The comments from the live broadcasts on the Internet floated by.

"Here it comes, Arya is coming!"

"Come on Lei He! Kill Chef Su!"

"It's hard to say, but the odds are really high for Lei He."

"Is it a compatibility issue? Experts analyze that Arya and Su Yu may not be good at dealing with speed-based beastmasters."

"Wow, even the star-level mentors from the Imperial Capital Yuling University and Jianghe Beastmaster University came to watch the game."

"Are they here to study their opponents?"

Today's focus battle attracted a lot of attention, and the star-level mentors from other top beastmaster universities also came to watch.

"Old Wang, your Emperor Spirit is here too?"

"Old Lin, aren't you Jianghe here too? Are you here to see Su Yu?"

Lin Li nodded: "Of course, but Su Yu may not be able to beat Lei He..."

Wang Jing looked intently: "Well, Lei He is at least a young genius ranked 43rd on the Great Xia Potential List... Su Yu's strange talent may be ranked in the top ten, but in terms of compatibility, Lei He seems to have more advantages."

For beastmasters with low mental power, speed sometimes plays a decisive role.

After all, no matter how strong the power is, it is useless if it can't hit.

In comparison, the odds are more optimistic about Lei He.

The referee waved: "Start!"

Su Yu and Lei He held their breath and started the moment they heard the sound.

A No. 105 Thunderbird with lightning wrapped around its body was summoned by Lei He, and the thunder struck the ground with a hissing sound, leaving cracks.

Lei He's talent is S-level · Lightning Flash.

Immune to the damage of thunder power, and can use lightning to increase speed. The "Lightning Flash" of the extraordinary realm can already increase the speed to the point of breaking the sound barrier.

"Bang!" A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Lei He turned into a thunder and echoed with Thunderbird, drawing two arcs of annihilation on the arena, and rushed straight to Su Yu!


Behind Arya, the harp condensed from blood and bones played the prelude of the dead.

Dead Apostle Hymn!

The spreading undead notes invaded the spirit of Thunderbird.

Lei He was well prepared. In order to counter this move, he took a ghost-level weapon · Echo Drum from his family.


The dense echo of the drum beats neutralized the influence of the Dead Apostle Hymn as much as possible.

What was beyond Lei He's expectation was that the power of the ghost-level weapon could not completely eliminate the rhythm of the Dead Apostle Hymn! Although the Thunderbird was not controlled, its movements were sluggish and it was almost in a state of confusion.

As expected of a genius senior from the previous class, I really couldn't imagine how she would fight without this ghost-level weapon!

Su Yu calmly observed Lei He's movements. It was not unexpected that he could take out the corresponding ghost weapon.

Lei He turned into lightning. Even with Su Yu's spiritual power in the Lingxi realm, he could only capture the afterimage of the movement. From the perspective of affinity, it was not that easy to fight.

Thunder flashed, and Lei He arrived in an instant. Before bombarding Su Yu's face, Arya's Blood Queen was activated.

The blood in Lei He's hands and feet seemed to be controlled, and his knees couldn't help but want to bend.

This is Arya's ability to control blood.

Arya could actually capture herself moving at high speed in the thunder?

Fortunately, he was prepared!

Another ghost weapon, the strange puppet, can exchange its own damage with the puppet's damage.

The blood controlled by Arya was instantly replaced by the puppet, allowing Lei He to barely break free from the Blood Queen's shackles!

But the side effects of the strange puppet are equally terrible. After the effect ends, the damage suffered by the puppet will be returned to Lei He in multiples.

In order to defeat Su Yu, Lei He can no longer care about these.

"Su Yu, you're done!"

When he was about to touch Su Yu, a pair of black dragon wings behind Su Yu flapped up! He flew into the air with Arya and avoided Lei He's fatal stab.

At the same time, Arya condensed dozens of blood spears and stabbed Lei He.

Lei He did not dare to confront the blood spears head-on, and avoided them with his speed advantage.

Lei He looked up and saw Su Yu and Arya standing in the air, his eyes solemn.

Flying magic cave armed?

