"Ah?" Su Yu looked at Qu Xuanyin in astonishment.

"What did you say?"

Alia and Kong Huanyuan were equally astonished.

"Is this the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave?" The three said in unison.

The entrance to the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave is located in Jianghe City, which is nearly two thousand miles away from the Magic City.

Why did you leave the Disaster Demon Cave just by crossing the Thousand-foot Cold Pond?

Su Yu was stunned for a while, and couldn't help but sigh at the magic of the Demon Cave.

There are still countless secrets in this world that have not been known.


Su Yu realized the great value of this matter!

If there is a passage that connects the Disaster Demon Cave and the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave, it will be extraordinary!

Daxia currently only has three cities in the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave, which takes some initiative, and the rest of the Demon Caves are all passively beaten.

If Su Yu hadn't gotten the priority to fight the Disaster Demon Cave this time, it would probably be difficult to achieve such a huge result.


Daxia puts its main force in the Calamity Demon Cave to cause the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave to slack off, and then suddenly rushes into the Thousand Lakes Demon Cave, wouldn't it be possible to take control of the entire Thousand Lakes Demon Cave battlefield in one fell swoop?

Vice versa!

Su Yu, who felt the great strategic significance of this, adjusted his breathing.

Qu Xuanyin blinked and said, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Su Yu shook his head. If he really did this, this piece of pure land might become a battlefield.

This is unfair to Qu Xuanyin.

If it was before, Su Yu would have executed it without hesitation, but now... Su Yu shook his head and said, "No, I remembered something."

"Oh, by the way, I haven't dared to ask the girl's name yet?"

Qu Xuanyin wrote and drew, and a few white words appeared in his eyes.

"What a nice name. Miss Qu, may I ask where you are going next?"

"I'm afraid it won't be safe here..."

Qu Xuanyin drooped her head when she thought of this. Her nine snow-feathered tails shook with endless distress and loss. Finally, she said, "Well, this is all your fault! You have to help me think of a solution!"

Su Yu pointed at himself: "Me?"

Su Yu joked, "If I were to say, you follow me and become my pet from now on, then I can definitely guarantee that you will be safe as long as I am alive."

"How else can I help you think of a solution?"

Su Yu teased lightly, but found that Qu Xuanyin was looking at herself seriously!

Her big eyes blinked, as if she was racking her little brains to think about this matter.

No, you took it seriously?

"Ahem, sorry Miss Qu, I was just joking."

Su Yu quickly turned his eyes away.

I have to say that Kong Huanyuan's reminder is right. When facing the Snow Feather Sky Fox, you can't keep looking at it, otherwise it is easy to sink into their peerless beauty.

Simple and easy to deceive, and with a face that anyone wants to possess, which man would not be tempted.

If you keep looking at it, I'm afraid you really can't help but want to occupy her.

"I ask you, do you really want to take me away?" Qu Xuanyin asked timidly.

Su Yu bit off a piece of cloth from his clothes and covered his eyes.

Qu Xuanyin was surprised and said, "What are you doing?"

Su Yu said, "I have to say that your appearance will affect my judgment and my original intention. Maybe you have the ability to judge whether others are telling the truth, but I have to tell you that humans are creatures that can even deceive themselves."

"So at least, I want you to listen to my true words."

Qu Xuanyin's mouth corners raised slightly, she didn't quite understand what Su Yu meant.

Is there really a creature that can deceive itself?

But Su Yu can treat her with sincerity, which makes her very happy.

"Then do you really want to take me away?" she asked again.

Su Yu nodded gently: "As long as the girl is willing, I want to take you away. There is no man in this world who doesn't want to have you."

Qu Xuanyin said faintly: "Then will I be the woman you love most?"

The voice is faint and echoing in the valley.

Alia's heart tightened for no reason. Although she was very confident in her heart, she would still feel a little...

Su Yu said frankly: "No, Alia is the most important and beloved woman in my life. I will never betray our original love. Huanyuan and I made an important promise. I will accompany her to the end of her wish. Even if you are willing to follow me, I can only put you in third place at most... I don't want to lie to you."

Su Yu did not forget that he came from another world.

The previous self did not really integrate into this world.

Therefore, although he loved his family a lot, he lacked a sense of belonging. It was not until he met Alia that Su Yu felt that he really belonged under this starry sky.

Arya and Konghuan Yuan, who accompanied him through life and death, occupied the vast majority of his heart.

Arya opened her red lips slightly, feeling warm in her heart.

Konghuan Yuan alsoWith a slight smile on her lips, she did not regret following Su Yu, and she knew that no one could replace Arya's position in his heart, but she still felt that the distance between Su Yu and her was getting closer. One day, she might be the most important person to him like Arya, right?

Qu Xuanyin smiled and said, "You are very strange. The notes left by my mother said that male creatures are the best at deceiving people. My listening skills are not so omnipotent. If you lie to me, maybe I will go with you."

Su Yu shook his head: "Maybe you think it is not important, but I will never lie to my woman."

Except at that time.

After all, the big-headed son has to listen to the small-headed father.

Qu Xuanyin asked: "The last question, are you a good person?"

Su Yu was silent for a while: "I don't think so."

"I am at most half a good person, and the other half is a bad person. I can be a good person, save my friends, and protect those compatriots I have never met, but I am also a bad person. I have a strong desire for revenge..."

"If someone hurts my family, my woman, no matter who it is, I will repay it a hundredfold, even if there is a river of blood, even if the consequences are serious, I will not hesitate."

"This option for the overall situation must give way to my lover."

Qu Xuanyin closed his eyes, smiled slightly, and clasped his hands together:

"If this is your answer. ..”

“Do you think I will go with you?”

Su Yu was blindfolded and could not see her movements and expressions. He shook his head gently: “No, what I said was not nice. How could anyone believe what others said?”

“But this is a decision I can be proud of.”

“I am sorry for disturbing your peace.”

“Just ask for anything you need, if I can do it.”

Qu Xuanyin said softly: “Then please take responsibility!”


“Ah what? The ancestors only left this piece of pure land, and now it has been exposed. My home has been demolished by you, so... you have to compensate me.”

Su Yu was a little confused. Does the Sky Fox trust humans so easily?

Qu Xuanyin said calmly: "My dream predicts a certain future. In the dream, my beloved will come to meet me on a colorful cloud..."

Su Yu laughed: "Are you asking me to help you find your beloved? Please, I'm not Yue Lao, I can't do that."

Qu Xuanyin shook her head: "No, although there are some differences, but..."

"You also fell from the colorful clouds."


"I'll go with you! But I have something I must tell you, and you are not allowed to regret it after you know it."

"About the cursed fate of our clan..."

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