Looking at the screen, Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue were kissing each other.

A bunch of old men's eyes were filled with envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Ahhh! Damn it!"

"Not only did I find a strange beast that could be promoted to level 15 right after entering the secret realm, but I also got a kiss from the goddess Lin Chuxue. I was so jealous that my body was almost breaking apart!"

"Is this the awesomeness of the son of destiny? Catching a strange beast and getting a kiss from a goddess, how come such good things always happen to Qin Feng!"

Unlike the men, the girls in the audience were extremely jealous of Lin Chuxue!

"Ahhh! How could Lin Chuxue's life be so good!"

"Yes! Not only does she have a good family background and good looks, but she also met a perfect man like Qin Feng!"

"I also want to kiss Qin Feng! I also want a boyfriend like Qin Feng! Lin Chuxue! You already have the Flowing Cloud Fang! Just give my Qin Feng back to me!"


Amidst the voices of jealousy,

Zhang Chongguang on the rostrum finally recovered from the shock brought by the terrifying growth potential of Liuyunzhifang.

As an S-level professional, Zhang Chongguang can change his job 15 times in a row, reaching the 15th level, which can be called a top-tier strongman in the whole world.

However, Qin Feng dug lightly in the Lingxu Secret Realm and dug out a Liuyunfang, a strange beast that can be subdued and has the ability to jump fifteen life levels! The Liuyunfang itself, which can jump 15 life levels, is almost the biggest opportunity in the Lingxu Secret Realm.

"Damn it! How come such a young hero with such great luck was beaten to the punch by Lin Laogou?.!"

"But not only is he the patriarch of a big family, and not only does he have a daughter, I have one too, two at that!"

"No! I can't just sit there and wait for death! If I continue like this, all the benefits will go to that bastard Lin Laogou!"

"Qin Feng's luck is too incredible. I must get in touch with him before he becomes a truly top-level expert. It would be best if he could call me dad!"

"Oh, right! After this grand military performance, the God of War will organize a banquet!"

"This is a great opportunity! I have to tell the Red Pharmacist to stop taking my two daughters to catch monsters for the time being and to release them!"


""Mmmmm... should be enough for five minutes."

Lin Chuxue blushed and let go of Qin Feng, saying shyly

"I didn't notice it, I guess not, otherwise, this time doesn't count?"

Qin Feng smiled mischievously, his eyes full of smiles.

"I don't care, there's only one chance left."

Lin Chuxue pinched Qin Feng's forearm.

Then she took the diamond-grade treasure she had just taken out of the backpack and fed it to the dog.

Liuyunzhifang looked at Lin Chuxue, who was blushing and walking towards him with the fiery red fruit.

The whole dog suddenly broke free from the depression that lasted for ten minutes, and immediately became more energetic.

"Woof woof!

The dog's barking is full of joy.


The Lingxu Secret Realm was conquered by Daxia not long ago. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although the official masters have cleared out the high-level monsters inside, it is not without danger.

Just like the Flowing Cloud Fang that was dragged out of the doghouse by Qin Feng.

This guy is level 28, a third-stage early stage monster, with S-level racial talents and twice the attribute strength. He is an existence that many contestants cannot afford to offend.

And this makes it different from ordinary people, like traveling.

Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue, who were walking in the Lingxu Secret Realm, stood out from the crowd.[]

"They can turn the battle for the secret realm into a treasure hunt. Even if you add up all the newcomers in Daxia, I guess there is no other pair like them."

A big shot who was paying attention to Qin Fenglin Chuxue and took the time to look at his unpromising children and grandchildren couldn't help but sigh.

"`.Yes! The combination of these two is too terrifying. One has almost infinite endurance, and the other has a way to deal with it. Basically, any dilemma can be easily resolved!"

On the rostrum, another big shot made a speech, and his words were full of appreciation.

"Hahahaha! That's right!"

"One is my precious daughter, Lin Henian! The other is the son-in-law that I, Lin Henian, like! How could they be bad!"

Hearing his old friends praising his daughter and son-in-law, Lin Henian's already extremely bright face suddenly became happy!

Looking at Lin Henian's smiling face.

The big guys didn't have a nose, and their eyes were not eyes, but they really (got money) and couldn't do anything to Lin Henian. They could only lock their eyes on the picture where Qin Feng and Lin Chuxue were, and quietly watched this golden boy and jade girl outing.

But at this moment,

Qin Feng, who had been smiling and strolling in the picture, stopped very abruptly, and then turned his head to look at them in the west of Lingxu Secret Realm.

The next moment!

Qin Feng in the picture shouted loudly!

"Lord God of War!"

"Something happened in Lingxu Secret Realm!"

…… ps: Yesterday, my friend cut BP and said buy one get one free, so I followed him. I have come back to update. Please give me some flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets. It would be even better if there is an automatic subscription. I will update eight chapters for you tomorrow!.

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