Ai Lisheng's figure was like a black lightning, and the attributes of the golden level were not something these disciples could react to at all.

Just a light pass, the two disciples who were still fighting softened, their faces turned black in an instant, and they were dead in a breath.

The zombie on the side turned into ashes with its bones at this moment. If it weren't for the traces and black blood left on the ground, I'm afraid no one would know that this thing was still standing there a second ago.

In just five minutes, the zombies on the field, including the disciples of both sides, were reduced by half at a speed visible to the naked eye.

On the other side, Hu Zhen's hand holding the giant axe was obviously trembling. After the consumption of the headless knight in front, he was completely beaten by Su Qingge at this time.

If this continues, I'm afraid that in a few minutes, I will become a corpse!

Su Qingge sat in the body of a giant robot, with a smile on his face, like a cat teasing a mouse. For the prey that was about to enter his mouth, he was not in a hurry to swallow it in one bite.

"Sister, things have changed, you should resolve the battle quickly!"

Just when Su Qingge wanted to continue playing, a slightly frightened voice came out, which distracted her. She looked back and saw the remaining two disciples of Hehuan Valley standing back to back, looking around in fear, as if there was something terrifying!

And all the people in the Tiger God Sect, except Hu Zhen, are now dead!

"Shua shua!"

Before Su Qingge could react, the black shadow passed by in an instant, and the only two disciples lost their breath in confusion!

"What's going on! Is there an unknown creature nearby?"

Su Qingge's beautiful eyes widened. It had only been a short time, and all the disciples she brought with her were dead!


Hu Zhen, who was standing aside, saw that the other side was distracted by the exclamation, and his eyes narrowed immediately. This was his only chance to escape, and he must grasp it tightly!

Without further hesitation, Hu Zhen held the giant axe, and all the strength in his body burst out. The originally bulging muscles seemed to be pulled by the secret technique, and they shrank quickly. The blood and energy in his body slowly flowed into the axe along with the strength, and he chopped hard in the direction of Su Qingge!

"Tiger God is coming!"

A black axe blade chopped at the giant machine, and the moment the mechanical protective cover came into contact with it, it instantly shattered, and a huge hole appeared on the chest of the entire machine.

A white figure flew out of it spitting blood, and then fell heavily to the ground. For a while, Su Qingge's internal organs were injured to varying degrees, and for a while, he couldn't even use his strength!

And Hu Zhen, who made a desperate attack, was not much better. At this moment, his whole body was rushing, his eyes were bleeding, and the strength to withdraw had long been drained. Looking at the zombies that kept crawling out from the ground, he swallowed a bottle of potion with severe pain, and turned around and left without caring about Cao Xiaochun who had been looking at him.


A miserable wail sounded, and Hu Zhen felt a sharp pain in his neck after walking a few steps. A huge head bit his neck at some point, and the blood in his body kept leaking out. Because of his previous desperate efforts, he now had no strength to struggle.

Ignoring Hu Zhen who was already half-kneeling on the ground, Cao Xiaochun slowly walked towards Su Qingge. The fox covered his chest and looked at the head that suddenly appeared, with a flash of shock in his eyes.

When I saw Cao Xiaochun summon the locust Gu before, I thought he was a demon spirit master, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

"Little brother, please help me take out the healing medicine from the ring. There may be a monster hidden in the dark nearby. We have to leave as soon as possible."

Seeing that Hu Zhen was dead, Su Qingge smiled, then looked at Cao Xiaochun and said softly.

"Horrible things? Are you talking about this?"

Cao Xiaochun smiled and snapped his fingers lightly. A black spider instantly appeared in his hand. The spider looked extremely strange, but the aura emanating from its body made Su Qingge inexplicably frightened.

"Did you do all the things just now?" Looking at Cao Xiaochun's expression, Su Qingge was stunned at first. All the disciples before were killed by Cao Xiaochun, and the scream was also intentional, just to wait for herself and Hu Zhen to fight and lose!

"Why, we are obviously in a cooperative relationship, and after we go out, both forces have to fight against the Dark City together."

Thinking of this, Su Qingge's eyes flashed with despair. She couldn't understand why Cao Xiaochun did this. Obviously, the two of them still had a friendship, and from the previous performance, he was also extremely obsessed with her.

And with his bronze-level strength, he can be said to be a cannon fodder in this secret realm. Could it be that for a little bit of profit, this person doesn't even care about his own safety?

"The cooperation between the two forces is a matter between you and the Zheng family, and I never took the initiative to say that I am from the Zheng family."

"As for why you asked, blame fate. If you hadn't come to me, or if we hadn't met in the secret realm, maybe the result wouldn't be like this."

"Since you have what I want, I won't be polite when I meet you. As a force around Dark City, you must know this better than me."

Ailisheng has climbed onto Su Qingge's neck. If she makes any unusual movements, she will become a corpse in the next second.

"You are not from the Zheng family?"

The chill on her neck made her panic, but it was soon covered by the shock in her heart. Cao Xiaochun was not from the Zheng family.

That is to say, from the beginning, this person has been misleading her, and then using her to solve Hu Zhen. All this is a trap set by him!

"I, Hehuan Valley, admit defeat. It seems that for the sake of our friendship last night, can you let me go? I swear as a fox clan member that I will never seek revenge on you in the future."

"If you are still worried, I can sign a slave contract with you. From now on, I am your slave!"

With a heavy sigh, Su Qingge knew that she had failed today. Not to mention the treasures in the secret realm, even the things on her body might be looted, but if she could save her life, everything would be possible in the future.

Looking at Su Qingge's pitiful eyes, Cao Xiaochun smiled. From the moment he came in, he had no intention of letting her walk out alive.

If she could kill Hu Zhen without injury just now, she could live for a while longer. After all, she also needed Su Qingge as a cover. After all, her original purpose was just to pit the disciples of Hehuan Valley.

But now, a gold-level strongman who has lost his combat power has no value to him. He can't take care of his recovery and expect him to protect himself.

As for people who have interests related to him, Cao Xiaochun has always believed in one principle, that is to cut the weeds at their roots and not leave any trouble for himself!

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