As Ye Mo left the room with blood all over his nose, Lucifer and Hades were stunned.……

"Master, what happened to you?"

Hades asked

"It's nothing, don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

Ye Mo said unhappily.

Ignoring the two confused people, Ye Mo first opened his panel to check to see how much his current attributes have increased.

However, he was not in a hurry to look at the panel, but remembered something.

The system gave him the right to use weapons of all professions.

Originally, as a summoner, he could only use some things like staffs to increase attributes, but now it is different.

He can use weapons of other professions to fight, experience the professions of warriors, archers, mages, swordsmen...

As for the Zhuxian Demon Bow and the Four-sided Golden Tripod given by the Outer God , I can't use it all the time, after all, one of these two things consumes too much mental energy, and the other directly consumes my life span, which is not worth the loss.

I need a practical equipment that can be used at any time...

Thinking of this, Ye Mo opened the auction house to check.

At present, he doesn't like these gold-level equipment. Only the small top-quality equipment in the Obsidian level or the rare King-level equipment can catch his eye.

But how rare is the King-level equipment? It must be difficult to find it in the auction house...

So the small top-quality equipment in the Obsidian level is his goal!

At this moment, Ye Mo kept browsing the auction house, checking out the equipment one by one.……

【Charged gloves: Strength increased by 10%, special skills: A full-strength attack can cause 120% damage to the enemy and has a serious injury effect

【Seriously injured: Speed decreased by 50%】】

【Dark Gold Feather Blade: It can be stored on the back at ordinary times, forming feather wings. When used, it can be transformed into a steel knife, causing 130% damage to the enemy with each attack.】

"Alas, this feather wing is quite interesting, but the increase is too low."

As he continued to browse, weapons appeared before his eyes.

Finally, Ye Mo's eyes were fixed on one of the weapons:

【Kanglong Long Sword: Increases your strength by 20%, and each attack causes 200% damage! 】

This piece of equipment is the best comprehensive attribute Ye Mo has ever seen.

He didn't hesitate at all and quickly took the photo!

【You have obtained the Dragon Blade! Do you want to equip it?】

【Equip it!】

【You have equipped the Kanglong Long Sword, do you want to check the panel?】

"take a look"

【Name: Ye Mo】

【Occupation: Summoner of All Worlds】

【Talent: SSS Chaos Emperor

「Can share attributes with any summoned beast and add them to itself」

「Every time you level up 10, you will get a Chaos Talent, guaranteed to be S-level."

SSS Chaos Shadow: You can choose a summoned beast and summon the summoned beast's shadow. The summoned beast's shadow inherits 80% of the original body's attributes and skill attributes."Every 50 points of mental power can summon a summoned beast shadow."

S Consumption-free Chaos: All skills can be released without consumption for the first 3 times a day, and all your summoned beasts share this talent.

SS Chaos Gate: Open the Chaos Gate, and an extremely powerful summoned beast will appear inside. If you have the ability, subdue him (only open once a month)

「SSS」Chaos Past and Present: Summon all characters who have a good impression of you, regardless of time, space, or dimension.

If the character agrees, the summon will succeed, but the strength is only 80% of the original body."This talent can only be used once every 10 years.」】

【Level: Iv.40】

【Strength: 11000+3400】

【HP: 8900+1200】

【Speed: 11000+1200】

【Defense: 11000+1200】

【Mental strength: 14000+2999】

【Summoned beasts: Vegeta, Xuanwu, Hades】

【Skill:"Blood Demon's Hand: The summoned beast's attack has a 10% blood-sucking effect, and the blood sucked is also added to the summoner, lasting 30 minutes, with a cooldown of three hours.」

「Magic Light Cannon (Learnable by Summoners): Fires a beam of energy light forward, which has a strong penetrating effect and causes 1500% damage to the enemy.」】

【Equipment: Conqueror's Battle Suit, Glory Necklace, Shanchuan Leather Boots,

Kanglong Long Sword: Increases your own strength attribute by 20%, and each attack causes 200% damage!】

【Storage space: 52 resurrection coins, 522 recovery potions】

【Summoned Beasts: Saiyan Vegeta, Xuanwu, Hades, Colin】

【9,000,000 experience points left to reach the next level】


The next moment, a very pretentious long sword appeared in Ye Mo's hand, looking heroic and extraordinary!

This anti-dragon long sword should be said to be a top-grade equipment in the obsidian level, so it looks very good. The golden blade and the blade that exudes cold light are top-grade equipment at a glance!

Seeing the appearance of this equipment, Ye Mo liked it very much in his heart, and then he started to play in the room, dancing vigorously.

At the same time.

The old man who was playing chess alone on the 1st floor had a premonition that the time was almost up, so he took the elevator to the 17th floor.

At this moment, he thought in his heart that the kid should have been eaten up last night, which was really a bargain for the ghosts on the 17th floor...

But just as he walked out of the elevator door, the bloody scene on the 17th floor made him stunned instantly, and his eyes couldn't help but stare at the boss!

It was not an exaggeration to describe the 17th floor as a sea of blood and corpses at this time.

Countless weird heads fell in the corridor in a mess, headless corpses were all over the corridor, and blood flowed in the corridor like a stream.……

""What's going on? Didn't they scream loudly last night?"

The old man was stunned. He checked the entire corridor tremblingly and found that almost all the doors were damaged, except for the one where Ye Mo lived, which was intact, just like a new one.……


The old man took two steps back in fear, looking at Ye Mo's door with an incredible look in his eyes, his heart trembling...

At the same time, Lucifer, who heard the noise in the room, opened the door and saw the old man shaking like a sieve.

At this time, the old man happened to see Ye Mo fiddling with the Kanglong long sword in the room, and the fear in his heart became more intense...

At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind...

This human used the long sword in his hand to kill all the ghosts in the corridor!

"Kill them all! Hahahaha! Kill them all!……"

The old man was crazy, and walked towards the stairs step by step, his eyes became a little stupid.

Because he knew that if all the ghosts died, it meant that the adult was also dead...

That person was a well-known entrepreneur from another city, Red Wedding Clothes! , and he died here. How could he explain this in the future? What should he do?

At this time, Ye Mo didn't even know that the old man had come, and he was still fiddling with the long knife in his hand.……

"Lucifer, what do you think of my sword? Can I fight you?"

"Dare not, Master, you are the strongest!"

Lucifer complimented.

Hearing this, Ye Mo smiled with satisfaction, then patted the two on the shoulders and walked out of the room.

The weird corpses in the corridor were not so scary to Ye Mo.

You know, he is not weird, unless it is a human corpse in the corridor on the first floor, he can still look sideways.

And these are weird corpses, which have a scare effect on weird...

Soon, Ye Mo came downstairs and found the old man who was in a daze.

"You don't have a room card for this room, so you don't need to check out. I'm leaving first."

After saying that, Ye Mo was about to take the two away.

But the old man was still in a daze, as if he was still recalling the scene just now.

However, at this moment, a little girl with only one eye suddenly came over, pointing at Ye Mo and said:

"You! Do you think you don't have to pay to live in our house? If you unclog the sewer in the apartment, it will be considered as you paid the rent!"

【Ding! The mission begins!】

【The current task is to clean up the Red Prince in the sewer of the apartment! 】

The old man's eyebrows trembled when he heard the little girl's words.

He thought that the adult died last night, and the Red Prince in the sewer must not die again!

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