"What did you say?"

The butcher asked in confusion.

However, the next second, the beam of light from the magic light killing cannon shot out crazily and directly penetrated the butcher's head!


A full 150,000 damage came out of the butcher's forehead, but Ye Mo sighed. His attributes were a bit low. Even if he used the Magic Light Killing Cannon, a skill with a very high degree of amplification, he could only deal 150,000 damage, which was really a bit disappointing.

But it didn't matter. He was just a summoner, not a warrior.

At this moment, the butcher whose forehead was smashed by the Magic Light Killing Cannon immediately became furious. He covered his forehead and looked at Ye Mo fiercely:

""Boy, you're not going to take my toast!"

With a roar, the huge kitchen knife was about to fall on Ye Mo's forehead, but the next moment it was grabbed by a strong hand and could not move.

It was Vegeta!

""What are you doing? You idiot?" the butcher roared.

However, Vegeta did not show any extra expression, he just grabbed the butcher's neck and pulled it up hard!

""Pu la la!"

The butcher's head was pulled off directly, and there was a long spine on it, which looked extremely terrifying!

In an instant, blood spurted out... The whole car fell into silence.

When the other ghosts saw this scene, their pupils suddenly contracted and they immediately turned their eyes away, not daring to look at Ye Mo again...

There was even a water ghost that kept emitting a foul smell, obviously it was urinating...

And at this moment, unlike the fear of other monsters, the car driver actually had an opinion!

"Young man, don't think you can be so domineering here just because you have some ability!"

The driver stopped the car, got out of the driver's seat, chewed the finger again, and looked at Ye Mo unkindly.

But the driver's look made Ye Mo speechless.……

"Are you a driver?"

"Otherwise, are you blind?"

"But how do you drive without eyes?……"

Ye Mo asked in surprise

"What's it to you? I'm here to teach you a lesson today, you damn human, you can't tell the difference between a big king and a small king!"

The driver roared and was about to pounce, but Vegeta kicked him in the head and threw his body out of the car...

At this moment, the ghosts who had planned to watch a good show fell silent again...

How could the battle end before it even started?

At the same time, with the death of the driver, the entire car began to vibrate inexplicably, and a huge face appeared on the floor!

""Human, you killed my husband, I will never coexist with you!"

The big face on the floor roared, and then the whole vehicle began to shake constantly, and even had a tendency to crash!

You know, the bus is on a bridge at the moment, and if it falls off, no one will be happy.

"Vegeta, let him be quiet for a while."

Ye Mo said lightly.

Then, Vegeta casually transformed into a Super Saiyan and stomped through the floor!


A violent sound rang out, and the entire floor was crushed into pieces, leaving a huge hole!

At the same time, the entire bus began to roar, and the meaning of pain was self-evident.……

""Ah!!! Human!!! How dare you!!!"

The bus shook more and more violently, and several times it hit the guardrail of the bridge and was about to fall off! At this time, Vegeta ran out of the bus at a high speed, and kept beating the bus to make it stay on track.

Just like that, punch after punch, the bus was hit into the middle of the road with a painful roar, and it sped forward...

This scene looked extremely funny.……

"Stop fighting, stop fighting! Can’t I just run?


The face on the floor roared, and then disappeared.

Then the bus drove more and more steadily, and even the air conditioner was turned on in the car.……

"Wouldn't it be better if it was done earlier? Why do you have to come and test it?"

Ye Mo said speechlessly, and then he fell into a doze state. After driving for nearly two hours, he finally arrived at the Red Building Apartment in Magic City.

At this moment, Ye Mo slowly got off the bus, and the ghosts on the bus breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they didn't take the bus with this human, they could go anywhere!

"Hehe, are you going to live in the Red Building Apartment?

I tell you, if you live in this apartment, you will be dead soon. Don't blame me for not reminding you, hehehe……"

The woman on the bus smiled sinisterly and then drove away.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked up and saw that the Red Building Apartment had a total of 18 floors, which was a medium-sized building in the city center. There were also many ghosts in this city. Almost every humanoid creature walking on the street was a ghost.……

"Should I just kill my way through this world? Or should I continue to complete the quest?……"

Ye Mo pondered.

After thinking about it, he decided to move into this apartment first.

If he went against the whole weird world, he didn't know their strength. If a powerful ghost appeared, it would be difficult to deal with.

It would be best for him to follow the mission...

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