"Then it's decided happily, little friend Ye. I will send you to Shuanglong Mountain in a month. It's up to you then~"

Liu Li Bing said with a playful wink.

Ye Mo nodded calmly, walked out of the teahouse, and prepared to go to Qiye City.

It will take another month for Shuanglong Mountain to open, so there's no need to be too anxious. This month, he can also conquer the fourth-level abyss once, and by the way, he can completely settle the union's affairs.

Soon, Ye Mo came to the professional center of Qiye City, ready to receive the prize from the last Dragon Tiger Meeting.

"Hello Mr. Ye, you can receive the Obsidian Advanced Tiger Claw Boxing Gloves or the Obsidian Advanced Dragon Fang Necklace. Are you sure you want to receive the three epic slavery stars? This thing is not as useful as equipment!"

The specialist at the counter said earnestly.

However, Ye Mo was not moved at all and made up his mind to choose three slavery stars.

Soon he left the Professional Center with three epic slavery stars and came to his own guild.

At present, there are only two people in his Apocalypse Guild, himself and Wang Lin, and Wang Lin has been managing the guild recently.

At this moment, Ye Mo was about to enter the guild when he found a slightly familiar figure at the door.

Ye Mo approached and saw that the person in front of him was the Holy Grail Master Long Hai.

At this moment, Wang Lin walked out of the gate and said in surprise when he saw Ye Mo:

"Brother Ye, you are finally here! Oh my God! Do you know that you have become very popular recently?

Now everyone in Qiye City knows you, and there is no one in the whole Dragon Country who doesn’t know you!"

Ye Mo smiled and waved his hand.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing here?"

He pointed at Long Hai and asked

"Oh, him, this guy has been saying that he wants to join our guild.

I told him to wait until you come to see him before agreeing. Otherwise, I don’t know him, so how can I let him join?"

At this moment, Long Hai turned his head and looked at Ye Mo with excitement:

"Ye Tiancai! Do you still remember me? I once blocked a bullet for you in Shenyuan!"

Ye Mo was speechless. You know what, he really did block a bullet for himself!

"Ye Tiancai, please let me join your guild, for our previous friendship, I beg you!"

Long Hai said with tears in his eyes. He has placed all his hopes on Ye Mo, hoping to turn things around!

But how could Ye Mo agree to let him join so easily?

You know, not long ago, this Long Hai betrayed the bone-cutting master Wang Ren once, so he really couldn't rest assured to let him join.

But considering that his strength is also over level 30, he is in need of people now, so Ye Mo said:

"You can join if you want, but you have to use this thing."

After saying that, Ye Mo took out a slave star and threw it in front of him.

Long Hai was stunned when he looked at the slave star.

How could he not know what it was?

It is said that after using the slave star, one will become a different person. The whole person's personality will change greatly and will be loyal to the owner of the star...

At this moment, Long Hai's heart was turned upside down. He remembered that when he was young, he lived in the slums.

Even awakening was done with a very small stone. When he awakened the Holy Grail Master and planned to add bricks and tiles to his family, he found that his ability was so weak.……

"I thought I could get out of poverty if I worked hard, but I didn't succeed."

"Later I thought I could escape poverty by becoming a professional, but I still failed."

"But now I must get rid of poverty, I am willing to follow you, Ye Tiancai!"

Long Hai said with bloodshot eyes.

Seeing his appearance, Ye Mo did not express anything, but directly threw the slavery star on Long Hai, and it began to take effect!

At this moment, Long Hai wanted to resist, but gave up... because he had had enough of poverty!


Half an hour later, the three of them came to a Dragon restaurant and started to feast.

The Apocalypse Guild was truly established, as it already had three members, which was a big step forward!

At this moment, Wang Lin took a bite of the pork elbow and asked Ye Mo with a mouthful of oil:

"Brother Ye, which God's Abyss are you going to fight next? Oh, how come you've reached level 40 so quickly? Oh my God!……"

Hearing Wang Lin's question, Ye Mo also fell into deep thought. The fourth-level divine abyss is rare anywhere in Blue Star.

There is not even a fourth-level abyss in the entire Seven Nights City. It is said that there are only ninety fourth-level abysses in Dragon Country...

At this moment, Ye Mo took out his mobile phone and started to check. At present, there are a total of many abysses that he can enter, which are:

【The love of the mother goddess, the shy man, the fire of hell, the strange world

, the lost child, someone under the bed, who is on the roof, the endless tube building, the woman outside the dormitory……】

Many of these divine abysses are of horror type, with little experience, and the only ones that Ye Mo values are the Mother Goddess's Love, the Endless Tube Building, the Weird World, and the Hellfire.

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