Lin Haochen didn't think much.

He went directly into the huge palace.

This palace is very beautiful and magnificent. The whole palace is also very bright, and there are statues one after another in the palace.

"Oh my god, isn't this the Heavenly King Li? The one standing next to him is Nezha, the first rebel in the heaven... uh, they look so much alike." Lin Haochen didn't know what to say when he saw Nezha's appearance. Yes, he had seen this guy.

He soared into the sky in his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Haochen poked Nezha's face with curiosity, and didn't use much strength, but Lin Haochen found that there were cracks on Nezha's face.

"Fuck?" Lin Haochen didn't expect that the statue would crack with a slight touch. He quickly withdrew his hand. Even though Lin Haochen was the only one in the palace, he was very guilty: "This, this is not caused by me."

More and more cracks.

Soon, it wrapped around Nezha's body.

Finally, cracks spread all over Nezha's body like spider webs.

When Lin Haochen retreated, Nezha's body began to tremble. Not long after, all the fragments on his body fell to the ground, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

It was a living person.

Lin Haochen was shocked. He didn't expect that there was really someone inside the white statue. It seemed to be no different from the Nezha in his mind.

He hurried forward and helped. The white statue was not vibrating very fast. It only exposed a few parts with clothes. Although all the white statue skin was cracked, Nezha couldn't break free from it directly.

But with Lin Haochen's help, it was different. All the white porcelain pieces on Nezha's body were pulled away by Lin Haochen. Moreover, when Lin Haochen removed these white porcelain pieces, he always felt that every time he took these white porcelain pieces away, it seemed to cut off the special connection of something.

"Finally I came out. By the way, why are you so slow? You've only come now." Nezha seemed to be very familiar with Lin Haochen. When he saw Lin Haochen coming, he quickly said.

"Me?" Lin Haochen was curious: "Do you know me?"

"Tsk," Nezha punched the tower of Li Tianwang next to him, but the tower didn't change at all, not even a crack appeared.

Nezha punched twice more, but there was still no reaction, so Nezha turned his back. This guy seemed to want to pee on his father's face.

Lin Haochen was very upset and turned his back. "If you want to say that it was you in my mind before, that's nonsense."

"Why can't it be me?" Nezha had finished peeing and wanted to hold Lin Haochen's hand. Lin Haochen felt it and quickly stepped back and handed Nezha a pack of wet wipes.

"Touch these statues with your hands, hurry up." Nezha took the wet wipes to wipe his hands and quickly said to Lin Haochen.

Lin Haochen did as he was told.

Just now, when Nezha punched the tower in Li Tianwang's hand, he couldn't leave a crack on it. When it came to Lin Haochen, he only needed to touch it lightly to leave a crack directly on the tower.

Although, Lin Haochen didn't know why.

After being touched by Lin Haochen, many cracks appeared on each white porcelain statue, and it didn't take long for the cracks to spread all over the body, which looked particularly scary.

However, without Lin Haochen's help, it would be very difficult for these people to get out of the white porcelain. They were shaking all over, and even the black cracks wrapped around their bodies, and they couldn't shake off the white porcelain completely.

For a moment, it was actually a bit funny.

Nezha took Lin Haochen to touch all the white porcelain statues in the hall.

When all the white porcelain statues were shaking, Nezha took Lin Haochen to the most honorable position in the entire palace. However, in Lin Haochen's opinion, there was no one in that position, that is, a particularly magnificent chair.

"There is no porcelain on it." Lin Haochen reminded on the side, but when Lin Haochen just finished this sentence and approached the shadow, he was stunned, because the shadow was exactly the same as the Jade Emperor in the TV, and the three words "Mysterious Man" were indeed on the top of the man's head.

Lin Haochen did not forget that he had a mission to find the mysterious man.

"Finally found the mysterious man, submit the mission." Lin Haochen said directly to the shadow.

