"Last place?".

"Wocao, Ye Chuan is in last place, oh my God, it's been an hour, and the level is still 0% at level 1, shouldn't he be a monster who hasn't fought ......


"It must be that a monster has not been beaten, but if a monster is beaten, it will not be ...... like this."

"Can't he beat a single monster?"

"How is it possible, [Skeleton Summoner] is also a hidden profession, no matter how weak it is, it is impossible that a monster cannot be defeated!".

"Could it be that he was hit by the sinkhole profession, and then simply gave up on himself and broke the jar?"


"No way, Ye Chuan, that kid I know, I'm not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and I'm very determined, how can such a person give up on himself? "

"That is, how could Ye Chuan give up on himself, if he really gave up on himself, he would not enter the novice dungeon. "

"I watched him bet with Li Mengyan before, who is higher than his level!".

"Ye Chuan is also very active in the novice dungeon, he is the second among all to enter the novice dungeon, how can a person who is so active in leveling up give up on himself!".


"In that case, then you should tell me, why is Ye Chuan's experience value still 0?"

"That's it, it's been more than an hour, many people's experience points are more than half of level 1, Li Mengyan is even level 2, why is Ye Chuan still level 1 0%?".


When Ye Chuan's information was exposed on the level rankings, the crowd immediately boiled, some wondered if Ye Chuan had given up on himself and given up leveling; some doubted that Ye Chuan's hidden profession couldn't be defeated by a monster; of course, some people felt that Ye Chuan was just temporarily delayed.

Just when everyone was talking, Ye Chuan in the novice copy didn't know the changes in the outside world at all, and still sat on the ground leisurely, waiting for the mana to recover.

In this way, before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

At this time, the skeleton warriors summoned by Ye Chuan had exceeded 1,500, and a large number of skeleton warriors were huddled together, as if they were a disciplined army. Even those monsters hidden in the bushes, after feeling the breath of Ye Chuan's summons, were busy running into the depths of the woods.


At this time, the situation in the outside world is also even more noisy.

Because of the list, the city lord Chen Zhuhe and President Su Qingyun of the Professionals Association also rushed back, and even the principals of the major high schools also got together again.

Qian Duoduo, the principal of the second middle school, has been squeezed by the principals of several other high schools. He and Ye Chuan are also old acquaintances, and they even feel a little old friends, but at this time, they also have a little resentment towards Ye Chuan.

"Ye Chuan, this stinky boy, what kind of plane are you doing, it's been more than two hours, and it's still level 10%, shouldn't it be that as soon as you enter the dungeon, you just fall asleep ......


"Principal Qian ......" At this moment, Chen Zhuhe suddenly found Qian Duoduo.

"City Lord, what do you command......" Qian Duoduo hurriedly got up.

"Principal Qian, classmate Ye Chuan is a student of your school, can you tell me, what is the situation of classmate Ye Chuan now? Other students, the worst is almost level 2, as far as classmate Ye Chuan is concerned, it is still level 10%, is there any difficulty?" Chen Zhuhe said kindly.

"That...... This ......" Qian Duoduo kept wiping cold sweat.

"That's it, it seems that you don't know ......" Chen Zhuhe waved his hand and turned to leave, leaving only Qian Duoduo standing in place, full of resentment.

Who is he provoking and who is provoking whom? Why was he suddenly remembered by the lord of the city?

Also, Ye Chuan's kid, what kind of plane is he doing, with his character, it is absolutely impossible to give up on himself, right, could it be that there was an accident?


"Ye Chuan probably really gave up on himself, it's been so long, and he still hasn't upgraded to fight monsters!".

"You still need to say this, it's also a hidden profession, I don't believe he can't beat a monster!"

"That's it, I just asked someone, although the [Skeleton Summoner] profession is a sinkhole profession, but it can summon 10 skeleton warriors at the beginning, although they are all cannon fodder level, and their strength is very poor, but if they rush up, they can still easily beat monsters of the same level!".

"I'm still the same sentence, Ye Chuan will never give up on himself......".

"Yes, I am Ye Chuan's teacher, his will is very strong, and it is absolutely impossible for that kind of thing to happen to him. "

"Then why don't you tell me why his rank still hasn't moved?"



"It's strange, why did I sneeze all of a sudden, could it be that someone was talking about me, or was someone calculating me?".

Ye Chuan stood up with a serious face, he looked at the summon panel, and found that the number of skeleton warriors he had at this time had reached as much as 1680.

"No more violent soldiers, start leveling now!" Ye Chuan groaned slightly, and immediately made a decision.

He originally thought that he would summon 3000 skeleton warriors first, and then start sweeping the novice dungeon, but if he thought about it carefully, the level 1 skeleton warriors were still a little weaker, even if he summoned 3000 skeleton warriors now, he would always have to be eliminated later, rather than summoning them now, it was better to wait for the level to be high, and then summon the skeleton warriors who were strong.

After making a decision, Ye Chuan took control of the skeleton warrior and began to act.

Suddenly, the clattering sound of bones crashed like firecrackers, and 1,680 skeleton warriors rushed forward like a tide.


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