The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

And this terrifying level jump.

It was actually realized in this day? If others knew, they would probably pop their eyes out.

From Bai Yi's perspective.

He just killed an unknown BOSS, and he didn't even participate in the battle.

But in the eyes of others.

This unknown BOSS represents mystery and means that touching it will lead to death!

The professionals who discovered the unknown BOSS are pioneers, who can survive from the claws of the unknown BOSS and announce it.

But they may never be the first to discover it.

The so-called survivor bias is also like this. People don't know how many people died at the hands of the unknown BOSS before this group of people discovered it.

Maybe...hundreds, or even more.

The unknown BOSS of [Tidal Disaster] has now been discovered and killed by Bai Yi.

Just discovering it is extremely difficult, not to mention killing it without any information.

This is definitely not something that ordinary professionals can do.

Even well-trained super elite professional teams have to consider whether they are qualified.


Although Bai Yi's nearly 1000w sky-high experience income was unexpected, it was reasonable!

Such terrifying experience.

If you keep killing Naga Siren, how many will you have to kill?

If you don't mention the experience reduction, you have to kill at least a hundred, but even professionals of the same level have to form a five-person team to ensure a perfect kill.

If five people form a team.

If you kill ten in a day, it will take nearly a whole year to get such a huge amount of experience!

But this is also the best situation. Who can guarantee that there will be no accidents? Can you kill perfectly every time? Can you find and kill ten every day?

In short.

Bai Yi has gained this huge amount of experience, which is also quite explosive in the entire professional circle.

At this time.

Bai Yi looked at the frequent upgrade prompts and just came back to his senses.

Shaking his head, putting aside his complicated thoughts, he started to do the first thing.

And this thing.

It is not to look at his own panel, nor to start to upgrade the skill level.


"Fill up the water element." Waving his hand, Bai Yi immediately issued an order.

That's right.

It is to salvage the broken water element core.

Just kidding, this level of terrifying BOSS, how can you not try to transform it into a shadow subordinate.

Except for the full mechanical body, as long as it is rated as a "monster" by the professional system, Bai Yi has not been unable to extract it as a shadow subordinate.

Just imagine.

What kind of scene would it be if such a terrifying BOSS became a subordinate?

Not long.

When Bai Yi issued the order, the group of shadow Nagas and elements floating on the sea and in the sea immediately took action.

Salvaged the completely broken and dissipated water element core.

This action took a lot of time.


It did not exceed the time limit for shadow extraction, otherwise Bai Yi might not be able to sleep.

The original island.

The tide has receded, and this place has returned to a small piece of land and a beach, but it is a little wet and muddy.

Bai Yi stood here, watching the broken water element core floating from the sea.

Below were several shadow Nagas dragging it, and dozens of shadow elements surrounded it to stabilize the whole so that it would not collapse.

Soon, the whole core was lifted up.

While splashing a little water, the whole water element core, including the shell, completely came into Bai Yi's eyes.

Without wasting a moment, Bai Yi activated his professional skill.

Shadow Extraction!

The next moment.

The shadow began to revolve around the center.

It was as dazzling as a kaleidoscope.

It was simply a black ocean vortex!

The vortex was spinning, and the shadows around it floated into the air, forming a semi-virtual upside-down triangle.


In silence, the whole was quickly formed.

It was like the last step of the Rubik's Cube, everything seemed natural.

A monster that looked beautiful at first glance.

But a closer look showed that it did not exist in the world.


Its appearance directly smashed the remaining body of the water element core that was blocking it from above!

After smashing the remaining core, it

After the body, it slowly floated in the air.

The whole body is more than one person tall.

The four sides present twisted and grotesque triangular shapes.

If you want to call it, you can only use academic tone to call it a complete form composed of the ‘Penrose Triangle’.

If you use the tone of ordinary people, you can only say:


The water element core that was originally stable on the seabed, after the shadow was extracted and transformed into a shadow subordinate.

It miraculously has the ability to float in the air.

Bai Yi saw all this in his eyes. Perhaps the shadow subordinates he extracted have made progress beyond the ‘main body’.

Perhaps it is related to the improvement of each professional skill.

Or perhaps.

It is only because he is getting stronger and stronger that the extracted shadows will evolve more and more.


These are not so important to Bai Yi.

The most important thing at this time is that Bai Yi can’t help but want to check the quality of the new shadow!

With a thought, the exploration is instantly performed.

[Shadow Henchmen: Shadow Water (BOSS level)]

[Level: Level 54]

[HP: 288w\288w]

[Comprehensive attack power: 0]

[Skills: A-level [Cluster Thinking], S-level [Water Transfiguration], B+-level [Water Healing], C-level [Shock Wave]]

[Cluster Thinking: Possessing the ability to connect all water transformations, one thought transforms into everything, everything is one]

[Water Transfiguration: Possessing the ability to initially control water, and can attach thoughts to it, transforming it into a separate individual, and its individual strength is related to the attached thoughts]

[Water Healing: Absorbing surrounding seawater, can restore itself to a certain extent]

Seeing the introduction of these powerful skills, Bai Yi was really enlightened.

Skills that he had not come into contact with much.

This time, he actually saw such an exaggerated skill effect directly.

S-level [Water Transfiguration], no wonder it can form such a brutal combat power in the ocean, and even be immune to physical attacks!

Besides, this B+ level [Water Healing], although it doesn't feel like anything.

But the recovery speed is really terrifying. Just think about how long the shadow attacked, and it is not difficult to know how terrifying the recovery speed is hidden under the appearance of this B+ level.

After getting this Shadow Water.

Bai Yi's first feeling was excitement and excitement.

It's like playing a game, usually only some excellent level garbage equipment, and suddenly picking up dazzling legendary quality at this moment.

But after thinking about it, Bai Yi quickly calmed down.

This Shadow Water.

Although the advantage is great, the activation condition is...

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