
Qin Feng put away one finger.

He smiled calmly, adding pressure to the restless champions.

In the VIP seat of the champion, a mechanical warrior whose half body was mechanized was trembling with excitement.

He stared at Qin Feng on the ring and calculated secretly. In the battle with the undertaker,

Black Phantom used at least two rare items.

The first one was to increase damage, and the second one was to accelerate.

Rare items all have built-in cooling time.

It was just activated once, and it is impossible to activate it again in a short period of time.

Moreover, in the previous battle, Black Phantom also burst out the two attributes of strength and agility.

Now, he can only use his talent to strengthen his physique and spirit.

Judging from the fighting method of Black Phantom just now,

Black Phantom is more like a warrior, or close combat is his strongest ability.

Without the enhancement of strength and agility, the rare items are still in the cooling time...

Thinking of this, the mechanic champion trembled even more excitedly.

"The advantage is mine!"

"This wave of advantage is mine!"

"There are eight of us!"

"There is only one Black Phantom!"

"Black Phantom was sure that we were frightened by his terrifying killing power!"

"He is not really confident that he can kill us! He is mocking us!"


"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"



Qin Feng put away another finger.

His eyes swept across the faces of the arena's leaders.

From the trembling of their facial muscles and the greed that was gradually getting out of control in their eyes,

Qin Feng knew that he had ignited their desires.

Qin Feng smiled, and his smile had the meaning of controlling the overall situation.

At this moment, he knew very well what reasons the arena's leaders would use to convince him.

It was nothing more than that Black Phantom was extremely arrogant and he was pretending!

Black Phantom had revealed all his cards and could not be their opponent!

Black Phantom had 88 million chips at his feet and he must not let them go!

But in fact, when Qin Feng made up his mind to come to the black boxing arena to get heads and used the mythical equipment Wuxiang Mask to disguise the panel, he had already made a layout.

He deliberately released only 13 skills and deliberately guided everyone...

Let them think that most of Black Phantom's combat power came from his talent [Potential Explosion] and the rare props that did not exist at all.

He deliberately bet arrogantly that he could kill the Undertaker with one knife.

The purpose was to get an extremely rich chip and establish an extremely arrogant and arrogant personality for himself.



Qin Feng continued to count down!

The smile on his face became even brighter!

The look in his eyes when he looked at the eight champions on the stage was filled with a strong sense of mockery!

"I can't stand it anymore."

After a long time of calculation and infinite possibilities, the mechanical warrior was the first to jump down from the stage.

With one person taking the lead, the other stage masters also took action.

They burst out with momentum, jumped down from the stage like dumplings, and landed heavily on the stage.

After standing still, these people took out a card and threw it into the pile of chips in tacit understanding.

They each bet 10 million, and collected 80 million to bet against Qin Feng.



"Open! Open!"

""Long live Black Phantom!"

The moment the eight champions stepped onto the stage, a roar like a tsunami broke out from the audience.

All the audience went crazy.

Previously, they had lost completely to the Undertaker.

At this moment, the Black Phantom, as the winner, gave them a chance to turn things around. How could they not be excited?

While the audience was cheering wildly ,

Deacon Yang also calculated the odds of the bet.

At this moment, he rushed directly to the host's desk, controlled the electronic light screen, and announced the odds!

In order to make up for the loss, Deacon Yang went crazy and insane.

"Black Phantom! The match between you will start in 60 seconds, you, you get ready!"

Deacon Yang's voice was extremely hoarse!

However, he was not reminding Qin Feng!

Instead, he was finalizing the bet to prevent regrets!

He was also giving the audience time to place their bets!


In the manager's office,

Manager Chen took out a betting machine and handed it to the female secretary Xiaoyu!

"Xiaoyu! Quick! Bet 2000w!"

"Bet! Bet that Black Phantom loses! Bet that he will be killed by the eight great champions!"

Manager Chen was extremely excited.

At this moment, he had already thought it through. If

Black Phantom wins, he will take the experts sent by the board of directors and directly snatch Black Phantom!

If Black Phantom loses, he can just take advantage of the situation to make a fortune and fill the hole of embezzlement of public funds!


With full support from all sides, a new gambling game started and a new ring match was being prepared.

The first participants were the eight champions of the Binhai Black Boxing Arena.

They occupied eight positions and sandwiched Qin Feng in the middle.

Standing in the center of the ring, Qin Feng stood with a knife.

At this moment, he had already thought of a way to kill everyone in the arena. All his thoughts drifted to the countless corpses of professionals in the dark abyss under the floating platform.

"After this fight, I have to find a chance to go down!"

"With so many corpses, the power of the myriad aspects can definitely be unlocked, and the unlocking level of bloodthirsty scarlet is estimated to be over 50.%!"

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