Four prompts sounded.

Qin Feng had obtained four talents.

What was even more fortunate was that among the four pieces of meat Qin Feng bought this time, there was an elite black-backed wild boar.

This piece of black-backed wild boar meat gave Qin Feng a D-level talent [Intermediate Physical Enhancement].

At this moment, after having four new talents.

Qin Feng obtained attribute growth: Physical +45, Agility +15, Strength +15

At the same time, his battle panel underwent a huge change:

【HP: 1000/1000

【Mana: 118/120 (natural recovery)

【Attack Power: 20+3

【Defense: 65

【Basic Attributes: Strength 20, Agility 20, Constitution 50, Spirit 12

【[Combat Power]: 20 stars


After looking at his own panel, Qin Feng was stunned.

Endless plunder is indeed a talent of the universe taboo level. Qin Feng only plundered four pieces of wild monster meat, and he obtained four talents and a 75-point attribute improvement.

Although he is only a level 0 rookie now, his combat power is already stronger than many level 7 and 8 warrior professionals.

In terms of physical strength and defense, it is even higher than many second-level tank professionals who have broken through level 10, completed the second transformation and life level sublimation, and obtained professional skills!

Moreover, this is just a change on the panel.

If the two talents of [Shadow of the Forest] and [Savage Power] are added, the increase is not reflected in the panel data.

Qin Feng's real combat power will be greatly improved.

"This! This is too powerful!"

Qin Feng exclaimed, and then he thought:

"I have now plundered 4 extraordinary genes"

"I still need 6 more to unlock my first SSS-level talent [God-killing Power]】!"

At this moment, Qin Feng had already spent all his savings.

If he wanted to obtain new extraordinary genes and unlock the SSS-level talent [Power of Killing God], he had no choice but to go to the wild to kill monsters.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng directly turned on the computer, entered the Binhai City Professional Official Website, and checked the latest wild monster distribution map.

【After the"Divine Realm" merged with reality, the wild monsters outside the major copies changed from infinite refreshes to natural reproduction.

This makes the distribution of wild monsters around Binhai City change at any time.

If you want to choose the best monster-killing and upgrade route according to your own combat power, you have to pay attention to the official announcement.

After checking the announcement, Qin Feng determined his own monster-killing route.

This time he is going to the Wandering Forest in the western suburbs of Binhai City.

There are dozens of low-level wild monsters living in that forest, which is the most suitable place for Qin Feng to use endless plunder.

Qin Feng believes that he will be able to unlock the SSS-level talent [Power of Killing Gods] in the Wandering Forest today.


More than forty minutes later.

Qin Feng took a bus and rushed to the human stronghold near the Wandering Forest.

When Qin Feng arrived here, a large number of professionals had gathered in the stronghold.

These professionals have high and low levels, and some have grown cat ears and fox tails. It can be seen at a glance that they have obtained alien blood through special means.

As a super handsome guy who has won the goddess in the hearts of countless boys in Binhai No. 1 Middle School with his appearance alone.

As soon as Qin Feng arrived at this stronghold, he attracted countless people's attention.

The eyes of male professionals revealed jealousy and envy.

The eyes of female professionals became extremely hot.

Going to the wild to kill monsters is a life path that every professional must go through.

This kind of life where you don’t know when you will die, where you will die, and what wild monsters will eat you.

Makes most professionals only look at the present and not think about the future.

The same is true for female professionals, and there is no exception because of gender.

Therefore, when the women in the stronghold saw Qin Feng, a handsome guy with a well-proportioned figure and an amazing appearance.

Many brave ones twisted their waists and walked towards Qin Feng slowly.

""Little brother, you look unfamiliar. Are you a student who just changed jobs this year?"

A hot woman wearing tight clothes, half of her arm turned into a mechanical arm, and smelling of motor oil asked Qin Feng with a smile.

Qin Feng smiled and nodded, but he did not stop, as if he had no intention of talking to the other party.

