"Not bad, not bad, there are already 5 people, keep working hard and you can refine it!"

Ye Mo's eyes were filled with excitement. Although it was still a long way from 100, as long as he continued like this, he would have a great chance of success!

He kept using the console to increase the number of golden warriors, hunting one professional after another.

No matter what their background was, no matter which force they came from, in Ye Mo's eyes at this moment, they were all consumables!

Time passed quickly, and the number of professionals began to decrease significantly. At first, it was still one or two, but gradually began to decrease by 10, twice in a row!

At this moment, the number of professionals' flesh and blood obtained by Ye Mo reached more than 50!

There is still half of the number to fill this so-called alchemy furnace, and then you can get the legendary resurrection pill!

But what Ye Mo didn't know was that outside Shuanglong Mountain, the professionals had already exploded.

The disappearance of one after another indicated that there was some kind of huge crisis hidden in Shuanglong Mountain!

At this moment, the professionals who were watching outside were even a little afraid to enter.

The inexplicable disappearance of more than 50 people made everyone feel a little scared.

You have to know that these are not just 50 ordinary people.

There are also 89-level strongmen among them. How did they disappear?

Who has the ability to make them disappear?

It is for this reason that the number of people entering Shuanglong Mountain has gradually decreased...

There are only more than 20 people currently trying to pass the level, including Ye Mo.

And Ye Mo himself has obviously discovered that there is a problem of insufficient number of people.……

"Tsk tsk tsk, I should have slowed down the process. Now that so many people have disappeared, those outside are afraid to come in.……"

Ye Mo pondered for a moment and decided to stop for a while.

If he continued to kill these 20 people, I'm afraid no one would dare to enter Shuanglong Mountain anymore.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo naturally stopped and began to check this huge cave.

According to his estimation, there is a large area of land under Shuanglong Mountain that is above this cave.

At this moment, the sea of fire and swords in the cave still produces a scorching temperature.

Even from a distance, Ye Mo can feel the pain burning on his skin...

At this moment, he looked at:

「The sea of fire and swords, the realm of heaven and earth: entering it will not kill life directly, but will make the life that enters feel the pain of climbing the mountain of swords and descending into the sea of fire. The mountain of swords and the sea of fire do not accept any attack, and any creature that enters it cannot use any skills or means to resist.

After climbing the mountain of swords and descending into the sea of fire, your will will be as hard as iron and stone!

However, after artificial transformation, the current mountain of swords and the sea of fire are more than that.

In the deepest part of it, there seems to be a treasure that has been fully refined, which is very likely to be the resurrection pill.」

"Oh? I didn't check the information of the sea of fire and swords just now, but there really is a resurrection pill in it, so didn't I practice in vain?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Mo did not enter the sea of fire and swords, because he knew clearly that once he entered it, the intense pain would not be endured by ordinary people.

Even if he could bear it, he was unwilling to go in.

After all, he only needed 50 people to refine the resurrection pill, and there was no need to endure this pain.

So he looked away again until he remembered something.

Ye Mu opened the control console and then checked the situation of each trial field. These trial fields are divided into 38 floors in total.

As long as you pass the 38th floor, you can get the ultimate treasure:"Gang Gu Lu」

"Interesting, logically speaking, I can use the console to get this thing, right?"

Ye Mo muttered to himself, and found that this method seemed feasible!

So he did it as he said, and started to operate the console directly. After some operation, he came to the 38th floor trial field!

This 38th floor trial field is magnificent and there are 15 golden warriors waiting in it.

But after Ye Mo's control, the 15 golden warriors became 0!

Just at the moment he entered here, the portal was opened, indicating that he passed the 38th floor!

Although it is cheating, it can also be regarded as a means.

Ye Mo smiled, and then walked directly into the portal. After a while, he came to a dark secret room.

In the center of this secret room, there was a bookshelf with an ancient red book on it...

Picking up the red book, there were three big words on it:"Gang Gu Lu" and"Brilliant Level Props"」

「A disposable item that can enhance one's body functions after use.

The stronger one's will is, the stronger one's body functions will be!」

"Yes, it's a good thing, I'll take it."

Ye Mo directly put this precious brilliant-level prop into his storage space, and then returned to the underground cave again...

However, the moment he returned to the underground cave, the whole world trembled, and then a grand voice suddenly sounded in Shuanglong Mountain!

【Professional Ye Mo passed the Shuanglong Mountain test for the first time and obtained the brilliant-level item Steel Bone Lu!】


Ye Mo was stunned...

You can't play it like this!

I just took the final treasure, why did they send a notification! ?

At this moment, he understood that he had not passed any level of the trial field, and he was always hovering at level 0, but now he became the first person to pass the level and obtained the final treasure, which would arouse the suspicion of countless people!

And it is very likely that these people will connect the fact that he obtained the final treasure with the disappearance of the 50 people.

In this case, he will definitely offend the public anger, and he will bear the endless anger of the public!

Maybe they will even skin him alive after finding him!

"It's over! Now everyone will think that I killed these 50 people, what should I do! ?"

Ye Mo's heart suddenly became anxious...

But there is no good way now...

At the same time, outside Shuanglong Mountain, everyone also received this explosive news

"How is it possible? Wasn't that guy wandering around on the zero floor? How did he suddenly pass the level, and he also got the steel bone lily? Damn it!"

"He definitely cheated, otherwise he would not have been able to reach the highest level, or even pass it. This so-called Ye Tiancai is truly a fraud!"

"Everyone, stop arguing. Do you feel that this so-called Ye Mo has something to do with the 50 powerful men who disappeared?"


After hearing this, everyone was silent for a while. After a long while, they took a breath and looked at each other.……

"Could it be that these 50 people are really related to him?"

"It's very possible! If he has the ability to kill these 50 people, then anyone who enters Shuanglong Mountain may be killed by him!"

"It must be him, he killed my father! I want him dead!!"

A girl said excitedly, her father was among the 50 professions that disappeared, and became the soul of Ye Mo's sword... At this moment, many people looked at the position of Shuanglong Mountain Hongshan with sinister eyes, revealing endless murderous intent...

Seeing that everyone was in a bad mood, the middle-aged man who led the group pondered for a moment, and then spoke loudly:

"Don't worry, everyone. It's not certain whether he is the murderer, but Ye Mo is definitely a major suspect!

If anyone among you has a talent for investigation, you can use it now to see where this guy is now!"

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