Something is wrong, something is very wrong!

If someone hates me, then he will definitely come to kill me first, but Liuli Bing will not chase me, but talk to others. The meaning of this can be figured out with toes!

She gave up the chase and turned to communicate with others. She must be able to get huge benefits, and the benefits must be greater than the benefits of killing me, so she would choose to do this!

"What on earth is she doing?"

Ye Mo was a little anxious.

This was the first time he felt anxious because someone didn't come to hunt him down!

At this moment, Ye Mo's heart was shrouded in gloom.

He now had two choices. One was to escape directly to other places, but then he would have to face Liu Li Bing's pursuit.

The second was to counterattack Liu Li Bing. Although this action was very dangerous, it could prevent Liu Li Bing from benefiting from it.……

"No! Liuli Bing's methods are beyond my imagination. Even if I try my best, I may not be her opponent.

Now all I can do is to escape quickly!"

Ye Mo said secretly in his heart.

But just when he made the decision, an unusual sound suddenly came from Liuli Bing in the distance!


There was a loud explosion!

At this moment, Ye Mo was completely shocked by the scene in the distance, and even had an incredible feeling in his heart!


Two Liuli Bing!

The two beautiful figures were no different at all, standing in the same place and looking at Ye Mo at the same time, with a smile on their lips at the same time……

""It's over!"

Ye Mo was completely dumbfounded. One Liuli Bing was enough to deal with. Two at once were no match for him!

However, before she could move, one of the Liuli Bing had already come to him at a high speed, blasting out an ice dragon towards Ye Mo!



Ye Mo had to fly away.

But it is worth mentioning that the old man in black robes also chased Liu Li Bing, as if he had a grudge against Liu Li Bing and kept pestering her, so Ye Mo only had to face one Liu Li Bing.

However, this one Liu Li Bing was enough to give him a headache!

Various methods emerged one after another, and all of them were related to ice and snow.

As the fight went on, Ye Mo even found that his body was showing signs of freezing!

"We can't let this go on!"

Ye Mo was anxious, but at this moment he could only passively take the beating while constantly summoning one summoned beast after another to defend himself!

Liuli Bing's attack method was too sophisticated and powerful.

Fighting him together was like a 15- or 16-year-old child fighting a young man in his 20s. He was completely powerless and would be beaten to a pulp if he was not careful!

Soon, the frost fragments condensed by Liuli Bing hit Ye Mo's head directly, causing him to almost faint!

"Damn it! Don’t fucking force me!!"

Ye Mo was furious. He opened his hands and continuously released his mental power to summon one summoned beast after another, all of which rushed towards Liuli Bing!

However, his own summoned beasts were not as good as him.

Even the strongest Vegeta would be defeated within three moves and could only play a little blocking role.……

"This is a level 90 warrior... and she still has other tricks she hasn't used yet, what should I do?"

At this moment, Liu Li Bing's attack became more and more fierce, and Ye Mo gradually showed signs of defeat. I'm afraid he will die in a few more moves...

But at this moment, Ye Mo suddenly stood still and stopped running!

I saw that his face had completely regained its calmness at this moment, and his right hand was gently raised, making a knife-like shape!

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and treat all things as straw dogs, cut them down!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong purple light suddenly flew out from Ye Mo's right palm, and then a huge and huge light appeared and flew towards Liu Li Bing at a very fast speed.

This speed was too fast! It even exceeded the reaction time of others, and Liu Li Bing had no time to stop it!

"This is Tai Cang's sword!!"

Liuli Bing exclaimed. At this moment, she knew that it was useless to resist, but if she didn't resist, her body would definitely be chopped into pieces!

However, Tai Cang's sword didn't give her any time to think. It directly created a brilliant sword light and chopped Liu Li Bing's body into pieces!


Blood spurted out!

Liu Li Bing's waist was cut off!

At this moment, her eyes were filled with shock, confusion, viciousness, cruelty and anger!

"I want you to die!!!"

Liu Li Bing was completely furious!

The complete clone she had just obtained was destroyed just like that.

This made her fury reach its peak, and her expression was distorted to the extreme!

""Ice world!!"

An angry roar.

At this moment, the other Liuli Bing who was originally fighting with the black-robed old man suddenly turned his head and looked at the other self who had exploded with a puzzled look on his face. The confusion and shock in his heart had already been beyond words!

Even the black-robed old man was stunned, and he couldn't understand why this Liuli Bing suddenly wanted to overturn the table!?

However, it was too late now.

The Liuli Bing that had exploded was located in the center and produced endless icy aura.

Even these auras were visible to the naked eye. They were dark blue and continued to spread.

Suddenly, the area within a radius of 100 miles was frozen, and it was still spreading. It was simply horrifying!

Not only were others dumbfounded, but Ye Mo was also completely dumbfounded!

At this moment, he had no time to move at all. The blood in his legs instantly coagulated and continued to spread upwards.

In a blink of an eye, it had frozen to his chest, and his lower body was completely frozen!

"Damn it!"

Ye Mo was very anxious, and even took out some of the remaining flames from the sea of fire and swords, trying to melt his own ice and snow, but it didn't work at all...

Seeing his panic, Liuli Bing, who only had a head left, laughed:

"Bastard, even if you have learned the ancient magic, what does it matter? You will still die here?

Don't worry, when you die, your bones will be refined by me, and I will also find the resurrection pill! Your death will not be in vain!"

The Liuli Bing, who only had a head left, raised her head and laughed loudly, her eyes full of madness... and not far away, another Liuli Bing, who had stopped fighting with the old man in black robe, had some dissatisfaction in her eyes.

She was certainly not afraid of the ice and snow world skills produced by her own clone's self-detonation.

What she sighed about now was that she had just obtained the clone and was eager for quick success and let him join the battle, but she ignored that this clone was like a newborn baby, and his personality was still a little unstable...

If it were me, I would definitely find a way to recover from the injury first, instead of exploding directly in anger.

Just as they were sighing, Ye Mo's situation had become extremely critical!

The freezing had spread to his face, and it would not be long before the brain would be directly frozen, so he would face complete death... and as time passed by, he was completely isolated and helpless at the moment, and no one could provide help.……

"Liuli Bing... What a Liuli Bing……"

Ye Mo murmured as ice and snow quickly covered his head, freezing him in an instant!

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