“Damn aliens……”

After being hit by such a thick water column, Toad Dragon’s spirit was sluggish, and his speech was not as strong as before.

But the anger in his eyes is getting higher and higher!

If this is a profession that requires anger, then the Toad Dragon’s combat power will be at its highest at this moment.

He was sure that as long as he dared to spray dragon flames, that boy would definitely dare to fight him!

Therefore, he will definitely not give Jiang Yuan this chance this time. It’s not like he doesn’t have the skills to move forward without casting a spell!

Toad Dragon regroups and activates its amplifying skill [Flapping Wings]!

At this moment, the Toad Dragon’s wings doubled in size and its movement speed increased by 200%!

And this is to prepare for the skills he will release next.

【Destroying impact]!

A skill unlocked by the Dragon Warrior at level 70. The whole body is wrapped in magma, emitting high temperatures. It briefly launches a charge and enters an invincible state for 2 seconds. It will not lose blood and is not affected by the forced interruption skill -.

If the speed is increased, the damage will be increased accordingly.

Toad Dragon dealt a high damage of over 400,000, and used this move to kill an alien creature of the same level as him.

How much health do these mere outsiders have in total?

If he hadn’t really been so excited by this damn alien, he wouldn’t have used this trick on a mere 64 alien.

After all, he has locked blood in his skills, and just this time, the cooldown time of the skills is very long.

But this move can knock the enemy into pieces without interrupting his skills, so he can relieve his anger!

The huge body of the Toad Dragon flew across the sky, creating a shadow at a fast speed. The frog soldiers below could feel the terrifying heat just by feeling it from a distance.

This time, the alien will definitely die!

Toad Dragon thought so, and so did the frog soldiers.

But the corners of Jiang Yuan’s mouth rose, and his smile gave Toad Dragon an ominous premonition.

Jiang Yuan raised his finger to the sky, and a drop of rain fell on the ground. Soon, a heavy downpour poured on the land and on Toad Dragon’s body.

The Toad Dragon, which was flying in the air so fast that it appeared as a shadow, stopped in the air!

This scene is very similar to the scene in Tom and Jerry. Tom was flying in the air and suddenly stopped moving forward. After stagnating in the air for a while, he began to fall.

Toad Dragon panicked and shouted out that classic line

“What about my movement speed!!!”

Jiang Yuan heard this

“Huh~ I feel comfortable, and I feel like I almost missed something this time.”

Seeing the Toad Dragon falling from the sky like a plane with a broken engine, the frog soldiers shouted

“No!!! General!!!”

“Don’t fall on top of our heads!!!”


“Why can’t we move?”

“I’m Cao, where’s my movement speed?”

“It’s over, it’s fallen. Goodbye, mother. You no longer have to worry about me dying on the battlefield. I was sent away by the general himself.……”

It has to be said that the Toad Dragon’s skill is really high in damage. A large number of frogs who already had residual health were taken away by this skill because they were too dense.

This skill not only does high damage to a single target, but also does not reduce the range damage at all.

Jiang Yuan looked at it and slapped his thigh.

“Mad, my experience!”

The Toad Dragon over there rose up one level with tears in his eyes, and all the states were restored to full, but he just couldn’t move. The

Toad Dragon didn’t understand, really couldn’t understand, what kind of ability is this? (Read the Baoshuang novel. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With the increase of the two skills of flapping wings + destroying impact, his movement speed increased to at least 700%, but he was forced to stand in place, unable to walk, and there was another need He owes him some movement speed.

And this is not what scares him the most. What scares him the most is that the speed of blood loss is too fast!

His body is huge, so the area that catches the rain It would be bigger.

Thanks to his relatively thick blood volume, otherwise he would be the same as other frog soldiers at this time.

Those frog soldiers who originally had little blood volume were dying one by one according to their levels. From ordinary frog soldiers to When it came to the adjutant, they died one by one, and finally only the Toad Dragon was left.

The death of nearly four thousand frog soldiers once again caused Jiang Yuan’s level to increase rapidly, from 64 to 76.

This upgrade speed, even for Niu Yin When this person who knew what his talent was saw him, he was so surprised that he pulled off his beard.

When Toad Han, who was next to Jiang Yuan, took a look at Jiang Yuan’s level, his heart stopped.

It’s normal, it’s too normal, God upgrades quickly Isn’t it unreasonable? It’s very reasonable! []

If the upgrade is slow, it is called unreasonable!

At this time, Toad Han has completely accepted the concept that Jiang Yuan is the water god, and at the same time, he has automatically made up a whole set of stories.

For example Fighting with other gods, he was seriously injured and had to be reincarnated and rebuilt.

Wouldn’t it be reasonable for a water god who retained his divine power to rebuild easily?

And he, Toad Han, could follow a god. He really doesn’t know how many good things he did in his previous life. , so lucky!

Now Toad Han, he even wants to hug Jiang Yuan’s thigh and never let go.

What kind of Toad Immortal, in front of the real god, is just a chicken and a dog!

Jiang Yuan saw Toad Dragon’s incompetence and rage As if he had had enough fun, he dehydrated the Toad Dragon and turned it into a dried toad.

Unsurprisingly, the Toad Dragon only had one drop of blood left. At the last moment of his life, the Toad Dragon took out a prop. He hesitated and crushed it.

After the prop was crushed, a large amount of glitter dust erupted, completely wrapping Toad Dragon, and then disappeared in a flash.

Toad Han was even more anxious than Jiang Yuan when he saw this.

“Damn, he has life-saving tools!”

It has the same nature as life-saving equipment, but most of the life-saving items are disposable, so the price is not as expensive as life-saving equipment.

Jiang Yuan did not panic, and after waiting for a while, he got the Toad Dragon killing prompt.

Experience gained. , Jiang Yuan patted Gao Han on the shoulder.

“Ignore him, go ahead and collect all the equipment dropped by the dead frog soldiers for me to use later in building an army.”

Toad Han’s performance made Jiang Yuan realize that it is not necessary to form a force in his own world, but to form it in this world. Anyway, he is the person in charge of the dungeon channel and can lead people to travel freely.

Although the Toad clan does not feel very smart, But it’s easy to control.

Just like Toad Han, Xiao Shi’s miracle made him give up.

After collecting more Toad geniuses, and then opening the screen a few times, coupled with the deception of the archbishop, Toad Han, there will be a wave of loyal believers..

Of course, what he calls a loyal believer is actually a loyal thug.

Thoughts were running around, and after sorting out the scattered thoughts in his mind, Jiang Yuan glanced at Toad Han who was picking up equipment, and began to check the skills unlocked by upgrades and the effects of upgraded talents.

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