For his own grand Sakura Empire, but it was surpassed by some small countries whose names could not be remembered, the Emperor Sakura was naturally envious and jealous in his heart.

However, what made Emperor Sakura even more difficult to accept.

It is clear that the [National Fortune Bonus] attribute, which has reached the limit, the Yalong Empire has actually broken through the limit.

The bonus that originally increased the life limit by 50% suddenly increased to the upper limit of life by 286.6%.

This is the lifespan of all the citizens of the Yalong Empire, which has increased by more than 300 years.

This is simply a stab in the heart of Emperor Sakura blossom.

Especially when he saw so many Sakura Empire nationals on the Internet, cursing the stupid emperor, making a fuss about immigrating to the Yalong Empire and recognizing his ancestors and returning to his ancestors, he was even more angry that his blood pressure exploded.

“A bunch of damned pariahs, stupid, short-sighted, lawless, not thinking about how to be loyal to the monarch and serve the country, just thinking of selling the country and surrendering, it is simply a crime worthy of death!”

Emperor Sakura scolded fiercely.

However, the more he scolded, the more powerless he became in his heart.

The benefits are not as good as others, what else can be done?

To be honest, if he wasn’t the emperor of the Sakura Empire, he might also have the idea of colonizing the Yalong Empire.

This is inevitable.

But the fact is that he is the emperor of the Sakura Empire, the entire Sakura Empire is his, and all the citizens are his private property, so naturally this kind of outflow of private property will not be allowed.

“No matter what, all the nationals of the Sakura Empire, those who were born in the Sakura Empire, and died are the ghosts of the Sakura Empire, and if they want to immigrate, it is absolutely impossible!”

Emperor Sakura’s eyes were cold.

He must not let go of the mouth of immigrants!

Because, with the current situation of the Sakura Empire, once the mouth of immigration is released, the population of the Sakura Empire will be reduced by more than 90% in an instant.

Even some people who are extremely hostile to the Yalong Empire, at this moment, I am afraid that they will be excited to enter the arms of the Yalong Empire.

Therefore, immigration, absolutely impossible!

But human ideas, once generated, are difficult to suppress and change.

Everyone in the Sakura Empire is still suffering from [National Fortune Damage], and in such a situation, watching the citizens of other countries soar because of the [National Fortune Bonus].

That sense of contrast is too strong.

If this state of affairs cannot be changed, then the Sakura Empire will be finished sooner or later.

“The system is too vengeful!”

“Even the [Fair Competition] competition is unwilling to let the Sakura Empire participate, which is undoubtedly a complete way to completely cut off the Sakura Empire and increase the value of the national fortune through the [Fair Competition].”

“Fortunately, there is no way to the sky, and this time, those countries that have obtained the increase in national fortune value are the goals of the Sakura Empire.”

“You only need to choose a target, and then with the entire integration of the Sakura Empire, the Magpie Sudoto occupies to complete the transformation of the national fortune value…”

Emperor Sakura had a glimmer in his eyes.

It is obviously such a weak country, but because he got on the ship of Ye Chuan God, the result soared into the sky, this is a typical child holding gold to pass the busy market, and this is also a great opportunity for his big cherry blossom empire.

The question now is which country is most appropriate to choose to start with.


With the end of the [Extreme Survival] competition, the major countries of the Yuanxing Alliance have also fallen into their own emotions. Countries that harvest national luck and receive national fortune bonuses are naturally jubilant, with colorful lights and colorful flags fluttering, just like a festival.

But those countries that missed the national fortune bonus are deserted and gloomy.

Such a good opportunity, as long as you play, you can be taken to fly, as long as you play, you can get the national luck bonus, and then all citizens can extend the 50% life limit.

That’s a great thing!

But as a result, such a big good thing was missed.

It felt like a mistake.

However, these countries are fine.

They just missed it, but there are still opportunities to follow.

At least, unlike the Sakura Empire, the Beautiful Empire, and the Sunset Empire, it was a complete loss of this opportunity.

Of course, the most enviable is the Yalong Empire.

The increase in the upper lifespan of 286.6% is simply an explosion.

That’s a real increase in lifespan of more than 300 years!

At the International Professional Forum, the topic of immigration has once again become extremely crazy and hot.

No way, the attraction of longevity is so strong.

Anyone who faces the temptation to extend their life by more than 300 years cannot remain indifferent.


“Thank you Ye Chuan God, praise Ye Chuan God, this world is really changing too fast, a few days ago, I was still worried about myself, can I see my grandson get married, thinking that in case I die, leaving my grandson alone in the world, lonely, how should I live, but now, I don’t have to worry anymore, don’t say just see my grandson get married, even if I see my grandson’s grandson’s grandson get married, it’s not impossible, it’s really happy to think about it.”