The phantom nodded slightly at Lin Haochen: "You did a good job. You are finally here. We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lin HaoWhen Chen was about to say something, he felt his eyes go dark.

Then Lin Haochen had a dream.

He dreamed that it seemed like the game had just come into the world 1800 years ago.

At that time, a lot of fog suddenly appeared outside all the cities, and many teleportation arrays appeared in these fogs.

Various strange monsters crawled out of the teleportation arrays, and these monsters quickly rushed towards the city.

All the buildings in the city collapsed under the impact of these monsters, and all the people lost their lives in the pursuit of these monsters.

These monsters are all cruel and ruthless.

And such scenes have appeared in every place.

Whether in the heaven or in the demon world.

They were first shrouded in black fog.

No one can see anyone.

However, the monsters that ran out of the black fog around the heaven are all high-level monsters.

The monsters that ran out of the black fog around the demon clan are also high-level demon clans.

Anyway, they are all their nemesis, and their level is very high.

For a time, no matter whether it is the human world, the demon world, or the fairy world, no world can withstand it.

Let alone the human world, after all, what they usually face is cold weapons at most, and even hot weapons have not appeared 1800 years ago.

Although there were immortal cultivators such as sorcerers or sword immortals at that time, they were also powerless to resist.

In front of those high-level demons, they were like paper.

It was simply horrible.

The global black fog appeared for only three days, and the whole world was turned upside down. All the creatures on the earth were killed by the monsters that ran out of the black fog.

Let's take a look at the heaven and the demon world.

In fact, it is not much better.

The special races in the demon world are those races that can become gods as soon as they are born, such as the dragon race or the phoenix race.

These dragons or phoenixes resisted to the end, after all, they have special talents and bloodlines.

On the heaven side, many gods resisted to the end, but many of the heavenly soldiers and generals were killed and injured. In the end, the dragon clan, the phoenix clan and the gods on the heaven side reached an agreement.

They were willing to seal all the monsters in the black fog in one place, and this place was called the God's Domain.

Many foreign god systems also joined in.

The scope of the God's Domain expanded and expanded, and finally formed its current appearance.

The entire God's Domain was sealed.

Even if all the monsters were sealed in the God's Domain, all the gods united, but they could only fight a draw.

They had no way to kill all these monsters.

And just when they were desperate, a special voice that sounded very childish made a deal with them.

It was built with the power of all gods as the center. A special world called the game world, and it resurrected all the monsters and humans.

Moreover, all kinds of powerful bosses that appeared in the black room will be taken away and placed in this game world. If the players in the demon race and the human race can fight after they grow up, they will fight.

If they can't fight, then the whole world will be destroyed in 2000 years.

However, the price is that all the gods will be drained of all their divine power, and these gods will be permanently sealed in the divine domain to preserve the safety of their people. Until someone can help them unseal.

Of course, it is also possible that no one will come to help them unseal in this life.

After all, humans have to grow rapidly within these 2000 years. It is best if someone can truly reach the realm of gods, or someone can come to the divine domain.

The people of the country can unseal the gods of their country.

This is why when Lin Haochen saw the Jade Emperor or Nezha, people would say that to him.

They said: You are finally here.

This is the content of the transaction between all the gods and that childish voice.

These gods have been waiting for the outstanding talents of their country to enter the divine domain.

If someone can enter the God's Domain and unseal them, then these gods will be able to survive.

The gods in the God's Domain can guide the people of their country to continue practicing.

They will be more confident in fighting those terrible monsters.

Lin Haochen had a very long dream.

In the dream, the gods were very polite to him.

He even had dinner with the gods.

When Lin Haochen woke up, it was already three days later.

And at this time, Lin Haochen had returned to school.

Shi Nai and Leng Hai came to Lin Haochen's bed with the food in the cafeteria. When Shi Nai saw Lin Haochen wake up,He was so excited: "Boss, you finally woke up. Boss, you are awesome this time. You opened the God Domain System. Our Dragon Country is awesome."

Lin Haochen still looked confused.

