Yes, I seem to be everywhere】

【My toes are running in the southern hemisphere, my little hands are playing hide-and-seek in the northern hemisphere, and my eyes are sitting in the high city walls.

I can feel their presence, and they can feel my presence, because we are one.】

【I will not die, I am all living things, all living things are me】

【After figuring this out, I understood, so I turned my only head and the remaining hands into little people, letting them run around and let them feel the sunshine of this world!】

【I don't need to care about my own survival, because I am a living being, and as long as all living beings are alive, then I am alive.】

【Time flies by, I can feel the air flowing faster and faster, time seems to be going faster and faster】

【But it doesn't matter, my little ones are alive, and I am still alive】

【I watched my children grow up one by one, until one day, a special child looked up at the sky, as if looking at me.】

【This child is very good-looking. He has fair skin, blue hair and two different eyes.】

【I understand, this is my mouth.】

【The child on the ground looked up at the sky and said:

"In the sky is our supreme god, his name is Yellow Springs Ghost Mother!"

"Now let us worship the Ghost Mother of the Underworld and worship the gods!"】

【After this child’s call, almost all the children understood my existence and began to kneel down to me.】

【But wait, what is Huangquan Ghost Mother? Are you calling me? But I don't like this name.……】

【You kids can call me Little Sweetie or Little Flower, but why do you call me the Ghost Mother of the Underworld? It sounds very fierce, right?】

【But there is no way, they have identified these four words, and worship me every day, calling out the Ghost Mother of the Underworld every day, which really gives me a headache!】

【I will endure!】

【10 years have passed, and they still call me the Yellow Springs Ghost Mother, and it has been passed down from generation to generation!】

【20 years have passed, and they are shouting even louder, but I really can't stand it anymore!】

【After 30 years, I have completely established the title of Huangquan Ghost Mother. I have become the only great ghost king in this world.……】


【Let me do it again. I don’t like this name, and I don’t like being a ghost. I want flowers!】

【On this day, the bodies of two children began to dissolve together, and then one child after another merged with them and became my right hand.】

【It was out of control. The children in the whole city began to dissolve and transformed into my body, starting a long process of combination.……】

【50 years later, I have returned to my original appearance, and I am the only one left in this world.……】

【Okay, let's do it again now, but don't call me the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother this time! 】

Seeing this, Ye Mo slowly closed the book.

There are actually only three important characters in this book.

One is the Mother Goddess Eve who has appeared once before. This guy seems to have an unclear relationship with Sothoth, and it is very likely that they are partners.

The other is this 095. It seems that he has the ability to evolve all living things, but the premise is that he needs to die, but his consciousness still exists.

In addition, this is the last so-called pretty little man. His threat is the smallest and can almost be ignored.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked at the vampire count and asked curiously:

"What part should you be? If I guess correctly, it should be a tiger tooth of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother, right?

After all, you are a vampire."

Hearing this, the vampire Count trembled suddenly, his eyes horrified and said:

"Sir, this book is just a legend, not even a prophecy, so please don't take it seriously!"


Ye Mo nodded, but it was not up to him to decide whether to take it seriously or not. After all, this book was very realistic to him.

At present, Ye Mo roughly understood the origin of this Shenyuan.

If he wanted to pass the level, he would most likely need to kill the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother.

However, since the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother evolved from all living beings, he would have to kill all living beings in advance.

Perhaps he did not need to kill all the weirdness. It was very likely that the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother would automatically wake up when he was halfway through killing them.

"Huangquan Ghost Mother's number is 095, which is only two levels away from Dark Lord 093.

So in fact, their strengths are not much different. Huangquan Ghost Mother's level must be above level 100 to get this number.……"

Ye Mo thought that he could kill level 80 professionals because their life span would be taken away by the Immortal Executioner Bow, so he could kill them successfully.

However, if he faced creatures above level 100 with long life spans, this advantage would be gone and even useless.

"If the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother revives now, I should not be her opponent. I must contain her between revivification and non-revivification, so that I can slowly pass through this abyss.……"

"Then what can I do to prevent her from waking up?"

Ye Mo felt a little overwhelmed.

If he continued to kill these weird things, it would definitely activate the consciousness of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother, and he would die.

But if he didn't kill the weird things, then the mission of Shenyuan would not be completed.

Thinking of this, Ye Mo paused, and then led everyone out of the castle together

""Let your clones stop first. I need to study this book carefully."

