Without any hesitation, Ye Mo walked directly into the mountain gate representing Ganggu Lu.

After a flash of white light, Ye Mo suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar space!

This was a bamboo forest, and in front of him was a muscular man covered in muscles, standing there and looking very difficult to mess with!

"Boy! What are you standing there for? Don't you want to defeat me and get to the next level?"

The muscular man said carelessly, then rushed over with his fist raised!

Ye Mo was startled and quickly dodged, then shot a magic light cannon in his hand, directly piercing the big man's chest!

Unexpectedly, there was no damage number this time. The big man just fell to the ground after being penetrated and died directly... and at the moment of his death, the big man turned into white light and disappeared on the spot, leaving Ye Mo alone in the bamboo forest.

At this time, he looked around and found that he was the only one in the whole bamboo forest, and in the distance there was a white portal slowly opening, as if he could go to another place.……

【Congratulations on passing the first level!

Your physical fitness has improved by 5%!】

The moment the prompt sounded, Ye Mo instantly felt an extremely refreshing breath filling his body, and even his mind became much calmer!

【Do you choose to continue? If you continue, the number of enemies will double, but the physical fitness bonus you get will also double!

If you win in the end, you will get the steel bone!】

"Oh... So that's it!"

Ye Mo pondered for a moment, and finally understood the principle of this red Shuanglong Mountain.

As long as you pass the level, you can get a physical fitness bonus. If you make it to the end, you can even get the steel bone, and maybe you can get a higher physical fitness bonus. This benefit is huge!

You know, I have only gained 5% now, and I feel that my body has become lighter, and even my strength has increased.

However, this change is not in the data, but in the body!

"Interesting! I must get this steel bone luan!"

"But level 44 is a bit low. If I upgrade to level 50, my chances of success will be much greater!"

Ye Mo laughed, and then without any hesitation, he used all his experience to upgrade his level!

【Ding! You have been upgraded!】

【Level: lv.44→lv.50 (9,000,000 experience points are needed to upgrade)】

【Strength: 17000 → 39000】

【HP: 15000 → 26000】

【Speed: 17000 → 39999】

【Defense: 17000 → 39000】

【Spirit: 22000 → 48000】

【Your summoned beast Vegeta has been upgraded】


At this moment, Ye Mo was not too excited about the improvement of his attributes. He just waited silently for the sound of new talents to appear.

【You have reached level 50, congratulations on getting a new gift!】

【SSS「Passive Talent: Eye of Chaos】

【Eye of Chaos: Stare at an item for three seconds to view all the information of any item!】


Ye Mo was shocked.

This description made his eyes instantly hot!

【Check out your new dashboard!】

"Don't look, I want to use my talent!"

Ye Mo directly pulled away the panel that disgusted the readers, and then cast his eyes around him...

At this moment, he looked at a stone under his feet. After staring at it for three seconds, a line of words appeared on the stone:

「A stubborn stone, useless. If you want to view the composition information, you can expand it to view」

"Oh my god, it really works!"

Ye Mo said excitedly.

At this moment, he looked around and then looked at the glowing portal in the distance.

As long as he passed through this door, he could reach the next level. He wanted to see what information this door could reveal!

After staring for three seconds...……

「The portal left behind by the super ancient professionals can lead you to the next level of the trial venue.

What's interesting is that if you stay half a meter in front of the portal for more than half an hour, another administrator portal will open.

After entering the administrator portal, you will get benefits beyond your imagination!」

""Zha!!! Absolutely!"

Ye Mo said in surprise.

He was really lucky this time! This talent could definitely be called an SSS-level talent, or even better!

At this moment, Ye Mo couldn't wait to come to the half-meter position in front of the portal and waited silently, while looking at other places in the bamboo forest.……

「A bamboo with no sense of existence, he seems very lonely」

「A lonely little grass, he seems to envy you for being a human being」


Seeing all the information about the items made Ye Mo very happy.

This is simply a magical skill among magical skills!

At this moment, Ye Mo seemed to have really returned to his childhood innocence. He kept checking the information about the numerous items, enjoying it...

Soon half an hour passed, but what Ye Mo didn't know was that the outside world had already undergone earth-shaking changes!

A huge ranking list appeared in the middle of the two peaks of Shuanglong Mountain, listing the names of the professionals who entered the peaks one by one!

【No. 1: Red Flame Varus"8th Floor」】

【No. 2: Red Cloud Monster"6th Floor」】

【No. 3: Fat Lady"5th Floor」】




At the bottom of the list, Ye Mo's name was at the bottom.……

【No. 133: Ye Mo [0th floor]

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