"It turns out that there are gods in our country. It turns out that the stairs we climbed before are the stairs leading to the temple, but none of us can go up, not even Xin Tai."

"It made me laugh. Xin Tai rushed the fastest, and when he rushed to a certain staircase, he was still laughing on it, laughing at us. Later we found out that there was something wrong with the staircase. Each stage of the staircase will cause some negative effects to people, and Bai Suzhen was stuck in the air and kept crying."

"The illusionist also told me that he made a very beautiful illusion for Bai Suzhen, in which there were all kinds of beautiful snakes. All of them were male snakes. But it seemed that Bai Suzhen was not satisfied. Not long after, Bai Suzhen started crying again."

"Do you think it was because the effect created by the illusionist was too ugly?" Shi Nai talked naggingly, and mixed the rice in his hand, especially snatching a chicken leg from Leng Hai's rice bowl and putting it on his rice.

"Boss, you just woke up, hurry up and eat." Shi Nai put the food directly on Lin Haochen's small dining table, and was still describing the scene of the day: "You don't know that before we climbed up the stairs, the whole palace suddenly shook, and then many gods, really real gods, walked out of the palace."

Speaking of this, Shi Nai was so excited that he couldn't help himself: "I even saw the Buddha. There are really many gods who all appeared in front of me. I'm really not dreaming. They are all gods in the legend."

Leng Hai was eating silently next to him. He took the initiative to pick up another chicken leg from his plate and gave it to Lin Haochen.

Lin Haochen was confused now. Could it be that the gods he saw in his dream just now were all real? Is the God Realm System turned on?

Thinking of the contents of the dream, Lin Haochen asked tentatively: "So, now only our Dragon Country has gods?"

"Yes. This is still you who opened it. Now the whole world channel is going crazy, saying why only Dragon Country has gods, and other countries don't have them. And temples have appeared in various places in our Dragon Country. As long as we enter the temple, we can see all the gods in our myths and legends. You can believe whoever you want." After Shi Nai finished this sentence with a beaming face, he took out a cute little figurine from his pocket.

This is a Q version of Sun Wukong.

"See? This is what I just bought in the temple. There are many more. Peripheral products have been arranged, and even the corresponding secret realms have been arranged. There are many gods in our Dragon Country." Shi Nai said to Lin Haochen mysteriously: "I suggest you play the Temple of the God of Wealth first."

Lin Haochen didn't want to hear anything else, but he had to listen to things like the Temple of the God of Wealth.

"There is real money in this God of Wealth Temple, and the God of Wealth Temple series of secret realms are not particularly difficult. They mainly test your physical skills. So far, it seems to have no end. It is a secret realm similar to a tower, where you have to pass through level by level. I was given 10 yuan for the first level, and 50 yuan for the second level. However, I am a clumsy player, so I passed the third level." Shi Nai said excitedly.

And I was given money.

Lin Haochen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

However, thinking of the content in the previous dream, Lin Haochen was confused again: "What is the current situation? Does the game still exist? Are the demons still in a confrontation with us?"

Hearing Lin Haochen say this, Shi Nai was quite surprised: "In fact, the game has been upgraded during the days when you were unconscious. You obviously didn't know anything when you were unconscious. How come you seem to know everything?"

"Game upgrade?" Lin Haochen was confused. The childish voice made a deal with all the gods. The content of the deal was to extract all the power of those gods and create something similar to a game for humans and demons to develop.

In this game, there will be various secret realms and various bosses, and these bosses are the things that attack them.

Humans and demons must solve these things within 2000 years, otherwise, this world will be destroyed.

Of course, before that, if there are very powerful people among humans and demons, they can go to the divine realm and unseal the gods.

If the gods are unsealed, then the growth rate of humans will be faster.The entire god system in Dragon Country has been unlocked, and there is also a very special god system. It is said that if everyone practices according to the god system, they can become a god.

Lin Haochen quickly supplemented the knowledge in this regard.

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