On the other side, Ye Chuan was finally relieved after sending away the Immortal Emperor and Phoenix Yuyi.

I have to say that the proposal of the Immortal Emperor is really very tempting!

As the first beauty of the [Undead Empire], Feng Yuyi is indeed breathtakingly beautiful and beautiful.

If you can become a family with him, it is definitely the dream of countless men.

Ye Chuan is also looking forward to that happening!

But the problem is that expectations are expectations, and there are some things that he can never accept.

He has already said that as long as the Immortal Emperor helps him kill Nirak, he will immediately return the phoenix feather robe, since this is the case, it is natural to do what he says.

Although the proposals said by the Immortal Emperor were very tempting, they were all based on the premise that he would kill people and silence them.

In other words, all the proposals of the Immortal Emperor were to prevent him from killing people.

However, in fact, he had no intention of killing people at all.

In this case, he naturally had to firmly state his thoughts.

In short, it is absolutely not to be looked down upon!

He just wants to show that he has no idea of killing people at all!

No matter how the Immortal Emperor proposes, it is the same!

Otherwise, if he really accepted the proposal of the Undead Emperor, and then released the Undead Emperor, then he would not be able to say anything.

At that time, in everyone’s hearts, I am afraid that he will become a person who crosses the river and tears down bridges, does not believe in words, and is confused by beauty!

Such a face, he can’t afford to lose it!

As for missing the first beauty of the [Undead Empire], it’s a pity…

He really doesn’t think so!

With his current strength, beautiful women or something, not to mention how much and how much, but it is almost the same.

Really fancy the phoenix feather yi, go directly to the Immortal Emperor to raise a relative!

I don’t believe that the Immortal Emperor will refuse!

Therefore, why accept such a proposal, plainly people underestimate?


Ye Chuan’s heart moved, and his true body had returned to the [Shadow Space] and appeared in front of the remaining [Legendary Venerable].

“Sir, you’re back!”

Seeing Ye Chuan appear, the 6 [Legendary Venerables] nodded in unison and showed a humble smile.

“Since I have returned, there is no need to say more about what the result of Nirak is, next, the 6 of you will hand over all your wealth, pile it in front of each other, and then take a piece of paper, write your name, origin, and the reason for joining Nirak, and I will review them one by one later!”

“Remind you in advance, it’s best not to write nonsense, otherwise, you won’t want to know the consequences.”

“Of course, if you are not afraid of death, then you can also say it directly, and I will fulfill him immediately!”

Ye Chuan’s gaze swept over the 6 people and said lightly.


“Yes, yes, yes, rest assured, adults, we don’t write nonsense!”

“Yes, yes, yes, promise not to write nonsense!”

Listening to Ye Chuan’s words, the six people nodded one after another, giving people a feeling of obedience and fit.

Seeing this, Ye Chuan didn’t say much, but moved in his heart and summoned his attributes.

【Properties panel】


[Occupation: Skeleton Summoner (Apprentice)]

【Level: Level 19 (100%)】

[Basic attributes: strength 190.9 billion, agility 190.9 billion, physique 190.9 billion, spirit 190.9 billion, intelligence 190.9 billion]

【Special Attribute: Lucky 130】

【Life: 5.78 trillion】

[Mana: 11.45 trillion]

[Physical attack: 3.05 trillion]

[Spell Attack: 3.05 trillion]

[Defense: 1.53 trillion]

[Movement speed: 254.5 times the speed of light]

[Attack speed: 3.81 billion times/second]


“The five-dimensional attribute is 190.9 billion!”

“I remember before, my five-dimensional attributes should be more than 20.6 billion, that is to say, the blow of the Immortal Emperor helped me harvest more than 170 billion full attributes!”

“It’s a peerless good person!”

“Moreover, as far as the current situation is concerned, after I have accumulated enough skeleton army, I can continue to find the Immortal Emperor to brush attributes, I really look forward to it!”

Looking at his attributes, Ye Chuan couldn’t help but chuckle while pondering.

This time, the number of attributes brushed can be said to be unprecedented!

At the same time, the efficiency of brushing attributes can also be said to be unprecedented!

With just one attack, nearly three trillion skeleton armies were destroyed, which was simply an unprecedented opportunity.

