The more you fight, the more you will lose.

5Stand up

Comprehensive combat power refers to the average value of other qualities except mental power, which can directly show combat power.

But in actual combat, there may be monsters that are good at speed and monsters with high health due to high physique.

"An average of 4 points? It's as good as ordinary teenagers."

"No wonder new professionals have to form a team, otherwise any monster would be a threat."

Glancing at the shadow who was ready to go but still guarding beside him, Bai Yi ordered: "Go kill these monsters."

The next moment.

The shadow held the [Walker Dagger] in his hand a little tighter, and in less than a blink of an eye, he ran out and headed straight for the iron-eating rats.

"This speed is very fast." Bai Yi commented, and then saw Shadow attacking.

The crushing of several times the quality made Shadow kill a few iron-eating rats easily.

But even so, Shadow was always in the most peak combat state, like a lion hunting a hare, always using all his strength, never slacking off.

[Kill the monster [iron-eating rat], experience +5]

[Kill the monster [iron-eating rat], experience +5...]

The corpses of three iron-eating rats were scattered randomly in the jungle, and their own deaths had turned into experience to fill Bai Yi.

Bai Yi thought about it and saw the experience slot appear.

[Player: Bai Yi]

[Level: Level 1 (15\40)]

"Not bad, another 5 will be enough to level up. These iron-eating rat corpses are suitable for trying out my professional skills."

Bai Yi nodded and quickly came to the corpses of the iron-eating rats.

He stared at her and said slowly, "Stand up."

[Special Skill - Shadow Extraction, activated]

The next moment.

The bodies of the basketball-sized iron-eating rats changed, and the shadows on the side began to wriggle constantly.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, they began to turn into strands of black lines of substantial shadows, and soon combined into entities in mid-air.

Three iron-eating rat shadow subordinates were born!

Their properties were the same as their original bodies, but the bodies made of shadows were really chilling.

"Very good, my legion will expand from now on."

As Bai Yi gave the order.

The three shadow iron-eating rats began to disperse and began to look for other prey.

After finding the target, the shadow would kill it at a flying speed and bring back the body, and Bai Yi would transform it into a shadow subordinate again.

Not long after.

Bai Yi felt his first upgrade.

[Player: Bai Yi]

[Profession: Shadow King (unique)]

[Level: Level 2 (0\280)]

[HP: 590\590]

[Basic attack power: 50]

[Spirit: 25]

[Equipment: Walker Dagger]

[Shadow's subordinates: [Nativity Shadow (unique)], [Iron Eater Rat x8]...]

With the increase of level, its own attributes have been multiplied. Under Bai Yi's intentional regulation, the uneven values ​​have been balanced.

Although the mental strength has not improved much, the physical fitness has reached 50 points.

If it is the current shadow, I am afraid that it can fight with the previous three shadows.

Now, in addition to the shadow, there are 8 shadow iron eaters. They are cast with shadows, fearless of life and death, and have a stronger combat power than ordinary iron eaters.

Bai Yi ordered them to hunt in groups of 2.

Shadow Iron-eating rats only give priority to orders, and have no disadvantages such as hunger, fatigue, fear, etc. When fighting ordinary Iron-eating rats, two Shadow Iron-eating rats will often only lose a little blood under the attack.

Almost injury-free siege!

[Kill the monster [Iron-eating rat], experience +5]

[Kill the monster [Iron-eating rat], experience +5]

[Kill the monster [Iron-eating rat], experience +5...]

Just like an avalanche on the top of a mountain, at first only a few snowflakes rolled down, but the more they rolled, the bigger they became, until they became a monstrous force.

Shadows search and hunt within a certain range, while the rest of the Shadow Iron-eating rats strictly follow orders.

Not long after, Bai Yi's Shadow Iron-eating rats had reached a terrifying level of 32!

However, the Iron Jungle has never been a rat nest for Iron-eating rats. There are all kinds of monsters here, but the number of Iron-eating rats is so large that other monsters seem rare.

'Roar! '


The sound was like a wolf howl from a machine, resounding in Bai Yi's ears.

Looking again, in the deep jungle ahead, a monster emitting bright red light was staring at this place.

A wolf-shaped monster that was half mechanical and half biological.

Bai Yi looked from a distance, and the data of the monster was vivid in front of him.

[Monster: Limb Armor Modification-Wolf]

[Level: Level 4]

[HP: 270\270]

[Comprehensive Attack Power: 110]

[Skills: Bite, Reconnaissance]

"Oh roar..."

When Bai Yi saw this string of data, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

His own data was not enough to compare with it, but the real battle was never just a comparison of data.


Bai Yi shouted softly, and the next moment the shadow was like a horse running wildly.

Then, Bai Yi immediately gave an order, and the shadow iron-eating rat not far away received the order from a distance and rushed towards this direction quickly.

Shadow held the Walker Dagger and stabbed straight at the only eye of the Armored Wolf.

The red light flashed on the right half of the mechanical eye. The Armored Wolf was actually several points faster than Shadow, and it dodged the attack by slightly turning its head.


The Walker Dagger quickly cut a hole in the skin on the side of the wolf's head.

[Skill [Erosion (Equipped with)] has been activated, and the current stacking state is 1 layer, up to 6 layers, and this state lasts for 120 seconds]

HP -7!

HP -7...


The hole cut by the dagger quickly eroded as if it was inflamed in an instant, and bursts of burning heat spread from it.

It seemed to arouse the ferocity of the Armored Wolf, and it bit Shadow's shoulder.

Just one bite, it bit off a large piece of Shadow.

Unexpectedly, this did not hinder Shadow's fierce attack.


Another quick dagger stab hit the limb-mounted wolf.

But then, the limb-mounted wolf endured the severe pain, and the piston sound of its hind paws burst out. In an instant, it jumped high and bit the shadow's neck. Using its own weight, it dragged the shadow to the ground.

With a snap, a large piece of shadow was bitten off again, and the shadow's health was zeroed.

At this time, the limb-mounted wolf glanced at Bai Yi not far away with greedy eyes, and its posture of preparing to attack was self-evident.

But at this moment.

The scattered shadows around began to wriggle, turning into wisps and flying into the air.

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