However, facing such a problem, Lu Jin already had a solution.

Next, the planet he was going to was a resource planet that had not been fully developed.

Although it was as difficult as climbing to the sky to find an undeveloped resource planet in the outer sea of ​​stars.

But in Lu Jin's memory, in an undeveloped galaxy called "Extreme Cold Galaxy".

There was a planet covered by ice and snow all year round!

On that planet, a special mineral called "Frost Spirit Crystal" was bred.

Frost Spirit Crystal can not only be used as an energy mineral, but its own luster and toughness also make it active in the field of jewelry and forging!

Of course, all of this will only appear after the Gem Family of the Brilliant Galaxy discovers it half a year later.

Today, it is still in a wasteland, and the civilization on it is estimated to be still in the primitive tribal era!

At this time, it is a great opportunity for Lu Jin to make a fortune from it!

Thinking of this, Lu Jin opened the operation panel and unfolded the star map.

After setting the coordinates of the extremely cold galaxy, he directly drove the engine to increase the speed of the ship to the highest.

Until the speed of the ship reached its peak, Lu Jin decisively started the jump!

The figure of the starship suddenly disappeared!

A few days later, when the figure of the starship appeared again, it had arrived in a strange galaxy.

The stars in this galaxy are still in their infancy!

The faint light also symbolizes that the galaxy in front of him is gradually giving birth to civilization.

And Lu Jin stood in front of the window of the corridor, looking at the vast sea of ​​stars in front of him.

Finally, his eyes fell on a planet emitting an ice-blue glow!

That was his target planet!

The "Snowfield Star" was called "Ice Sapphire" by people in later generations.


At this moment, Lu Jin heard a muffled sound.

Lu Jin has become accustomed to such unusual movements these days.

In the training room, Xue Liya looked at Yu Tiancang in front of her, her eyes filled with the pleasure of revenge.

Yu Tiancang on the opposite side climbed up from the ground and couldn't help but take a breath.

"Did you really only release one percent of your strength?"

"Of course! Otherwise, with your physical fitness, you would have been beaten into a pulp by me!"

"Why do I feel like you are taking revenge on me?"

"How could that be? In the fighting skills training class, you only knocked me down nine times!"

Sure enough!

Yu Tiancang couldn't help but curse in his heart!

The little girl on the opposite side really hated him for attacking her in the fighting skills training class.

In the fighting skills training class, Yu Tiancang specially adjusted her strength attribute to the same level as himself in order to better train Xueliya.

Only in this way can her combat ability be better trained!

Xueliya has the natural combat power of the hunting dragon clan, and the only thing she lacks is combat experience and skills.

Because of this, Lu Jin will give Xueliya to Yu Tiancang for training.

In terms of combat experience and skills, no one is more suitable to train Xueliya than Yu Tiancang!

Just when Xueliya was about to attack again, the hatch of the training room opened and Lu Jin stood at the door.

Seeing Lu Jin's figure, Yu Tiancang immediately reacted and did not give Xueliya a chance to retaliate, and went straight to Lu Jin.

"Are we there yet?"


Along the way, Yu Tiancang asked Lu Jin about his next destination.

But to this question, Lu Jin just answered that the planet they were going to next was a resource planet.

And it was a resource planet that had not been discovered and developed by any force!

They need to obtain enough resources on this planet.

Then they can sell them in the Brilliant Galaxy to obtain funds for interstellar navigation!

Yu Tiancang was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

If it was in the Endless Star Sea, it would not be difficult to find a resource planet.

But this is the outer area of ​​the star sea, and the planets that can collect a large amount of resources have long been divided up by major forces.

Facing an area with a development level of up to 90%, how could Lu Jin find an undeveloped resource planet?

Now, the ship landed in this extremely cold land!

The moment the hatch opened, endless wind and snow hit us.

Even wearing protective clothing, you can feel the harsh environment brought by this planet!

Seeing this, Yu Tiancang couldn't help but complain.

"The temperature of this planet is so low, are you sure this is a planet?"

A resource planet that has not yet been developed? "

Before Yu Tiancang's voice fell, a group of figures appeared in the wind and snow.

The figures were extremely blurred in the wind and snow.

When they got closer, everyone realized that it was a group of dwarves wearing animal fur, dragging carts of goods to somewhere.

They drove long-haired creatures like yaks, carrying goods on wooden sleds one after another.

And the so-called goods were many special ores similar to ice.

These special ores have lines flowing inside, and this feature is also the difference between ordinary ice and ores.

"We are really lucky. "

Lu Jin saw the caravan and walked straight towards them.

Seeing someone approaching, the dwarves of the caravan immediately became alert!

They all took out their weapons.

But the so-called weapons were just simple stone tools like stone hammers and stone axes.

Seeing this, Lu Jin took out the alloy materials that he had prepared long ago.

Throwing the alloy materials to the dwarves, the dwarves immediately realized that these alloy materials were far better than the materials they were using now after some confirmation!

So, one of the dwarves came over and handed the ore on the vehicle to Lu Jin.

Obviously, he wanted to use these ores to exchange for the alloy in Lu Jin's hand.

But at this time, Lu Jin decisively chose to raise the price. If he wanted to get a piece of alloy material, he had to trade with a large amount of ore.

After some discussion, the dwarves decisively chose to trade alloy with Lu Jin with these ores.

For them, these ores can be obtained continuously as long as they are mined.

But the alloy material in Lu Jin's hand is a rare existence!

Soon, the mighty convoy finally turned into a sled full of alloy.

The dwarves happily pulled the sled and ran towards their settlement.

The speed was so fast that they disappeared in an instant.

"This is the unique resource on this planet, the Frost Spirit Crystal! "

Frost Spirit Crystal?

Yu Tiancang took a step forward and took out a piece from the many ores.

Turning on the detection function of the microcomputer, Yu Tiancang carefully scanned the Frost Spirit Crystal.

[Detecting the ore...]

When he saw the data results of the Frost Spirit Crystal, Yu Tiancang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

This turned out to be an energy ore with extremely high energy density?

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