Moreover, judging from the situation that triggered the [Heritage Plunder] talent this time, when he found someone to brush his attributes, he actually didn’t need to let the other party directly fight the skeleton army.

And you only need to introduce the opponent’s attack directly into the [Shadow Space] when leading the battle, and then let the body of the skeleton army meet those attacks head-on!

In this way, brushing properties can be much more convenient.


For example, when Nanilak was trapped in the [Shadow Space], he was so bad that he was unwilling to help him kill the skeleton army.

If he had comprehended this trick earlier, he wouldn’t have needed to include Nirak in the [Shadow Space].

You only need to have a small battle with Nirak, introduce the domain power that burst out into the [Shadow Space], and you can brush the attribute crazy.

In fact, this method had already been discovered when he participated in the [Legendary Component Battle] earlier.

Even, already used!

Unfortunately, later, this method was completely forgotten.

Now that I think about it, my thinking is still rigid.

Mainly, in the previous days, he focused on what kind of human sea tactics, every time he faced the enemy, he hid at the back and then let the summons charge.

In this case, this method is naturally ignored.

However, after this time, he completely understood.

If you want to brush the properties in the future, you can use this method completely.

Just let a small number of skeleton soldiers come forward and then draw the enemy’s attack out.

At that time, brushing up the attributes will definitely be cool and crooked.


Thinking of getting better, Ye Chuan smiled so much that his mouth almost couldn’t close.

Finally, he fixed his mind and looked at the attributes behind him.

5.78 trillion health, 11.45 trillion mana, plus 3.05 trillion attacks, and 1.53 trillion defenses…

His current attributes are basically at the trillion level.

Each attribute has been improved by nearly ten times compared to before!

However, the most perverted thing is still attack!

From the previous 82.6 billion, it has increased to 3.05 trillion now!

That’s a thirty-fold increase, which is simply incredible!

“The increase in strength attributes is less than 10 times, but the increase in attack has reached more than 30 times, such an attack increase is obviously abnormal!”

“It seems that this time, I should have the talent to increase attacks!”

Ye Chuan smiled slightly, and looked at the [Talent Panel] behind him.


[Soul Talent 24 – Attack Enhancement: Passive, 1v10, base attack increased by 100%. 】

[Soul Talent 25 – Attack Mastery: Passive, 1v10, the attack corresponding to your strength and intelligence, increased to (Strength*4Intelligence*4.] 】

[Soul Talent 26 – Lucky Clover: Passive, 1v10, Lucky +20. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Soul Talent 27 – Ice Muscle Jade Bone: Passive, 1v10, Defense +2 million, Fire Spell Damage and Ice Spell Damage, reduced by 10%. 】

[Soul Talent 28 – Immortal Muscle Jade Bone: passive, 1v10, defense +5 million, pure and flawless flesh, with its own fragrance, and immune to the effects of toxins below the gods. 】

[Soul Talent 29 – King Kong is not bad: passive, 1v10, defense +10 million, immune cripple effect, immune bleeding effect. 】

[Soul Talent 30 – King Kong Unbroken: Passive, 1v10, Defense +20 million, Immune Breaking Effect, No Epidemic Ignores Defense Effect. ] 】


“Hey, there’s something about the talent I got this time!” Ye Chuan’s gaze swept the talent panel, and he couldn’t help but hiss softly.

Two attack talents, one [Attack Enhancement], and one [Attack Mastery], the former is an additional 100% increase in base attacks, and the latter is an attack corresponding to strength and intelligence, which is increased to (Strength*4Intelligence*4), respectively.

When the two talent effects are superimposed, it is equivalent to: the original attack*4!

“These two talents are also too perverted!”

“It’s directly the original attack*4!”

“No wonder, my strength attribute is obviously only increased by more than 8 times, but the attack power is increased by more than 30 times, the real reason is here!”

“Two attack talents, moreover, both of them are the kind of talents that can double the attack, this is simply too perverted!”

“Such a talent, no matter who it appears in, I am afraid it is enough to make a professional become a popular figure among professionals!”

Looking at the attributes of the [Attack Enhancement] talent and the [Attack Specialization] talent, Ye Chuan couldn’t help but secretly stunned!

These two talents are already very perverted!

What’s even more perverted is that there are even two at once!

Could it be that the system sensed his dissatisfaction with his lack of attack power?

