The moment the head of the six-eyed old man appeared, the whole weird world exploded!

Except for the unheard-of Yellow Spring Ghost Mother, the six-eyed old man is the king of this weird world!

He is the strongest disaster-level weird, with two heaven-defying skills of mind control and weather change. Who can kill him?

Who dares to kill him?

But what is the truth?

The head of this strongest man is being displayed in front of all the weirds in all directions!

There is no dignity at all!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is not my intention to kill your leader, but he is blocking my way, so I have to kill him."

Ye Mo smiled and faced the TV.

In the weird eyes in front of the TV, he is a real devil! In the No. 21 country, a weird man who was drinking milk was watching the TV viciously, and the anger on his face was about to overflow.

In the No. 38 country, several babies looked at the TV weirdly with humiliation in their eyes, and their small palms were clenched tightly!

In the country No. 11, a strange couple sat together, crying while watching TV.

In fact, every creature has its own ideas and free thoughts. This world belongs to thousands of creatures, not to someone else.

For these weirdos, the old man with six pupils is a kind father.

He has been educating the people and teaching them ethics and morals countless years ago.

Although these weirdos are not doing very well, the father-like figure of the old man with six pupils has left an indelible impression in their hearts.

He is the teacher of all the weirdos and the father of all the weirdos!

But now, the father is dead, died at the hands of a human youth!

Rage, boundless rage emanated from each of the weirdos!

These rages are mixed with resentment, like a beast that chooses its prey and wants to swallow Ye Mo!

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the sky, and wisps of red gas were flying in the sky, as if looking for the guy who made them angry..

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the increasingly red sky with a calm expression.

The strong wind blew across his cheeks and blew his hair.

But his heart was extremely calm.


Indeed, he was now equivalent to killing their biological father.

But so what?

Kill him, there is nothing to say.

I, Ye Mo, have never said that I am a decent person. Everything I do is to become stronger!

At the same time, in the weird world: one weird after another walked out of the house, looking in the direction of the TV station with bloodshot eyes!

They gathered together spontaneously.

At first there were only a few hundred, and then there were thousands.

After a few hours, it became tens of thousands!!

The weirds in the city walked out one by one, spontaneously formed a team and walked towards the direction of the TV station!

At this moment, the world was silent.

Ye Mo sat on the top of the tall building and could see the slowly gathering black air.

He didn't say anything, but sat on the chair and turned his head to Lucifer and said:

"Are there enough flowers ready?"

"Replying to the owner, we have prepared ten tons of flowers, but it may not be enough."

"Well, it doesn't matter, let her revive, maybe she doesn't like flowers anymore."

After taking a sip of coffee, Ye Mo continued to close his eyes and rest.

At this moment, one weird thing after another gathered together, gradually forming a weird army!

"Those below the ordinary level, go back! You will only be a burden if you go!"

A monster shouted loudly.

And this army of one million monsters are all above the life-chasing level, and their power is extremely powerful!

Soon, Ye Mo saw a dark group of monsters coming from a distance!

There was a hint of bright red in the darkness, and the scene was extremely terrifying!

Millions of monsters moved forward and stopped two kilometers away from Ye Mo.

At this moment, a feeling of depression permeated, and even Ye Mo felt a sense of discomfort.

"Human! Now take out your own internal organs and nail yourself to the cross, and we will not attack you!" said a leading nightmare-level weirdo


Ye Mo smiled, and then said to Vegeta beside him:

"Kill them with one move and let them face the reality"

""Yes, Master!"

Vegeta obeyed, and his body slowly floated up and flew over the head of the weird army!

The sight of him flying stunned all the weirds!

"How is this possible! ? Why can he fly! ?"

Ye Mo shook his head.

The power of the forbidden air in the strange world has disappeared. The Yellow Spring Ghost Mother must be revived.

At this moment, Vegeta slowly flew to the top of the strange army!

Super One! Super Two! Super Three! Super Four! Super Blue!

The 50% increase made Vegeta exude a gentle and violent aura all over his body! Like a god of war!

He looked at the many strange things under his feet expressionlessly, and then his whole body flashed with dazzling brilliance!


Vegeta's body shone like the sun, illuminating the whole world. Just like the sun, one cannot look directly at it!

The monsters under his feet screamed and melted into blood one after another, and died completely!




No monster could withstand the damage of nearly 100 million, and only death could do it!

Under the boundless light were countless corpses. In almost three seconds, the million-strong army of monsters was completely wiped out!

【You have killed the maximum number of creatures of the same type. You will no longer gain experience points if you continue to kill! 】

At this moment, Vegeta's body no longer shone with brilliance, but became calm.

And at his feet, countless blood had already gathered into a river!

"Master, do you want to scatter flowers?"

Lucifer asked hesitantly.

"Forget it, her resurgence can no longer be stopped."

Ye Mo sighed.

As expected, the blood rivers continued to flow, and in the blink of an eye, they gathered together and quickly formed a huge blood ball!

And this blood ball kept rotating, one after another, the body was sucked in and merged into it!

The bloody smell was extremely strong, but Ye Mo did not take any measures, just watched quietly.

As the blood ball rotated, the strange corpses from other cities were also sucked in, making the whole blood ball more and more scarlet!

Even some living strange things were directly sucked into the blood ball, and there was no sound after a scream.

Soon, a woman's face appeared on the blood ball.

She smiled and looked at Ye Mo, and then the degree of absorption became more and more intense!

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