This group of people frantically passed the news back, especially the Huaying people and the Milica people, who had to respond to the emergency plan immediately.

"Call, call!"

"Eternal Tribulation Cave, Desolate Sand Ridge, the visiting group was completely wiped out, the visiting group was completely wiped out!"

"Natsume Yuji and Ishikawa Hideyuki were not found, the whereabouts of the two demigods are unknown, the gate of the ruins has been blocked, and it is estimated that most of them have fallen..."

"The whereabouts of the vampires of the Cepesi family are unknown, I am afraid they have been wiped out..."

"Li Mu was not found, Li Xiyang was captured alive by Lin Li... Please ask the head of the family to deal with it properly and immediately negotiate with the top leaders of Daxia."

The shock on the human side was even greater than that of the dragon demon elves. The three tribes had already accepted the fact that they were defeated and were frantically trying to escape from the land of eternal tribulation.

But they made a sad discovery.

Wu Ma Ming's demon-suppressing guards used the military formation to form three blockade formations. Even if a myth wanted to break through the blockade formation, it would be intercepted. Wu Ma Ming's goal was to annihilate all the enemies in the restricted area, to deter the races in the restricted area, to make them dare not cross the forbidden sea, and to make them dare not seek a decisive battle with the human race in the territory of Da Xia.

It is absolutely not feasible to abandon the demon cave like other countries. The beasts will never give up the strategic goal of opening up the blue star. Only by hurting them, fighting to support the war, and strengthening their strength can we seek opportunities for Da Xia in the future changes.

Su Yu handed in a perfect answer sheet, which caused heavy damage to the Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Races of this generation. Chi Muhuai, Long Jie, and Kaila are all seedlings with the potential of the myth realm. Being able to pull them out in advance will reduce the huge threat to the future human race.

Not to mention that he also captured a dragon lord alive.

That is even more eye-catching. I am afraid that the shaking of Dragon Nest Island and God and Demon Well at this moment may anger them and set off a larger-scale battle, or hurt them and force them to compromise.

But at least,

Daxia has a card in hand that can be played.

This is the strategic initiative.

Wu Ma Ming issued a death order: "Everyone listen! Do not let any strange beasts escape, and they must be annihilated in the Desolate Sand Ridge!"

"This is the horn of Daxia's counterattack! We must end our efforts in one battle and completely end the threat brought to Daxia by the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave! No matter where you come from, our struggle and sacrifice today will take a crucial step for Daxia to completely pacify the nine demon caves!"

"Demon Guard, drive out the demons, protect Daxia, kill!"



The sound of killing shook the sky!

Su Yu's exit from seclusion broke the backbone of this generation of young people in the restricted area race.

Then they will break the backbone of the monsters and demons in the Eternal Tribulation Cave!

Su Yu was quite emotional. The Nine Guards of Daxia, the purple gold beam that protected Daxia, ushered in a decisive battle with the Eternal Tribulation Land today.

Su Yu successfully returned to the team of the Demon Guards under the protection of a reincarnation beastmaster arranged by Wu Ma Ming.

In this battle, Su Yu has done enough.

After that, just leave it to the Demon Guards.

The blood-stained sky, from night to dawn, and from dawn to midnight, in the two days and two nights of bloody battles, many people fell and could never return, but the forbidden area race paid an unimaginable price.

At dawn, the Golden Eagle Demon Lord died in battle.

The blood rain poured down.

At night, the elf elders Theodore and Eagle Lord died in battle.

Another elf elder's body was destroyed, and he escaped with his mental power, and almost lost his mythical combat power.

All the demigods who followed the other subordinate races died in the battle.

The earth was howling, and the earthquakes in the entire Eternal Tribulation Land did not stop from day to night. The sky was crying for these creatures, and the Desolate Sand Ridge turned into an endless blood lake.

Until the dawn of the next day,

News came from the front that Wu Ma Ming led his troops to completely destroy all the alien beasts in the battle of the Desolate Sand Ridge, beheaded three myths, beheaded sixteen demigods, killed thousands of alien beasts, captured thousands, and seized countless spoils.

Then the Demon Guards chased the enemy northward, killing all the way to the coast of the Forbidden Sea in the Eternal Tribulation Land, completely blocking the passage for the alien beasts to cross the Forbidden Sea to the Eternal Tribulation Land.

From then on, the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave was isolated overseas, and the forbidden area was no longer able to send power to the Eternal Tribulation Land.

A huge cage surrounded the entire Demon Cave.

Jiang Huairen and Xia Tingen cooperated with Mo Ling and Di Ling to annihilate the coalition forces of the five demon cities and killed three demon city lords. Only the lord of the ethereal clan and the lord of the ghost night demon escaped successfully. The rest were all killed, and 200,000 alien beasts were killed and countless spoils were seized.

The demon guards, Di Ling, Mo Ling and other school alliance support forces, as well as the nine pillar family coalition forces were dispatched across the board, seeking to completely eliminate the threat of the demon cave as soon as possible.

This group of people was so busy that they didn't even have time to meet Su Yu and discuss some very important things with Su Yu...

Su Yu rested in the rear for a day before he recovered all the lost strength.

Lin Li came to the door. After surviving the disaster, he and Su Yu became closer. This half-The gods also formally applied to the school alliance, willing to join Su Yu's beast control group.

Lin Li wanted to discuss with Su Yu how to deal with the visiting group and the Li family.

Unexpectedly, Su Yu said: "Let's not talk about this first."

"Old Lin, find a trustworthy person to take care of this group of people. You and I have more important things to do."

Lin Li was stunned: "What?"

Su Yu was shocked: "Have you forgotten? You are now a member of our Night Banquet Beast Control Group. Don't think about how to deal with the relationship with the Li family and the international community first, think about our Beast Control Group first!"

"Yesterday I received news that when Governor Xia and Principal Jiang annihilated the Five Cities Coalition, our Night Banquet took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Golden Beast City!"

After calling Wu Ma Ming's troops, Bai Ruhui immediately turned to the Golden Beast City to cooperate with the Night Banquet in the siege. In the absence of even a demigod in the Golden Beast City, Bai Ruhui led the team to take it down steadily.

The only trouble is to deal with the city-protecting demon plants.

The demon plant, which nominally belongs to the mythical realm, will be weakened once its branches extend. It took the three thousand people of the Night Banquet a whole day to cut off the branches of the mythical demon plant and weaken it to a weak enough degree before they hit it with one blow, successfully breaking the city and occupying the Golden Beast City.

Then they rushed to the suspended city where the two-headed griffin was.

Now they are fighting fiercely.

Lin Li reacted: "Yes, yes, yes, we have done enough in the big strategy."

"Now is the time to get the spoils!"

The Night Banquet has just started, although Su Yu has purchased a batch of equipment and treasures for the team members with his personal spoils.

But the lack of combat power and the lack of demigods, now there is only Lin Li, and Bai Ruhui who is close to demigod but destroyed the long steps to the god.

In terms of financial resources, they are not comparable to the regular Daxia Nine Guards, but they are stronger than the civilian beast control team.

This time, they have severely offended the Li family, the Caipei family, and the Huaying people. If they are weak and have insufficient voice, they will not be able to stand at all.

Lin Li made up his mind: "Let's go!"

The two of them left the camp immediately and rushed to the Hanging City.


The Li family was shocked after receiving the information.

Li Xiyang was captured, Li Mu died...

In a secret room somewhere in the family, the current head of the family, Li Hengyang, had a sinister look on his face: "Tell me, what happened specifically?"

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