“It’s such a surprise, I thought that extending my life by 50 years would be the upper limit, but I didn’t expect that a [fair competition] came down, and it directly became a 300-year extension of life, and my life is longer than a previous dynasty, thanks to Ye Chuan God.”

“In this life, people are born, old, sick, and dead… Ye Chuanshen has solved all the problems at once, increase the fertility rate, package all diseases, and extend the life expectancy for another 300 years, as long as there are no accidents, it is difficult to die, I really never thought that there was such a beautiful era. ”

“I don’t dare to post on international forums now, every time I post a post, a large number of people leave messages, asking this and that, just asking if they are married, whether they can find foreign daughters-in-law, and send beautiful photos of themselves, I don’t know how many, I really can’t come back at all.”

“Thanks to Ye Chuan God, the feeling of extending life for 300 years is really beautiful!”

“Fortunately, I am a citizen of the Yalong Empire, every time in an international forum, when I watch others envy the citizens of the Yalong Empire, I will laugh silently, but unfortunately, I really can’t laugh now, my jaw is dislocated, I want to ask, is there anyone who is good at jaw dislocation restoration?”

“I have a question, very urgent, that is, there is a pair of twin sisters of the Sakura Empire, who want to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors and make me their husbands, and now the problem is, I don’t know about the marriage registration in our country, can I carry out such a transnational marriage registration?” In addition, after registering the marriage, can the woman directly obtain the nationality of our country? ”

“I also have a question, our country has been practicing polygamy for nearly a hundred years, so is there a limit to the number of polygamous wives here? Just now at the international professional forum, 98 beautiful women said that they want to be my wife, I am actually very looking forward to it, but I still say to think about it, mainly because I am afraid that the law will limit the number…”

“Help, I am the owner of a coffin shop, originally the business was very good, but now the situation has changed, I think in the next 300 years, there may be no way to sell another coffin, so I have to start changing careers, then the question is, I change these coffins into beds, does anyone want it?”

“With the same help, my grandparents are doctors, my parents open supermarkets, my uncles and aunts are sprinkler dealers, my uncles and aunts open medicine shops, my aunt and uncle open a logistics company, my second aunt and uncle are engaged in express delivery, and I myself am deeply engaged in the pharmaceutical industry… Then, now that the words of the god of Ye Chuan, all the children of the whole family are unemployed, so who knows what industry will not be hit by the dimension reduction of the god of Ye Chuan? ”

“I just want to say that thanks to Ye Chuan God, it is obviously only a week, but the world is already completely different, the previous world, full of darkness, full of despair, life can not see a little hope, life or death, there is no memory, but now it is different, the new world, like heaven, thank Ye Chuan God, let my life be full of sunshine again!”


On the Yalong Empire Professional Forum, countless posts sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Some posts are crazy thanks and praise for the god Hakawa.

Some posts are crazy lamentations about the current life, which is ten thousand times better than the previous life.

More posts are Versailles crazy there.

Of course, there are also some messy help posts, especially some unemployed helpers.

After all, the many functions opened by Ye Chuanshen can be said to have completely collapsed many industries, such as pharmaceutical stores, express delivery industries, takeaway industries, logistics industries, department stores and so on.

Before that, many people were actually a little dissatisfied.

After all, it was hard to develop and grow in an industry, but Ye Chuanshen suddenly came up with a function, and then the entire industry completely collapsed.

And then decades, even generations, of hard work, were completely wasted.

That’s really sad to think about.

Like that pharmaceutical industry, hard work, hard selling, hard building hospitals, as a result, overnight, the entire medical tablet tiles do not exist, full of chicken feathers, then the loss is not mentioned.

Another example is the retail department store industry, hard to open a supermarket, hard to contact dealers, hard to purchase, the result overnight, the entire retail industry, completely disappeared, that loss is also enough to make people’s hearts bleed.

But at this moment, when Ye Chuanshen won the [Extreme Survival] competition, obtained a huge amount of national luck value, and increased the national luck bonus to 2866% in one fell swoop, so that the upper limit of the life expectancy of all citizens was increased by 286.6%, many people finally completely forgot.

With more than 300 years of extended lifespan, what is the small career and things outside the body?


Just when the world announcement on the side of the Yuan Star Alliance appeared, the otherworldly powerhouse on the other side also received a system prompt at the same time. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

System Tips:

“Ding, the points of the [Yuanxing Alliance] camp have successfully surpassed the [Wudao Tea Tree] camp, and the [Wudao Tea Tree] camp has been detected, and no one has survived, and the victory and defeat of both sides are completely locked.”

