In Natasha's bloodshot eyes, Su Yu dragged Alexandra to her.

Then, he dragged her to the sofa in a dignified manner, used her as a human sofa, and sat directly on her back.

"Huh~ Qianyu, pour me a cup of tea, I'm a little thirsty."

Mu Qianyu smiled and poured him tea, and carefully observed Natasha's almost trembling body.

She used to think that such humiliation that was almost abuse seemed... But as Su Yu told her everything she had done, Mu Qianyu immediately became disgusted. Su Yu supported her for a long time, and anyone who wanted to harm him was no different from Mu Qianyu's enemy.

"Ton ton ton~" Su Yu was not in the mood to taste tea: "I walked the dog for more than an hour, and I was sweating."

"This dog walk, you have to give her a tight skin if you have nothing to do, anyway, she is much tougher than ordinary dogs!"

Alexandra, who is in the physical body of the White Jade Realm, will not be injured.

It's nothing more than a struggle between spirit and dignity.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Come, Qianyu, sit here."

Mu Qianyu blushed a little, and sat on Su Yu's lap.

The weight of two people almost made Alexandra collapse!

More importantly, Su Yu didn't tiptoe and move his body.

All this was destroying Natasha's psychological defense.

Natasha almost bit her lower lip, and she kept telling herself not to be impulsive!

Su Yu just wanted to irritate her.

Once she impulsively rescued Alexandra, it would immediately be confirmed that the Xueyuan sisters knew about the backstabbing of Su Yu.

This made the already tense relationship between Daxia and Mao Xiong even worse.

Although everyone has a common enemy, the consequences of doing so are quite bad.

Natasha smiled with red eyes: "I've heard a lot about you... Captain Su."

"I'm Natasha from the snowfield. The one you mentioned in your letter..."

Su Yu suddenly covered his stomach and said, "Just talk to my secretary."

"Oh... I ate too much last night, and my stomach is a little..."

Natasha gritted her teeth and pretended! If a Nirvana beastmaster wanted to, he would have long escaped from the cycle of reincarnation and would not be in a hurry at all!

Su Yu pulled the chain in his hand: "The bathroom hasn't been cleaned yet, go and lick it clean for me!"

This sentence completely made Natasha furious!

She couldn't tolerate it anymore. What kind of treatment did her good sister endure these days! ?

Natasha finally couldn't help it, stepped forward and took the chain from Su Yu, and at the same time a brown light flashed behind her, and she briefly summoned her pet, the snowfield giant bear!

The giant bear raised its arm and smashed towards Su Yu with a heavy force.

No matter what, she was willing to bear any price, but she could never sit by and watch her sister being treated like this!


When the giant bear's arm hit Su Yu's face, the transparent space wave broke, and Kong Huanyuan on the second floor launched "Spiritual Phantom" to break the space in front of Natasha.


No matter how strong the force was, it could not penetrate the power of space, but the wind and waves caused Su Yu and Mu Qianyu to step back two steps, and they were also overturned by the teacup and sofa.

Although she failed to hit Su Yu, Natasha hurriedly stepped forward to hug Alexandrova, took off the iron piece in her mouth, and choked with red eyes: "Good sister, you have suffered..."

"Sister, I..." She was almost speechless and could not say a complete sentence.

Su Yu waved the smoke and dust in front of him.

In the slightly messy reception room, Natasha's heart fell to the freezing point in an instant.

She noticed a hunter staring at her.

Mu Qianyu stepped forward and asked sternly, "Ms. Natasha from the snowfield, are you here to talk or to cause trouble?"

Natasha gritted her teeth and turned the tables, "Is this how you Daxia people treat your guests?"

"You wantonly abuse our beastmasters, even captives are protected by the convention, or do you admit that Daxia will insult the dignity of captives?"

Mu Qianyu said calmly, "The convention protects captives, not spies."

"You just said that you would let us deal with it, but you robbed us as soon as we met. In my opinion, Lan Xing's evaluation of your greed is quite pertinent. "

"In this case, our leader will not force you to stay, but I tell you, your sister has become the Moonlight God Messenger. If she does not take a drop of blood from the Blood Lord within a month, she will go crazy and die... If you want to take her away, we will not stop you."

"Three days is enough for you to return to your country to hold a funeral for her."

"Also tell the Queen of the Snowfield that Daxia will not provide you with any convenience in terms of beast control resources. As for the matters mentioned in the letter by Leader Su, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, if the magic cave of the Mao Xiong Country can be entered at will without punishment, it will beI will also visit our Daxia when I come here."

Mu Qianyu did not give Natasha a chance to refute.

The direct barrage of attacks made her face pale!

If they return to the country in such a disgrace, and offend Su Yu and Daxia to death in order to save a traitor who only has three days left to live, the consequences will be chilling.

They will face a more severe punishment than Su Yu's "humiliation".

Adelina's means of torturing people are not inferior to Su Yu.

Natasha stood up tremblingly and bowed her head and said: "Please... please calm down..."

"I am willing to compensate for all losses, and all conditions can be negotiated. "

Mu Qianyu chuckled and said nothing more.

She just felt very happy.

If Natasha hadn't had the special power of Konghuan Yuan, Su Yu and Mu Qianyu would definitely not have been able to stop her.

This is a beastmaster in the Samsara Realm.

But what's the use of your strong strength and higher realm?

For the first time, she tasted the condescending feeling brought by her status.

I will humiliate you in front of you, openly, and you still have to bow your head and apologize.

What's more, this is a justice execution, and there is no psychological burden.

Su Yu found a relatively clean and intact place on the sofa and sat down: "You... is this how you negotiate?"

Natasha was already confused.

For negotiations, this is fatal.

"Forget it, can you make the decision for your Snowfield Queen?"


"Any conditions are OK?"

Seeing that the time was almost right, Mu Qianyu followed Su Yu's instructions and said: "Since you can't, contact your queen and let her come to talk in person."

"Now! Otherwise, please go back."

Natasha was almost crying out of frustration.

Su Yu didn't leave any room for maneuver and went straight to the general.

Adelina had told her the bottom line before, that she could make the decision on most things, but now...

She gritted her teeth and had no choice but to contact Adelina on the spot.

As the video was connected, Adelina saw the mess in the reception room and Natasha holding Alexandreva, and her face suddenly sank.

"Captain Su, may I ask what this is..."

Su Yu chuckled: "Walking the dog, but if the dog wants to bite, you have to give it a tight skin."

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