The rules of the sequence are absolute. Sequence No. 16 is already extremely close to the God-era sequence, and its power is far beyond the general upper sequence.

The foundation of the pillar family is fully revealed.

As an outstanding legitimate son, the Li family spared no effort in training Li Mu.

Li Mu did not underestimate Su Yu at all. As soon as the battle started, he activated "Boundary Intersection"!

Countless silk threads as thin as cicada wings spread throughout the arena. The filaments are sharp and extremely tough. The disadvantage is that they are afraid of pets with power-type bodies that strengthen their bodies. They can rely on brute force to break through.

Alia snapped her fingers, and blood turned into raindrops dripping on the silk threads. The imperceptible silk threads instantly turned into a red tide.

Li Mu frowned.

Boundary Intersection alone cannot take down Su Yu, but as long as it can limit his space for movement...

Before this thought came to fruition, Alia clenched her right hand.

The blood stained on the silk thread turned into a spiral...

"Sizzle, sizzle" The interlaced thin lines of the boundary were completely unable to resist the cutting of the blood!

Li Mu's pupils shrank: "What?"

Is this really something a vampire can do?

The interlaced lines of the boundary are very resilient, and they are really not afraid of sharp weapons, but they can't face the power of Alia to control blood at all!

Su Yu looked down from the air and said: "You said so many big words, but in the end you can only do this?"

Li Mu's mouth twitched, but he didn't respond.

Su Yu is good at psychological warfare, and ignoring him is the best choice.

Su Yu's idea of ​​relying on the boundary interlacing failed, but the boundary interlacing is not only an offensive ability, but also has the effect of guiding magic.

The red flame demon beside Li Mu reflected a dark red in his lungs, and then opened his magic mouth:

"Demon Flame Burns the Sky"!

The roar of the dark red magma turned into a magma fire snake under the guidance of the intersecting thin lines, aiming at Su Yu and trapping him from all sides with irregular curves!

Li Mu shouted: "It's not over yet!"

"Dark Tide!"

Shadow Dance Raven raised his magic wand, and the ground turned into a black and purple river of the underworld. The black and purple bubbles surged and burst, and the underworld gushed out more than ten dark water columns. The water columns turned into dark knights under the guidance of the thin lines, and cooperated with the magic flames to close and surround, as if to completely swallow Su Yu in the darkness!

Su Yu and Alia did not dodge, let alone retreat.

Li Mu must have ghost weapons that can weaken the dead apostle's hymn and the blood queen, but this is only for skills in the general state.

"Don't worry, go all out, Arya!"

Arya put her hands together, and the two powers began to overlap. The low chanting sound echoed in the space of the arena:

"Wake up!"

"Sleeping in the blood of death"

"Listen to the call of the hymn from the True Ancestor!"

Behind Arya, blood turned into blood-colored long harps and flutes, and the Blood Queen forged a complete blood symphony orchestra, giving "hymns" with "immortality".

In front of the eternal "immortality", the real hymn is about to be played!

The sacred but deadly notes stopped all the bombardment in front of Su Yu.

The blood poured into all the magic flames and black knights along with the sound waves of the hymn! And those inanimate objects have now become the dead disciples served by Arya!

The fluctuations of the sound waves seemed to condense into substance. In Li Mu's incredible eyes, the black knight stepped on the magma and killed him! !

Even in front of the immortal hymn, the Red Flame Demon and Shadow Dance Dark Crow were in a state of confusion.

The Li family gave Li Mu a moon bone necklace made of the skull of the Moonlight Apostle, but it could not eliminate the influence of the immortal hymn!

On the viewing platform,

Xia Tingen took a deep breath: "Eternity... is actually..."

"Hehe, Principal Ning, you are hiding too much."

"No, should I say that Su Yu is too lucky?"

Ning Hanwen took a sip of tea and sighed: "Lucky, is it really Su Yu?"

Xia Tingen said: "What do you mean?"

"Hehe, the secret cannot be revealed."

Xia Tingen rolled his eyes at him. In this regard, the two people he hated the most were the presidents of the Demon Spirit and Emperor Spirit Universities. They were shrewd but never said a word.

Before, Qin Ze reported that Su Yu asked for an advance of 40 drops of life spirit liquid. He thought that this young man didn't know how big the world is and how difficult the demon cave is. Now it seems that it is not an exaggeration.

It's worth a gamble on him!

The rest of the audience was stunned.

The intensity of this duel far exceeded all other competitions.

Even the huge space of the arena could not accommodate the offensive of the two.

If it weren't for the existence of the barrier, the attack of the two would have been enough to destroy the entire arena.

Now, Li Mu is in trouble!

Arya's ability exceeded the highest expectations of all those who came to watch the game!

This is the last year'sThe true strength of a genius school beauty!

Li Mu took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart. He urged the silk thread in his hand to penetrate into the body of Shadow Dance Dark Crow, and used external force to activate the pet's ability!

"Dancing Shadow!"

Li Mu thought in advance that the pet might fall into the situation of being controlled by Su Yu.

That's why he contracted Shadow Dance Dark Crow, not only because he was strong enough, but also because of his racial talent.

Can fall into a state of madness!

Even the master can't control it, and you can't control it either!

Before it lost its mind, the last order it received:

"Destroy them, Dark Crow!"

The Shadow Dark Crow, which was very close to the God Age sequence, broke free from the influence of the Immortal Hymn, but at the cost of losing its mind and turning into a machine that only knew how to kill!

The Dark Crow lifted up the dark water of the dark tide, washed away the flames bombarding Li Mu, and the dark knight was decomposed by the Shadow Dance Dark Crow.

The crazy Shadow Dance Dark Crow no longer had huge magic power, but was replaced by powerful physical destructive power.

A glimmer flashed across Arya's gem-like pupils: "Oh? Can you get rid of the influence of immortality?"

"Not bad, but unfortunately, you are still a little short, otherwise I would have caught you as a pet for the little guy."

The dark tide on the ground was suddenly pierced by the gushing blood, and the dark Styx was replaced by the blood river in the blink of an eye!

Arya, who had replenished her blood last night, was truly in peak condition.

The gushing blood turned into countless swords and shields and fully armed blood cavalry beside her.

With the vibration of her wings, the blood cavalry followed the king and charged into battle!


The Dark Raven was pierced by countless blood swords, but its strong vitality after the frenzy could still temporarily stop Arya's bombardment.

At this time,

Li Mu caught a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The Red Flame Demon was unable to move due to the influence of the hymn, but Li Mu's boundary interruption and interlacing could control it!

Li Mu's thin line pierced through the Red Flame Demon, controlling it to leap up, and while Arya was too busy to take care of Su Yu, he went straight for Su Yu!

At the same time, the intersecting thin lines spread again to block all of Su Yu's evasive routes.

Su Yu vibrated his wings, and the Red Flame Demon failed to hit him due to the interference of the screaming tornado, but the intersecting thin lines just brushed past Su Yu's arm, cutting a large wound.

Blood dripped.

Li Mu finally found the flaw!

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