Everyone: Level 0 Start Enhanced 18th Style Blade Jakka

Chapter 86: Feather fan and silk scarf, wine tasting and Qu0026A, Yuichi Sanada's absolute conf

The headquarters of the Shinsengumi in Sakura Country.

In the courtyard, cherry blossoms are dancing.

Sanada Yuichi is sitting in front of the porch, enjoying the cherry blossoms and drinking, looking at the blue sky, feeling very comfortable.

Hearing footsteps, he did not turn back, but took out a wine bowl and filled it, "Umizumi, you are here at the right time, cherry blossoms are dancing under the clear sky, two glasses of sake, let's drink together."


He is in high spirits.

In Canglan City, thousands of miles away, Umekawa Qiuyi may have succeeded.

The guardians of Huaxia Country may have been furious, but they have no way to do anything.

"Come on, this wine is the aged osmanthus wine I bought from Huaxia Country. It cannot be poured into the bowl for more than 20 minutes, otherwise the osmanthus in the wine will be covered by the cherry blossoms and lose its taste."

As he spoke.

Sanada Yuichi was seen shaking a feather fan in his hand, and then looking at the turban wrapped around his head, wearing a green robe, a gentlemanly and elegant look.

The person he truly admired was the famous Prime Minister Zhuge Wuhou in the history of China.

In the midst of chatting and laughing, the strong enemy was wiped out.

Today, at this moment.

Sanada Yuichi is going to reproduce the elegance of Zhuge Wuhou!

While enjoying the cherry blossoms and drinking, they were chatting and laughing. When the fun was exhausted, the good news came from thousands of miles away!

The name of the Shinsengumi will become an indelible nightmare for China. The assassination of the top scholar in both subjects under the eyes of the guardians is tantamount to bringing shame to the entire China.

Perhaps several guardians will be implicated and lose the will to move forward from then on.

And he.

is the person behind the scenes!

It happened that Sanada Yuichi suddenly thought of the lack of a witness while drinking.

At this time.

Kamiizumi Mangan came.

It was simply God's help.

All signs indicate that this action will succeed!

"Captain Sanada, can you please stop Captain Umekawa's assassination!"

Ueizumi Mangan was extremely anxious. His sixth sense told him that the Shinsengumi would suffer heavy losses in this operation, so he decided to rush to stop it. He never expected that Sanada Yuichi would laugh very happily after hearing it.

"...Don't worry about it. Do you know how well this operation was considered?"

The feather fan gently brushed away the fallen cherry blossoms on his shoulders, and Sanada did not hide his inner pride and joy.

Less than 500 meters away from the residence of the guardian of Canglan City, Meng Nanguo, with a huge investment of 88 dead men, the double-subject champion of Huaxia, who is rare in history, was openly slaughtered.

When his body appeared at the gate of Meng Nanguo...

Sanada Yuichi really wanted to witness the glorious moment that was recorded in the history of assassination!

Undoubtedly, Ueizumi Mangan, who came to stop the assassination with a worried look, gave Sanada Yuichi the space and stage to perform.


He will use his eloquence to answer questions for this worried poor bug!

When everything is clear.

The whole world may report this shocking news!

What does it mean to plan and win from afar?

This is it!

"Do you know where my confidence comes from?"

Shangquan Wangang shook his head and drank a mouthful of sake, which calmed his restless heart a little.

"It's understandable that you have such concerns. After all, only I can make such a violent and bold plan a reality!"

"Captain Sanada, I, I don't understand why you are so sure! If it fails, Umekawa and the others will all die in the blue sky!"

"Wang Gang, you are still too young! This time I will give Umekawa the legendary item [Key to the Rift of Time] that can only be used once!"


This time it was Ueizumi Wangang's turn to be completely shocked. His arms trembled slightly, and the sake was spilled. He ignored it, "Is it the item that opens up a small world?"

"Brother Ueizumi, that's right! There are also 88 dead men, the lowest of which are level 40, and a forbidden spell scroll of [Black Death]. How could it fail?"

