge launch button on the screen and couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Legion-level Titan, Death!

Let me see the real trump card of the Sleeper Legion.

Can it turn the tide of the battle!

[Authorization passed! Start launching! ]

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