Countless dull eyes refocused, and before the dawn of hope, they were hit hard, making them full of fear for both humans and monsters.

In fear, there is anger! And resentment!

Su Yu continued: "The existence of the Night Banquet is for revenge!"

"Send out the anger of revenge to those despicable humans and the ghost-faced foxes who are still comfortable in Qingyan City!"

"Tell me, do you choose to be a fighter who regains your dignity, or a coward who just wants to survive?"

"Maybe someone will say, Su Yu, I just want to live, I'm too tired, I don't want to step onto the battlefield again, yes, you are right, life is too important!"

"But for us Daxia people, there is something more important than life, that is dignity!"

"I tell you, as long as Qingyan City is not destroyed, your dignity of being enslaved will never be taken back ! As long as those high-handed people can still control your lives at will, your dignity is meaningless! As long as you don't kill your enemies yourself, your dignity has never existed! "

"Begging and escaping can't take back your dignity, let alone protect your life! Those who can only express indignation and protest are spineless cowards. We will pierce their throats with our sharp blades! Trampling everything they cherish!"

"I ask you, are you willing to follow me? Bet on our hatred and dignity, and before our hearts stop beating, I will take you to enjoy this feast of revenge!"

The originally numb people seemed to have a spark in their hearts.

To be honest, many people want to escape and live in seclusion, but who can really forget the humiliating experience of the past few years?

Su Yu is right. As long as the ghost-faced fox clan does not perish, their dignity and life will always live in the past! Their lives will still be controlled by others!

A man with a broken arm stepped forward: "Su Yu, my name is Zhou Zheng, the former captain of the 7th Company of the 8th Battalion of the Dragon Eagle Guard. 90% of our company was killed. The few who survived are like me, with no arms and no pets..."

"Of course I want to be like you! But I... hehe... hehe..."

Zhou Zheng laughed sadly, tears running down his cheeks, indescribably sad.

People like him occupy the majority!

In order to enslave them to work, the ghost-faced fox basically crippled them and then killed their pets...

What's the use of inspiring people if you don't have the strength?

Su Yu nodded gently: "Of course you can, my friend."


Arya raised her hand gently, and a red light spot condensed on Zhou Zheng's broken arm. Countless people looked at this scene. What was shocking was that Zhou Zheng's stump was reborn and revived under the influence of immortality!

Zhou Zheng's eyes widened, and he swung his right arm in disbelief, shouting with a trembling voice: "I'm back! I'm all back! My magic circuit is back too! I, I, I..."

He wiped away his tears: "Su Yu, I'm grateful for your kindness. I, Zhou Zheng, under the witness of the Fengyun Ranking, am willing to make an unbreakable oath! From now on, I will follow Su Yu and never frown in the face of danger!"

Thousands of people were in an uproar. The broken limbs were regenerated. This heaven-defying power really happened in front of them!

Su Yu smiled and said: "Okay! Don't worry, if you are willing to join, I can heal you no matter how badly you are injured!"

"Don't look at my low realm, but I have a lot of family wealth. I can't take out more, but I can still afford the start-up capital of 100 drops of life spirit liquid per person!"

Su Yu brought out the bucket of life spirit liquid.


Thousands of people took a breath of cold air.

The nine guards of Daxia didn't have much of Life Spirit Liquid, a strategic resource that can strengthen the body, in stock, but Su Yu actually took out a large bucket at once!

How much is that? One hundred liters?

That's a million drops at the bottom!

Is this quite wealthy?

They absolutely believe that there is no one in Daxia who is richer than Su Yu in Life Spirit Liquid!

After a period of silence, thousands of people rushed over!

"Su Yu, no, Captain Su! I, Liu Qiang, leave my life to you!"

"Captain Su, I, Wei Shi, was originally ranked 102nd on the Thousand Ghosts List! Just give me a pet, and I can fight them all back!"

"Captain Su, my talent is S-level Shadow Screen Array, I will be the spearhead of the commando! Even a demigod can never see through my disguise!"

Life, dignity, wealth, status...

The life they lost, everything they lost, the gray despair truly saw the dawn of hope today!

5223 people, almost all of them wanted to join, and everyone was willing to make an unbreakable oath!

About 700 people said they wanted to go home and discuss with their families first., and promised to obtain the consent of their families.

There were less than 300 people who wanted to help, but the injured parts were different. It was a loss of vitality. Those people had white hair and lost teeth. They were like candles in the wind. They had the will but not the strength, and they withdrew regretfully.

Despite this, Su Yu still asked Alia to use Immortality to heal their wounds as much as possible.

Su Yu was not disappointed.

There were no real cowards among the warriors of Daxia who dared to fight on the battlefield.

The real spineless ones either knelt before going to the battlefield, or chose to betray as soon as they were captured. How could they survive the torture until now?

Li Lingya behind him couldn't help but sigh.

Su Yu, as if he was born with magic, made people want to believe in him.

Governor Xia, the master of the Beast Pavilion, both saw this point, right?

Su Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Don't worry, don't worry!"

"Don't worry, I only have 3,000 places, and the extra people can't join the team for the time being, but don't worry, the Night Banquet Beast Taming Group will never give up anyone from the day it is established today."

"Those with high enough realm and talent will enter the team first, and the rest of you will be given life spirit liquid. You can go back and exchange it for resources for cultivation. It's not too late to join after you reach at least the Transformation Realm!"

You don't know until you check carefully, and you'll be shocked when you check!

Among the more than 4,000 people who expressed their willingness to join the group on the spot, there are more than 100 people in the Nirvana Realm alone! Most of the rest are in the Transformation Realm.

There are also more than 40 beastmasters with S-level talents!

Among them, Zhou Zheng, Liu Qiang, Wei Shi, and Meng Qian even broke through to the Wheel Realm beastmaster after years of magic accumulation!

The direct combat force is probably far greater than any battalion of the Dragon Eagle Guard!

There are usually less than 10 Nirvana Realm Beast Tamers in a battalion, and the Dragon Eagle Guard has only more than 300 Nirvana Realm Beast Tamers on the surface. There may be hidden forces in secret, but no matter what, the force that Su Yu rescued is the absolute main force anywhere.

No wonder Xia Tingen said it was impossible to agree at that time.

If the value of that passage was not too outrageous, there would probably be no room for negotiation.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Today, November 7th is the day when our Night Banquet Beast Tamer Group was established!"

"From now on, Qingyan City, Disaster Demon Cave, Daxia Nine Demon Cave, one day, we will make these beasts in hell awakened by nightmares, and any enemy can only be a feast on our table!"

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