In the huge courtyard, only Ueizumi Wangang's breath was heard.

The value of these two consumables alone exceeds 1 billion!

Not to mention Umekawa Akie and 88 dead men, it can be said to be an unprecedented big deal!

Of course, Sanada Yuichi spared no expense this time in order to shock the world and make Uesugi Haruna of the Special High Technology Department look up to him.

"…So, brother Uezumi, now you know it! There is a saying in China, called planning before action. Even if the target can avoid the surprise attack of the black death god, there are still 87 dead soldiers, how can it fail?"

Filling the wine for the two, Sanada Yuichi looked at the cherry blossoms in the courtyard, triumphant.

This will be the biggest shame in the history of China, and it is also the starting point of the glory of the Shinsengumi!

Sanada Yuichi thought that Canglan City was in the hot summer at this moment, and he would add another prairie fire in this hot summer!

"Damn God, how normal is it and then abnormal again?"

"Fuck his grandma's legs, it's snowing in the middle of summer, ah, I'm freezing to death!"

Pedestrians cursing can be heard everywhere on the street. Such rare and changeable weather makes many experts frown.

What excuse should I find for this?

In another world.

Snowflakes were flying, and there was a sense of killing between heaven and earth.


A scream resounded through the sky, and dozens of figures appeared one after another. In the middle of a person's chest, the blood froze into a dazzling ice cube, and everyone's face was livid.

"Baga! Baga!"

"Where is he! Where on earth is he!"

The companion died tragically, but they didn't even see a hair on Su Mu's leg. This weird and humiliating situation was the first time they encountered it.


Another scream!

When they arrived, another dead soldier died tragically.

The same stab in the back, this time Su Mu even had time to use the corpse to make a gesture of raising the middle finger with both hands and then freeze it into an ice sculpture.

The damage was not high, but the insult was extremely strong!

In other words.

The level suppression of these people was completely useless!

At this time, they thought of what the boy said when he disappeared for the first time.

"The snow started, now is the hunting time!"

Did the positions of the hunter and the prey actually switch?

In less than 30 minutes, 20 dead soldiers were killed one after another, and the shadow of death shrouded everyone's heart.

The dead soldiers had already prepared to die generously.

However, as long as they were human, how could they not be afraid of death?

Su Mu's elusive and terrifying killing methods awakened the most primitive fear of death in their hearts.

"Everyone gather together!"

The highest-ranking warrior gave the order, regretting it in his heart.

If it weren't for his hesitation, perhaps a few fewer people would have died.

Now it seems that this boy named Su Mu has the ability to control the weather and snow, has a high attack, and has the skill or talent to avoid perception, which is quite tricky!

In just a few seconds, the remaining warriors gathered.

"Captain, what should we do?"

"That insidious guy must be around us, I can feel him watching us!"

"But, captain, we can't find him!"

The man called captain in the center smiled coldly and said in a deep voice: "The reason why he uses this tactic is nothing more than being afraid of us!"

"At most——"

Not far away, Su Mu saw that the man had a fiery red scroll in his hand.

"But, Captain! If you use [Flamestorm] here, it will be a crime of destroying the city without authorization. What if all countries ask for punishment?"


"You are short-sighted! This is a time rift, with the same terrain and weather as the original. Even if this world is blown up, what does it have to do with Canglan City?"

"Oh oh oh oh! So that's how it is, I understand!"

"Hehe, I understand too, thank you very much."

Su Mu yawned, no longer worried.

After all, it was a villa bought with real money. If it really burned down, it would be very painful!

So he used the additional skill [Celestial Phenomenon] of Hyorinmaru and the stealth effect of the Lord of Ice and Snow in the treasure [Ice Crystal Shoulder Badge of the Ice Queen] to assassinate.



If you use the skills casually, I can make you regret coming to this world!


Through the Eye of All Knowledge, Su Mu confirmed the information of [Flamestorm].

At this moment, the forbidden spell is activated!

[God's Hand]

Flowing Blade Jakka!

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