“It’s very shocking, you failed in this [fair fight]! As the loser in the second crossover battle, you will lose 5x your luck, and you will lose 5 luck! ”


“For every 1 Qi Luck value lost, the success rate of the transfer is reduced by an additional 10%, the experience point gained is reduced by an additional 10%, the monster drop is reduced by an additional 10%, the Law Occult Comprehension ability is reduced by an additional 10%, and the Luck Value is reduced by an additional 10 points!”


“Defeated, finally defeated!”

“Although I knew that I would lose as early as when the Yechuan professional points reached 400,000 points, I still didn’t expect to lose so powerlessly!”

“Yes, that Yechuan professional, it’s really too perverted!”

“It is indeed a pervert, from beginning to end, all monsters are killed in seconds by his skeleton summons, they are simply invincible, strong and perverted!”

“The loss of 5 points of luck is really miserable, I don’t even know how to live next.”

“Yes, I originally thought that within a thousand years, I could become a demigod, but now, the law occult comprehension ability is reduced by an additional 50%, that is, it is only half of the previous comprehension ability, plus the loss of 50 lucky points, the chance of a flash of inspiration is also greatly reduced, this is still a fart!”

“You are not bad, good villains have also reached the point of a high-level holy domain saint, a body of strength, can be called the peak of the sage, unlike me, just became a saint, a body of strength is basically at the lowest point, the same into the realm battlefield, you may be able to leave in less than a thousand years, but I, without more than 5,000 years, I’m afraid I don’t want to leave the realm battlefield at all.”

“I somewhat regret becoming a demigod so early, if I am still a holy domain, then in the holy domain-level realm battlefield, I can barely be regarded as a top powerhouse, but now, I, a little rookie who has just become a demigod for less than 1,000 years, entered the demigod-level realm battlefield, that is to deliver vegetables, see if I can leave the realm battlefield within 10,000 years.”


Everyone sighed one by one, sad and listless.

Between speaking, he also frowned.

The loss of 5 points of luck is simply killing them.

You know, luck is not easy to get.

A country with a population of 100 million will gather 1 point of luck.

That is, the world they are in has long completed unification, and trillions of people are concentrated in one country, so that the country’s basic qi luck has exceeded 10,000 points, plus many legendary Venerables, holy domain sages and demigod bosses, can also improve and suppress qi luck, therefore, 237 loss of a few points of qi luck is not very obvious.

Otherwise, when they go back, the world consciousness will have the mind to peel their skin.

Just as everyone was lamenting, another system prompt jumped out.

“Ding, it’s very shocking, you didn’t complete the rescue mission of [Wudao Tea Tree], you failed to get any mission rewards, and you are about to return to the original world…”

“Ding, the return failed, the current world is a private small world, because of the isolation of space, the return is blocked!”


“Is the current world a private world?”

“Lean, Wind Dragon, you crow mouth!”

“Dizzy, I didn’t expect to be really hit by the wind dragon!”

“It’s over, after losing 5 points of qi luck, you really have to take out all your belongings to redeem yourself, don’t!”


After receiving the prompt content of the system, many otherworldly powerhouses changed their faces one by one.

You know, the small world, but the peerless wonders generated by heaven and earth, itself is a dimensional space that exists in the spatial miscellaneous layer.

After artificial refining, it will become a small world.

Each small world is a powerful space, not with extremely powerful logistical support functions, but also with strong enemy trapping and defense capabilities.

For example, trapping people in a small world so that they never come back.

Or put the enemy’s attack into the small world, make the attack ineffective, etc.

In short, according to the different magic arrays in the small world, the power of the small world is also different.

But no matter what kind of small world, when the master of the small world, after laying all kinds of powerful magic arrays in it, and even building a powerful mage tower, its deterrent power is terrifyingly powerful.

Being accepted into a small world is equivalent to being transported to a super lair that people have spent tens of millions of years to build.

That situation is really desperate to think about.

After all, the old nest that people spent thousands of years to build must have been operating without leakage.

Breaking into people’s nests out of thin air is tantamount to falling into the most top-notch trap.

Not to mention ten deaths and no life, that is also nine dead lives.

Of course, the same small world, there are also strong and weak.

The weak small world can’t even be trapped by [Legendary Venerable].

And the powerful small world can even be trapped by [demigod]-level existences.

Before they tried it, they didn’t know what level Ye Chuan’s small world was.

But no matter what, the Wind Dragon Sage and the others have already turned over once in this small world.

Therefore, this small world, that is by no means simple.

Moreover, being able to allow a level 19 formal professional to refine such a powerful small world is enough to show how powerful this formal professional’s foundation is.

Let’s not talk about whether we can break through such a small world and return to the big world.

Just by breaking open such a small world, it would completely offend this promising Yechuan professional, and no one would dare to act rashly.

God knows if people will take revenge, and when they grow up, they will take revenge fiercely?


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