Chi Muhuai's expression was twisted to the extreme.

He never expected it.

Su Yu, this bastard, not only did not die in the exam of the Angel Holy Academy, but he became a mentor of the Holy Academy? ?

He wore a golden eighteen-winged badge on his chest, which was the supreme certificate given by the Holy Academy, and could mobilize the magical ability of the Holy Academy classroom to follow the words!

"Su Yu!?"

"Su Yu, you actually..."

"That's great, Su Yu Oppa, we are all human!"

A short but handsome cream boy from Hanming Country wanted to get close to him.

Su Yu held out his hand and said, "No, no, no."

"Student, please sit back in your seat."

"Although I have a life-and-death friendship with the students present, I am now a mentor at the Angel Saint Academy. It is my unshirkable responsibility to select qualified students for the City of Angels."

"I will not be partial to you for the sake of our 'friendship'!"

The genius Cui Gaoen from the Hanming Kingdom exchange group froze.

Doesn't Su Yu consider the relationship between the two countries at all?

He has tens of millions of fans in Hanming Kingdom. Isn't he afraid of being attacked?

Compared to him,

Chi Muhuai and others looked even worse.

Eagle Venerable had the idea of ​​whether to suddenly attack and kill Su Yu.

But Su Yu filled this loophole in an instant.

"I'll announce first! Foreigners' class officially opens!"

"The rules before the exam do not allow any creature to use force to attack the instructor and the instructor's followers. Those who violate the rules will be annihilated by the Holy Academy and die!"

There is a serious bug in the Holy Academy.

Su Yu was able to directly attack the instructor before, and the dean immediately rehired Su Yu who had just "graduated" and killed Mary. It can be seen that the City of Angels has no tradition of respecting teachers.

This is simply a blasphemy against the traditional virtues of Daxia, and it is also something Su Yu cannot tolerate.

The enemy of the City of Angels is not outside, but inside the city, inside the Holy Academy!

Save the Skywing species, start with the instructor.

Eagle Venerable felt like he had eaten a lump.

He is a demon lord, a mythical existence, but in the Holy Academy, he can't do anything to Su Yu.

The Angels' Holy Academy is truly above the god level, possessing the power of the sanctuary level. It can move mountains and seas with a thought, and save the stars with a thought. It is far beyond the comparison of myths...

Kashu Fink and another director of the Angels' Holy Academy are watching Su Yu's teaching outside.

Check whether this new mentor can really take on this responsibility.

To be fair, the training course is not easy to take.

The selected foreigners have their own problems, and they are more likely to be contaminated by the evil species mother nest than the Skywing species. How to select determined guys has always been a headache for the Holy Academy.

In the classroom,

Su Yu stretched out his finger: "Everyone, the name of our class is 'Devotion and Loyalty'!"

"Now that the Holy City is in danger, it is said that every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of the Holy City! What do we need?"

"Courage? Wisdom? Strength?"

"In addition, what we need is loyalty! Honesty!"

"This class will only teach you three things, loyalty, loyalty, and loyalty!"


Su Yu snapped his fingers.

According to the scene that Su Yu had imagined in advance, the Angels' Academy appeared in front of all living beings.

The moment it appeared,

Kashu Fink was stunned.

This seems to be...

The boiling magma gushed from the ground, and the river of magma separated Su Yu and other living beings on both sides.

To walk from Chi Muhuai to Su Yu, there was only a tattered rope.

And the rising magma seemed to have a special magic.

This is definitely not an ordinary crater. The magma has the concept of "melting" everything. Any creature that falls into it will probably be burned to ashes.

Su Yu explained to the confused students, the director, and everyone who was looking at the list of the best from the ruins:

"This test is very simple!"

"I found that there is a common problem among foreigners, that is, they are attached to their original ethnic group and identity!"

"This is the gap in the heart, not absolute loyalty."

"As the saying goes, loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely disloyalty!"

One by one, the roulette wheels were visualized in front of all the candidates.

There are the words "Everyone for me" and "I for everyone" on the roulette wheels.

Su Yu pointed at the roulette wheel and said, "Now, I will tear apart the social and ethnic relationships that you have not eradicated, and be loyal to the City of Angels with all my heart!"

"All candidates who got 'I for All' on the roulette wheel, please consciously serve as human bridge panels, and candidates who got 'All for One', please do not let down your classmates' friendship, boldly step on them and move forward to the other side!"

"Of course you can also use some means, but it is forbiddenStop cheating by flying, space, etc. to bypass the exam, as well as cheating by interfering with the roulette wheel lottery!"

As soon as the voice fell,

Long Jie, Chi Muhuai, and Kaila were all numb.

They expected that Su Yu would punish them, and might even kill them in the name of the exam.

But they never expected it.

Su Yu's evil intentions were definitely not so simple!

This is to punish them in the Demon Cave Sanctuary, in front of all the heavens and myriad races!

If they drew "I am for everyone", wouldn't anyone be able to step on them to move forward??


The rules are absolute!

Kaxiu Fink immediately realized the mystery of Su Yu's class.

He said to the director of the administrative department on the side: "Yes, it's right!"

"Foreigners have different cultures from ours. If we don't destroy their original social relationships, they can't integrate into us!"

"Feili, I said that the selected foreigners always have various problems. It turns out that the root cause is here! Not loyal enough! Honest! "

Su Yu's eyes were burning: "Now, the exam begins!"

"Friendly reminder, if you don't spin the wheel for one minute, it will be considered as giving up. Please ask the Holy Academy to execute you on my behalf!"

The "students" walked to the roulette wheel nervously.

Only then did they realize that this roulette wheel was poisonous!

The probability is different for different people standing in front of the roulette wheel.

In front of Chi Muhuai's roulette wheel, "I for everyone" occupied 90% of the area, while "Everyone for me" only accounted for 10%.

Su Yu...

You must die!

He gritted his teeth and said.

You must not draw "I for everyone".

Otherwise, his image as the seventh prince will be lost in the magic cave. Who will follow him in the future and who will support him as king!?

Outside the ruins.

Chi Muyan, who was watching, applauded!

Big bastard You are so awesome!

Seventh Brother, Seventh Brother.

Just be a stepping stone!

Chi Muhuai spun the roulette wheel, and it stopped abruptly when it was only one centimeter away from "Everyone for me".

His face froze.

Before he could say anything,

the powerful thrust of the Angels' Holy Academy crushed him to the Bridge of Hell.

And the Eagle Reverend who was responsible for protecting him just happened to draw "Everyone for me".

Eagle Reverend was extremely embarrassed.

Su Yu, you beast!

If he stepped on it, how would he deal with himself in the future, how would he face the Seventh Prince?

How would they compete for the Demon King?

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