Alexandra smiled sincerely, without a trace of falseness.

Her beautiful face made it easy for people to believe her words.

The boys in Su Yu's team rushed to show their courtesy to Su Yu, and Li Xu and Wei Gang had already started chatting with her.

Su Yu laughed.

No, buddy, are you so hungry?

Because the war in the Disaster Cave came very suddenly, war is the fastest ladder for people to grow, even Li Xu, An Zhishui and others have successfully reached the Transformation Realm.

If there were no rewards for war, with their talents, it would take at least a year to achieve it...

Nearly 60,000 enemy chiefs were beheaded in the Disaster Land, and countless materials and secret treasures were harvested. Even if they were evenly distributed, everyone would have a lot, not to mention that they followed Su Yu first and then Liu Xuan, and ate a lot of meat.

Once the cannon sounded, gold was worth a thousand taels. The ancients were not deceiving me.

Just as Su Yu was sighing, he found Adam looking over from a distance, and Adam drew an inverted triangle in front of Su Yu.

Su Yu's pupils condensed.

This devout believer always drew a right triangle, but this time he made an inverted triangle...

I understand.

This Alexandra is unreliable.

Su Yu squinted and smiled: "You are welcome at any time. The fighting power shown by the girl is not bad, which offsets Xuanyin's ability... Most people don't have such talent."

"With you here, I will be much more relaxed even when facing a strong enemy."

Li Xu leaned close to Su Yu and whispered: "Godfather, I beg you, you have so many beautiful girls, at least leave some soup for the brothers!"

Su Yu glanced at him.

Look at your little ability!

However, letting them go to please may not make Alexandra relax her vigilance.

"Okay, okay, I won't fight with you."

Alexandra opened her red lips and said, "Thank you... May the friendship between our two countries last forever."

Then, she paused slightly and said with a little hesitation, "Actually... there is another reason."

"When I was in the visiting group, I always heard them discussing things about you, Su Yu, intentionally or unintentionally, and... they were not very friendly."

"Although some of the language is not easy to understand, it seems that they are planning something... You must be on guard." Alexandra took the initiative to reach out and hold Su Yu's hand and said worriedly.

Su Yu gently pulled his hand back: "Thank you..."

"But Miss, I already have a lady I love. Don't easily hold the hand of a strange man in Daxia~"

Alia on the side raised her mouth slightly. Although this girl looks okay, your appearance is not enough for her to give up Su Yu a little.

Alexandra smiled politely: "Just be prepared."

"I'm on your side! Before coming here, our Grand Duke instructed us to be on good terms with Daxia and to break with the visiting group when necessary... If we enter the ruins, please give us more advice."

Su Yu nodded: "Yes."

At the same time, a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

This guy did not fully demonstrate his abilities and pets. I'm afraid he was planning to stab Su Yu at the most fatal moment.

And she concealed it very well... Even the ethereal heart could not sense the malice.

I don't know if it was the ability or the magic cave weapon.

The group had their own plans and bypassed the Golden Beast City and came to the vicinity of the Desolate Sand Ridge.

There was no grass growing in the three hundred miles around the Desolate Sand Ridge, only the Gobi Desert and the vast desert.

The closer they got, the more Su Yu and others found that there was a town in the distance that had never appeared on the map.

"Town? Where can there be a town in this wilderness?"

"Stupid Li Xu, didn't you hear Su Yu say that this is called a relic... It is said that it is a mausoleum where the strong men of the Demon Cave guarded their bodies after their death."

"Turtle, this relic is so big... I thought it was a cave in some mountain corner!"

Not only Li Xu.

Even Su Yu was seeing the ruins in the Demon Cave for the first time.

The Forgotten Ancient City, judging from its scale, must occupy at least 50 miles in radius.

It is magnificent and simple, and the faint pressure it exudes is palpitating.

Holy Land Relics!

What exactly is inside?

Lin Li couldn't help sweating on his forehead: "Su Yu, generally there are restrictions on the ruins. Once you step into it, I'm afraid that Brian and I will be suppressed... It's hard to guarantee who will come."

Holy Land Relics are extremely rare even for the restricted area of ​​the Demon Cave.

In recent years, there have been many geniuses from the top sequence races who have come to the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave to participate in the looting of the ruins. Due to the existence of restrictions, different demon caves have different restrictions on beastmasters... This has led to the human race being unable to rely on the accumulation of strong people to occupy some demon caves.

Once they fall into a competition of races' innate talents, many beastmasters will often fall into a disadvantage...

Therefore, theseOver the years, humans have lost more than they have won in the battle for the ruins of the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave.

Su Yu smiled and said, "Relax, Old Lin. I won't lose in the same realm."

Lin Li nodded gently.

Indeed, even if it was a genius in the restricted area, when everyone was in the Transformation Realm, someone might be able to beat Su Yu, but Su Yu still had no worries about protecting himself.

People came to the wall of the ancient city.

The wall emitted a gray light, which rose from the bottom to the top and into the sky.

It was like a layer of sighing wall that no one could cross.

If you want to go in, you have to go through the main gate.

The main gate is the magnificent Tianmen. Su Yu's mental power exploration showed that there are 999 steps.

A deep red light ball flickered above the Tianmen.

As if warning everyone not to try to be clever...

Liu Xuan's eyes moved slightly. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a great opportunity after following Su Yu to the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cave.

But... opportunities often mean danger.

At the end of the sky, a carriage with six dark horses came from the void, followed by a goshawk and a golden eagle, as if they were guarding the left and right. The terrifying majesty reminded people of a familiar feeling.

Liu Xuan's pupils shrank: "Abyss Demon Clan..."

Is it really impossible to miss them because they are closer?

Su Yu frowned.

The seventh prince of the Demon Clan, Chi Muhuai?

In addition to him, more and more alien races appeared from multiple directions, like a raging storm.

A dragon roar tore through the sky, and a giant dragon turned into a human form and landed on the ground. It was a man with black hair and black dragon scales.

The ground trembled, and trees rose from the ground. On the trees, stood several elves with dark skin, golden eyes, and pointed ears.

And various tribes.

Shadow Dark Clan, Heavenly Destiny Black Turtle, Red Flame Demon...

It's not just humans, and not just Chi Muhuai, who are rushing to the ruins.

Some are the countless geniuses in the Demon Cave.

They seem to have crossed the forbidden sea just for the holy ruins in the eternal land!

"Chi Muhuai... Hehe, I didn't expect you to come here."

"Long Jie, you don't stay on your Dragon Nest Island, but come to this mess. Do you want to become my prince's mount?"

"Really? Speaking of which, we haven't competed yet. It's hard to say whether you can keep the first place on the Thousand Ghosts List."

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