Chi Muyan was stunned.

Take off the mask and verify the identity, and you can definitely quickly identify each other's identity.


This is equivalent to Su Yu dragging her to explode!

Therefore, Su Yu will definitely die,

But once the two demons know that she is a girl, they will definitely not be loyal to themselves. Once the news spreads, Chi Muyan, who has lost the qualification to compete for the demon king, will also be waiting for her death.

Su Yu laughed openly.

Demons are like this, stupid brains are not good.

Never prove who you are, there will always be doubts.

Instead of proving yourself, it is better to question others.

Do you dare to take off the mask?

Anyway, I am not afraid of those wearing shoes when I am barefoot!

If you don't dare, you must not be the ninth prince!

The Bird Master and the Insect Master looked at each other in surprise: "It seems that this is the real one!"

"That makes sense. Your Highness has always been decisive and never hesitated in killing. I haven't seen your true face yet."

The Bird Master said to Chi Muyan in a stern voice: "Could it be that you are fake?"

Chi Muyan:......

She was so frustrated that her lungs were about to explode.

Even if she used the Demon Ash Nether Flower at this moment, it would be useless. She was misled by Su Yu's light words that he could imitate.

What a ghost can he imitate. How can an ordinary human imitate the barrier of the God Age Sequence?


This is not the key point. The key point is that the Bird Master and the Insect Master believed Su Yu's lies.

The one who dares to take off the mask is the Ninth Prince.

Theoretically, there is nothing wrong with this, but she can't take it off!

Chi Muyan looked at the Bird Master angrily: "You..."

For a moment, she felt helpless.

Even if she had mouths all over her body, she didn't know where to start to argue.

It was she who crippled Fox Princess, and it was she who dared not take off the mask!

Fox Wind's eyes looked at her strangely.

Su Yu was still fanning the flames: "What are you still standing there for!"

"Catch that bastard Su Yu!"

"Fox Wind, don't you want to avenge your wife?"

Fox Wind stood up, ready to move.

Chi Muyan's fingertips trembled. She had never suffered such a big loss. She was numb.

She bit her red lips lightly. She admitted defeat!

The barrier of the Demon Ash Dark Flower unfolded again, capturing Su Yu.

Now nothing she said would help.

She couldn't kill Su Yu quickly, and she was worried that if she really killed Su Yu, he would be desperate and tell her about his affairs.

It felt a bit like riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off.

Inside the barrier,

Chi Muyan gritted her teeth and said calmly, "Let's make a deal."

"I won't kill you, just go away, as far away as you can!"

"Also, you are not allowed to tell anyone about that..."

Su Yu acted like a big shot: "What deal? I am the ninth prince, you should go away!"

Chi Muyan's mouth twitched.

He is addicted to acting, right?

She really wanted to tear the bastard in front of her to pieces even at the cost of exposing her true face!

But reason told her that she had to endure...

Seeing that Chi Muyan could not bear it any longer, Su Yu gently took off his mask: "Little witch, this is not a deal."

"It is you who is in trouble now, not me."

Chi Muyan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Su Yu was a little relieved.

She was so slandered, but she was relieved because the other party was willing to negotiate with her?

Chi Muyan was surprised by her compromise.

A feeling she had never had before spread in her heart.

Chi Muyan said vigilantly: "What do you want?"

Su Yu said: "At least we have to change places first, right?"

"Can I admit it in front of your two idiots? Can we talk?"

Chi Muyan wanted to say something, but then she thought that Bird Venerable and Insect Venerable were indeed two idiots!

Su Yu continued: "Wait for you to untie the barrier, there is a deep pit 100 meters away from you at nine o'clock, you pretend to be me and jump down, I pretend to be you to chase and kill, fake play becomes real, change places, you can't kill me, and I can't do anything to you, we will negotiate the conditions, I will disappear on the spot, and you will continue to be your ninth prince, how about it?"

Su Yu's ultimate goal is to escape.

Killing out openly is somewhat eye-catching, and it is impossible to find a safe place.

It is better to burrow into the ground.

As long as the three mythical realms don't follow, it will be safe.

Let Alia burrow into the ground in advance, also for this moment.

Chi Muyan warned: "You'd better not try to deceive me! There must be one condition, you must never tell me that I am..."

Su Yu raised one hand to the sky: "Okay, okay, I will never tell anyone your identity as a little demon girl."

Chi Muyan sighed softly.

In order to shut up Su Yu, she had to endure the humiliation...

Outside the barrier,

Although the two venerables were more inclined to Su Yu's words, they were also hesitant.

Evenerable Chong: "Brother Bird, who should we trust?"

Venerable Bird scratched his head: "Let's wait and see, what's true won't be false, and what's false won't be true."

Hu Feng's face was sinister: "The one who hurt my wife must be Su Yu!"

He insisted.

Giving the demons a way out and letting the two venerables find no fault, the city lord must ask for an explanation.

Venerable Insect said: "Don't worry, the fake one will be left to you to deal with!"

The barrier was broken,

The two "Nine Princes" fought in a group.

Suddenly one of them walked quickly, pulled a hundred meters away, and then jumped into the big hole that had been dug.

Su Yu chased after him and said: "Don't follow me!"

"This prince wants to catch Su Yu, the bastard, with his own hands!"

Venerable Bird and Venerable Insect were originally going to chase after him, and with their mythical power, they could stop him in a moment.

But when the real-looking Ninth Prince spoke, they hesitated again.

After all, from their standpoint, if they accidentally hurt Zhen, they would be punished severely. But if they didn't listen to His Highness Zhen, they would be severely criticized when they returned.

The demon race is a race with extremely strict classes.

The hesitation and entanglement of the two demons are beyond words!

Su Yu successfully chased down, and the two demons did not follow.

He breathed a sigh of relief quietly. The identity of the ninth prince was really useful.

On the ground, the two demons looked at Hu Feng.

Hu Feng understood: "You two, are you really going to let me deal with it?"

"The premise is false!"


Hu Feng clapped his hands.

Hateful human.

Do you think you can hide from others by escaping underground?

Don't forget,

In every demon city, in addition to a mythical city lord, there is also a mythical demon plant!

The roots of the demon plant are rooted underground.

Do you think you can escape?



Chi Muyan traveled thousands of meters before she saw the bottom, and a familiar face came into view.

"It's you?"

The two women looked at each other in surprise.

Then they suddenly realized.

Following closely were Su Yu and Kong Huan Yuan who slipped out of the pet space.

Alia's heart finally settled down.

There is no doubt that Su Yu has passed another gate of hell.

Not only that, but there seems to be... unexpected gains?

Alia looked at Chi Muyan strangely.

Chi Muyan said coldly: "What are you looking at? If it weren't for you, a bunch of despicable..."

Su Yu interrupted: "Okay, little witch, if you don't want your two stupid subordinates to react, hurry up."

"Hurry for what?"

"Dig a hole." Su Yu pointed to the front.

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