Soon, Ye Mo and his companions found a tea shop to sit down again.

Dark Hades and Dark Lucifer had stopped and were on standby, while Ye Mo kept studying the ancient book in his hand, hoping to find a way to suppress the resurgence of Huangquan Ghost Mother from her consciousness.

It is known that Huangquan Ghost Mother may have been created by Sothoth's friend, the Mother Goddess Eve, and was given the number 095.

Another thing is that Huangquan Ghost Mother's body can change into strange...

Ye Mo kept thinking, and finally his eyes froze on Huangquan Ghost Mother's self-talk!


"This ghost mother of Huangquan said that she likes flowers…���Maybe I can start from this.……"

To be honest, apart from this, Ye Mo couldn't think of any other solution, so he led everyone to the street, found a strange dead body and examined it carefully.

This was a bandaged ghost, lying quietly on the street after death, but unexpectedly, after the strange death, there was still a little black air on the body, which kept floating...

That's right, there was still black air after death!

"Could it be that this black energy is the consciousness of the Yellow Springs Ghost Mother?"


"Since she said she likes flowers, let's give it a try.

Vegeta, get a pot of flowers from the flower shop next door."Soon, Vegeta came to Ye Mo with a pot of azaleas, and Ye Mo picked one of them and put it on the bandaged ghost without saying a word.

At the moment when the azalea was close to the bandaged ghost, his black energy stopped floating and slowly disappeared...

Seeing this scene, Ye Mo's eyes suddenly lit up and he instantly became interested.

"Could it really be effective? Flowers may really be able to suppress the consciousness of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother and prevent him from waking up?"

Ye Mo was overjoyed and then went to the flower shop to take out pots of flowers and handed them to the many summoned beasts, asking them to sprinkle a flower on the strange corpse, and to place a flower every time they killed a strange.

The summoned beasts received the order and immediately began the one-stop funeral service.

Not only will I beat you to death, but I will also give you flowers after I beat you to death.

And with Ye Mo's decision, the strange corpse no longer emitted black air, but really lay there like a corpse without moving.

It seemed that the consciousness of the Yellow Spring Ghost Mother had stopped just like that...

The summoned beasts continued to kill, while Ye Mo was still studying the sequel of this ancient book in the coffee shop:

【This time! I must not let them call me that ugly name again!】

【I started to repeat the steps from last time, creating one little man after another.】

【As time went by, a lot of my body disappeared, and there were more and more villains in this world, one after another, countless.】

【Soon I created all the little people. My body disappeared, but I lived among them. My consciousness still existed, looking at my children happily.】

【I thought things would stay peaceful until one day, my mother came, the Mother Goddess Eve.】

【Child, it seems that you are having a lot of fun, but I want to tell you that soon people will come to this world, and your children will hunt these people down, and you can’t stop them!】

【After hearing what the Mother Goddess said, I was slightly stunned but didn't care. As long as they didn't hurt my children, I would let my children hunt down those who broke in.】

【I don’t know how many days had passed, but finally the so-called humans came in. They were different from my children.

Their appearance was more regular, and they had no inexplicable wounds on their bodies. They even contained a special kind of perfection!】

【The appearance of humans makes me extremely jealous, and even adds some anger to my children, causing them to have no liking for humans at all. Once they encounter humans, they will hunt them crazily!】

【Haha, of course I won't stop them.

These creatures that broke in are too perfect. They don't have any strange wounds on their bodies, and their faces are so smooth. Unlike these children of mine, they look like orthodox people!】

【Hurry up and hunt! I don't like such a perfect villain! 】

After reading this, I thought for a moment.

The time when the human professionals appeared in this ancient book seems to be wrong...

The first human professionals who appeared in this world should have been a long time ago, because this book is an ancient book, with a history of at least two or three hundred years, and the earliest time that the God of Blue Star appeared was 100 years ago, so the human professionals in the book could not be Blue Star professionals.……

"It seems that this Shenyuan does not actually belong entirely to Blue Planet. Perhaps there are other entrances to other worlds.……"

Just as Ye Mo was talking to himself, on the other side of the strange world, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and five dazzling white lights emanated from the sky. Then these white lights fell to the ground and transformed into five strange-looking professionals.

"Wow, is this the fourth-level divine abyss? It’s actually such a big world!"