You underestimated me, Su Yu.

"You can't dodge my lightning!"

Accompanied by the drumbeats of "Echo Drum", Thunderbird finally overcame the influence of the Dead Apostle's Hymn and echoed the power of Thunder Crane. The feathers on Thunderbird's body stood up like a sharp blade. With the blessing of Thunder Crane's "Lightning Flash", it bombed intensively!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Thunder feathers cover the top!"

Thousands of Thunder Feathers launched a thunder attack that was more terrifying than a hail of bullets, and everyone was worried about Su Yu.


The dark wings behind Su Yu waved a tornado, sweeping away countless Thunder Feathers with a piercing whistle, and the invisible sound waves turned into sound waves and attacked Thunder Crane!

The Thunder Crane flashed suddenly, stillThe sound wave pierced his eardrum.

He almost lost his hearing at that moment.

Fortunately, he dodged quickly... Su Yu's ghost weapon was of extremely high quality, and it was probably made of the dragon wings of the Screaming Pterosaur.

Damn it, if he continued to fight like this, he would not be able to withstand the backlash of the strange puppet.


As a direct descendant of the Lei family, he must not bring shame to the family. Losing to Su Yu, a commoner, would be a shame for their first-class beast family.

Just watch, you beggar.

This is something you will never learn in your life!

The Thunderbird and the Thunder Crane turned into arcs of lightning, and the two arcs of lightning intertwined into a more dazzling white thunder, which immediately broke the sound barrier and soared into the sky in almost an instant!

Merge into one!

Its speed was so fast that it almost exceeded everyone's reaction.

The lightning arc was like a lightning spear, vowing to penetrate Su Yu!

"It's over."

Several star badge instructors made a judgment.

The speed was too fast.

Lei He was carrying the magic cave weapon that could weaken Arya's power. With Su Yu's ability, he could not avoid the penetration of this lightning spear!


The blazing white thunder exploded into a blood mist, and Lei He's lightning arc successfully penetrated "Su Yu"!

The audience at the scene widened their eyes.

Could it be that Su Yu...

Lin Li said with a sharp look: "Yes, Lei He is finished."

"I really didn't expect that Arya could control blood to such a level."

"Su Yu's judgment is too meticulous. He doesn't look like a freshman at all. The cooperation between the two of them is simply perfect!"

Lei He was still immersed in the joy of piercing Su Yu, and even thought he had won for a moment.


When he looked at the pool of blood on the ground and raised his head again, he saw a strange scene.

Su Yu and Arya were still looking down at him from high in the sky...

How... is this possible?

He clearly smashed Su Yu! Su Yu clearly died in his hands!

Suddenly, the effect of the strange puppet in his hand ended.

The backlash...didn't come?

Could it be that!!

Lei He realized it later, and just realized that everything just now seemed to be under Su Yu's control!

Arya did not control his blood through the "Blood Queen" to cause damage.

It was only controlled at the beginning, and then it only slightly changed the blood flow in Lei He's eyes, causing a very small deviation in his visual judgment.

But it was this tiny deviation that eventually ruined everything.

That pool of blood existed.

Lei He was in the game and didn't know what it meant.

But everyone watching the game saw that Arya used blood to create a dummy that looked very similar to Su Yu, and then Lei He opened fire at full power and played all his cards! He rushed straight to the dummy and smashed the pool of blood.

In Su Yu's hand, a blood-red longbow slowly emerged:

"Your acrobatic performance just now was pretty good. Does your family run a circus?"

Lei He was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

His impressive performance just now made him look like a living funny clown in everyone's eyes!

The laughter and discussion in the audience followed one after another.

"Pfft, I thought it was a strong dialogue, but it turned out to be a performance to accompany the meal!"

"It's a pity that the meal is over, otherwise I can show off three bowls!"

"Is this the S-level student of the practical department? Xing Dongfang needs talents like you!"

Lei He's back teeth were about to break.

"A flash of lightning!"

Su Yu raised the longbow and said contemptuously: "Unfortunately, speed is not your specialty."

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