Deep in the darkness of the underground, Ye Mo held the Immortal Executioner Bow and looked solemnly at the figure a thousand meters above him. There was a subtle flash of surprise in his eyes.……

"Interesting, have you figured out a way to restrain me? But this method is really a bit laborious."

Ye Mo sneered and quickly retreated deep underground.

He had long noticed that something was wrong outside Shuanglong Mountain and was ready to fight.

But he didn't expect that the first person to appear was the so-called Holy Son of Kunpeng Country...

Ye Mo certainly couldn't figure out this person's strength, after all, he was only level 50 now, but through the three seconds of staring just now, he had obtained all the information about Kunpeng:

「The powerful human male professional has now been transformed into a zombie and possesses extremely powerful strength. I am afraid that you are not his enemy, but if you let the summoned beast stand out, you may be able to resist one or two, but only one or two, definitely not three.

You can check its detailed strength attributes and skills, but I suggest you not to do so, because you have no time!"

Ye Mo drilled into the deepest part of the ground without saying a word. At this moment, his mind was full of ways to escape, but none of the plans were feasible.

He did not have the ability to travel quickly underground, and escaping through this big hole was even more unrealistic.

But this does not mean that he cannot use the rules here!

Ye Mo's figure came to the console like a flash of lightning, and then he was about to teleport himself to any trial site.

However, the moment he pressed the button, he found that there was no sound...

At this moment his pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip!

"Damn it, how could this idiot destroy the mechanism of Shuanglong Mountain! ?"

Ye Mo was very anxious. At this moment, he was in a desperate situation.

You know, there is more than one zombie Kunpeng outside Shuanglong Mountain, and there are hundreds of Dragon Country strongmen. How can he resist them with his Zhuxian Demon Bow that consumes 20% of his mental power for one shot


Even if he has a super-level summoned beast, he can't stop the siege!

"What should I do now?"

Ye Mo was extremely anxious, and even had symptoms of dry mouth and tongue.

Could it be that he had to deceive those Dragon Country professionals and not kill the 50 souls under the knife? How could they believe it?

These were all old foxes of extremely high level, and he had no ability to deceive them at all...

Just when Ye Mo was extremely anxious, the figure of Kunpengzi zombie appeared above the big hole, like a king coming with boundless power, causing an endless gale in the underground cave.……

"You are Ye Mo? Why are you like this? Are you scared?"

Kun Pengzi's cold voice sounded, and the next moment he rushed towards Ye Mo like a white sword.

Ye Mo was not willing to be left behind. He waved his hand and summoned three Dark Vegetas. After completing the transformation in an instant, they rushed towards Kun Pengzi!

"Boom boom boom!"

Instantly, the three Dark Vegetas collided with Kunpengzi!

After the smoke and dust cleared, it could be seen that the three Dark Vegetas had suffered varying degrees of damage.

The zombie Kunpengzi was still standing there, unscathed.……

"Is this your trump card? It's not that great."

Kun Pengzi smiled coldly, approaching Ye Mo step by step...

At the same time, countless figures appeared above the big hole, swooping down with boundless air waves, and descended into the underground cave one after another, and angry voices kept ringing:

"Look at the torn clothes and blood under the furnace!

This guy is a murderer, kill him now!"

"Ye Mo, you have done too much evil and you will eventually perish. We in Long Country treat you as a top genius, but now you are sacrificing your compatriots for a vain treasure. You are such a beast!"


The crowd cursed continuously, and several strong men above level 85 rushed over.

Their figures collided with the Dark Vegeta summoned by Ye Mo in an instant, forming a terrifying battle wave!

In an instant, the earth and rocks shattered, and the space twisted...

Ye Mo clearly noticed that the Dark Vegeta were disappearing one by one.

Even if he spent all his mental power on summoning, it would be of no use.

Now these people are extremely alert. It would be even more difficult for him to reproduce a one-hit kill...

At this moment, the defense line on his side is shrinking rapidly, and it will probably be broken in a few minutes.

Even if he can share Vegeta's attributes, what does it matter?

Which strong man present is not a figure with an attack power of over 10 million?

There was no other way.

Ye Mo could only parry while retreating, rapidly retreating towards the depths of the cave, getting closer and closer to the sea of fire and swords...

The crowd's attacks and insults continued, and Ye Mo was simply under a double attack.

Fortunately, he was open-minded and didn't care about the insults. He just concentrated on parrying these fierce attacks...

However, his level was still too low, and his combat experience was a little insufficient compared to those battle-hardened men.

At this moment, a spear shot towards his face at a high speed.

Ye Mo had no choice but to dodge and retreat, but was hit directly in the shoulder and pierced through, and the whole person was taken away!


The spear shot through his shoulder, sending Ye Mo flying hundreds of meters away, nailing him to a stone wall!

At this moment, he had retreated to the deepest part of the cave, with a sea of fire and a mountain of swords in front of him. He had nowhere to retreat.……

"Cough cough cough……"

Ye Mo coughed a few times, spurting out a large pool of blood, obviously seriously injured.

Seeing this, everyone was grinning and was about to continue attacking him, but the next moment, Ye Mo made an extremely surprising decision!

A ruthless look appeared on his face, and he broke the spear with one palm and jumped into the boiling sea of fire!


The moment he jumped into the sea of fire and swords, Ye Mo's whole body trembled, because the piercing pain and burning sensation invaded his body all the time, making his entire nerves seem to be broken!

However, unexpectedly, he stood there motionless!

Although his body was trembling and his wounds were still bleeding, he just stood there quietly, like an iron man!

"Kill him! I must make him understand what hell is!!"

A young man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks roared, and then threw a huge stone bell at Ye Mo.

But the moment the stone bell came into contact with the sea of fire, it evaporated and disappeared without a trace...

Ye Mo's figure was still there intact, but he was suffering from insane pain.……

"Damn it, what's going on? Why did the attack disappear?"

The young man didn't believe it and continued to attack.

Several professionals who were bloodthirsty beside him also kept using their methods to attack Ye Mo in the sea of fire and swords.

However, without exception, they were all blocked by the sea of fire and swords and had no effect at all.……

"Don't be stupid, stop, this is a sea of fire and swords, you can avoid all attacks!"

Zombified Kunpeng said slowly, and everyone reacted after hearing his words……

"Mountains of swords and seas of fire? I heard that this place can train one's will and greatly strengthen oneself. Is it true?"

"Humph, I think I should skin this murderer alive first, only this way can I vent my anger!"

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