One of the girls with long ears said playfully.

""Speak softly, Sophia, this world is full of weirdness!"

The masked man in the lead reminded.

Sophia pursed her lips in grievance:

"What's the matter? Captain, you are a double S-level professional, and Brother Feiyu is also a double S-level professional. Are you still afraid of these monsters?"

""Okay, okay, keep your voice down, hurry up and find a way to pass the level!" The man with the eye mask urged, and everyone found the direction and left, as if to complete the task.

At this moment, Ye Mo was closing the book, looking out the window of the coffee shop with emotion...

Looking from the coffee shop, there was a towering building outside, and in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 35th floor of the building, ten figures were standing quietly, their eyes seemed to be looking at him!

""Oh, that's interesting. You think I don't have a summoned beast, so you want to attack me?"

Ye Mo smiled, then calmly walked out of the coffee shop, came to the street, and looked up at the ten figures on the 35th floor.

The next moment, the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 35th floor shattered instantly, and the ten figures jumped down directly!

""Boom boom boom!"

Violent noises resounded throughout the city, and the ten figures slowly emerged!

The leader was a man in a suit. His straight posture and the neat suit made people feel a sense of oppression.

However, because of his weird appearance, his eye sockets were dark and there were no eyeballs at all!

The other weird ones also looked different. It can be said that they have normal human postures, but their appearance is that of a dead person.

But what is worth affirming is that each of them has an extremely powerful aura. These are ten nightmare-level weirds!

At this moment, the man in a suit in the lead���He smiled and said:

"Hello sir, I am the mayor of this city. Welcome to my city, but can you please stop these friends of yours, because they are too murderous."

As the man in the suit spoke, ten strange eyes approached Ye Mo. While asking, he also threatened

"You can stop, but what can you bring to me?"

Ye Mo asked.

As soon as he said this, the ten weirdos were stunned.

The man in the suit who was leading the group showed a hint of anger on his face and said:

"Sir, you and your friends are powerful, that is undeniable, but isn't it a bit too much to kill innocent people like this?

Some of us weirdos have never provoked you, but we have to suffer your murderous hands.

Compared to us weirdos, you are the real devil!"

"That's right! Do you think you can do whatever you want just because you are strong? I tell you, we still have the Supreme God. When she wakes up, you will never be able to be so arrogant again!"

A strange woman next to him echoed

"You humans are so disgusting, you are such an evil creature, and you still want justice, is this how you kill innocent people! ?"

A young man said angrily.

At this time, Ye Mo smiled and shook his head.……

"Justice? What is justice?

To me, there is no distinction between justice and evil. There is only the entanglement of interests. If you can give me benefits, I will help you rebuild your home, or even build a city!"

"But if you can't give it to me, don't talk to me about justice or injustice, and don't hinder me from carrying out my mission!"

【You have shared the attributes of Summoned Beast Vegeta!】

"Vegeta's current form is Super Saiyan 4!"

【You have re-shared the attributes of the summoned beast Vegeta]

At this moment, all of Ye Mo's attributes have doubled, all reaching more than 200,000!

At this moment, his muscles are even bulging like Vegeta, full of explosive power!


In an instant, Ye Mo came in front of the man in the suit and grabbed his neck!

"Come, tell me, is it justice if I kill you now?"

Ye Mo's eyes flashed with scarlet light, and he looked at him with a sneer.

At this moment, the man in the suit was clamped, and he found that Ye Mo's strength was far beyond his imagination!

You have to know that he is just a nightmare-level weird.

From the perspective of a professional, although his blood volume is as high as millions, his attack power is pitifully low, even less than 10,000...

Naturally, he has no ability to resist Ye Mo...

At this moment, the man in the suit was almost strangled to faint!

The weird woman next to him rushed forward immediately after seeing it,

"Let him go, you devil!!"

The woman rushed forward with red eyes, but Ye Mo pointed his finger at her and said:

"Do you feel loved?"


In an instant, a sharp beam of light shot out from Ye Mo's fingertips, directly piercing the woman's forehead, bringing up a large amount of blood!


A damage of 3.5 million appeared on the woman's head, and she was knocked to the ground by the blow, her life or death unknown.……

"A group of weird���You've talked to me about justice, are you trying to blackmail me morally if I say a few more words?"

Ye Mo smiled, then twisted the suit man's neck and walked towards the other weirdos.

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