"Little brother, don't go!"

The woman took a step and stopped Qin Feng directly. She looked at Qin Feng up and down with a fiery gaze, especially at that place...

The woman raised her left hand, letting the mechanical arm face the sun, and then said:

"Little brother, my name is Lan Sheng, I am a level 20 mechanic. Although I was stuck in the job transfer task and did not complete the third job transfer,"

"But my robot arm is a good thing. Do you want to team up with me? I will help you upgrade it. If nothing else, I can upgrade it to level 5 within half a day. There is no problem at all."

"No need, I like someone."

Qin Feng walked around the female mechanic and went straight to the Wandering Forest.

Just looking at the face of the female mechanic in front of him, she was actually not very old, only about 19 years old, most likely a transfer from the previous term.

But this woman's wanton eyes and unruly style, are completely old-timers.

Not to mention that Qin Feng's endless plundering cannot be exposed, even if it can, he will not team up with this woman, he does not want to be tricked by a old-timer.

When Qin Feng walked towards the Wandering Forest.

Bold and confident women kept coming towards Qin Feng and invited Qin Feng to team up.

Qin Feng smiled and rejected them one by one, and was determined not to have anything to do with these women.

As a result, he also heard countless voices saying that he did not understand romance, but he just laughed it off.


Qin Feng continued to move forward until he finally reached the border of the Wandering Forest.

On the outskirts of the forest, Qin Feng saw five wild rabbits grazing on the ground.

These rabbits were as big as the huskies in his hometown.

Smelling the human scent nearby, the wild rabbits glared at Qin Feng with red eyes.

【Bloodthirsty Rabbit LV1]

Level: First Level

Race: Beast

Race Talent: Primary Agility Enhancement (Agility +2)

HP: 20/20

Attack Power: 5

Defense Power: 2

Basic Attributes: Strength 4, Agility 5, Constitution 2, Spirit 1

Combat Power: 2 Stars


After taking a glance at the blood-thirsty rabbit, the Eye of Insight immediately gave all the blood-thirsty rabbit's attributes.

Qin Feng smiled faintly. The rabbit in front of him had too low combat power, and he could easily kill it.

The meaning of the other party's existence was to become his experience points and talents!

And to contribute to the unlocking of [God-killing Power]!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng rushed forward directly.

The blood-thirsty rabbits felt Qin Feng's killing intentions, and rushed towards Qin Feng collectively, ready to bite Qin Feng to death.


Qin Feng chopped off the head of the blood-thirsty rabbit that rushed the fastest!

-44! (Hit the vital point, overwhelming force, double the damage, equivalent to a critical hit, hereafter abbreviated as a critical hit)

"Ding Dong! You killed a bloodthirsty rabbit LV1, and you get 5 experience points!"After killing the first rabbit with one blow, Qin Feng continued to swing his knife and kill the other rabbits.

Swish, swish, swish...

The knife flashed, and the rabbits were beheaded one by one.

Qin Feng's ears rang with prompt sounds:

"Ding Dong! You killed the bloodthirsty rabbit LV1, and you gained 5 experience points!"

"Ding Dong! You killed the bloodthirsty rabbit LV1, and you gained 5 experience points!"

"Ding Dong!……"

After killing all the rabbits, Qin Feng aimed at one rabbit and launched an endless plunder!

The blood energy floated out of the bloodthirsty rabbit and entered Qin Feng's body.

"Ding Dong! You plundered the common monster Bloodthirsty Rabbit! The extraordinary gene analysis and reconstruction is in progress……"

"You get the E-level talent [Primary Agility Enhancement] (Agility +15, every 10 points of agility provides an additional 1 point of speed)"

The prompt sound fell, and the new talent appeared on Qin Feng's panel.

The same talent will have different amplification effects on creatures of different races.

As one of the top intelligent races in the universe, humans are the best at using talents.

This is also one of the reasons why humans can rely on their professions and talents to repel the demon tide and suppress other alienated races.

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