If you think about it, at that time, he seemed to be indeed a little dissatisfied with the attack.

Because when facing Nilac, neither the attack mode of [Shadow Space] nor the “Shunchop” skill can cause damage to Nilac.

Among so many skills, the only one that can deal damage is the “Heroic Strike” skill!

Therefore, his kind of emotions, perhaps unconsciously, were revealed?


“No, this tendency to drop talent is really related to my mind…”

“When the previous one dropped the defensive talent, I once thought that I would lose more talent that could increase speed, and then, there was a long time after not dropping the defensive talent, but began to persistently drop the talent to increase speed!”

“Until you hold back a big move and make a [Almighty Wizard] talent, it can be regarded as changing this situation!”

“Now that I think about it, I have a feeling that I lack something to make up for it!”

Ye Chuan muttered secretly in his heart.

“If it’s really such a spirit, then shouldn’t I talk more about losing the [Rebirth] talent?”

“Well, that’s right, just drop the [Rebirth] talent!”

“I must lose the [Rebirth] talent, what I lack the most now is the ability to save my life, out of a [Rebirth] talent, with the ability to resurrect, I can easily lie flat!”


Ye Chuan chanted fiercely several times, until he deeply imprinted the matter of [Rebirth] talent in his mind, and then looked at the talent behind.

Next, there is the [Lucky Clover] talent, the attribute of this talent is very simple, that is, the lucky value is +20.

But his effect, Ye Chuan did not dare to underestimate at all!

Anna was lucky enough to escape under the noses of the countess because of 10 lucky points, and even luckily entered the [Mist Secret Realm], which is a typical desperate life, plus encounter with adventure!

The protagonist treatment of the red fruit!

If she hadn’t had the 10 lucky points, Anna would have been cold long ago.

Therefore, the lucky attribute, although it has always been inconspicuous, Ye Chuan does not dare to underestimate it!

He has come all the way, smooth wind, every time the murder turns into luck, maybe it is the role of the lucky attribute!

This attribute, no matter how much, he does not dislike it!


Ye Chuan’s gaze continued to move down, looking at the last four talents!

[Ice Muscle Jade Bone] talent, [Immortal Muscle Jade Bone] talent, [King Kong is not bad] talent, [King Kong is not broken] talent…

These are four talents full of strong Yalong style!

It is completely the same as what [steel and iron bone] talent and so on in front of it!

It was Ye Chuan who felt the most chicken before, and there was no talent for growth.

But this time, these inherited talents gave Ye Chuan a great surprise.

Although these talents are still the same without growth, they have begun to appear with attached attributes.

For example, the [Ice Muscle Jade Bone] talent, in addition to defense +2 million, also comes with the attributes of [Fire Spell Damage and Ice Spell Damage, reduced by 10%].

Although it is not said that the attribute is very powerful, it is also very extraordinary!

For another example, the [Immortal Muscle Jade Bone] talent, although the increased defense value is only 5 million, but it comes with the attribute of [pure and flawless flesh, with its own fragrance, and immune to the effects of toxins below the gods].

[The flesh is pure and flawless, with its own fragrance], not to mention! For him, it’s of little use either!

But [Immune to the effect of toxins below the gods], it is different.

This attribute is completely the nemesis of poison and poison attribute professionals!

With this talent, against the poison attribute professional, it is completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

Finally, there is the [King Kong Immortal] talent, and the [King Kong Unbreakable] talent.

The former [immune disability effect] and [immune bleeding effect], the latter [immune defense breaking effect] and [immune ignoring defense effect].

It can be said to be very superb!

Especially immunity [ignoring the defensive effect], this is simply perverted!

Many skills are powerful because they can ignore defense, but with this [King Kong Unbreakable] talent, they are completely the nemesis of this type of skill.


“In this world, there are some professionals who are best at causing real damage to the target!”

“For example, there have been dark priests in history who can cause damage to the target when treating the target, equivalent to the healing value, ignoring defenses!”

“This kind of skill damage, because it ignores defense, is also very perverted!”

“In particular, some healing skills are proportionally restored to life, and after the transformation of special talents, they are immediately transformed into proportional blood deduction, which is simply extremely perverted!”

“Even with my trillions of defense and health points, I can’t bear a few blows in the face of such skills!”

“But if you have this [King Kong Unbreakable] talent, it will be different…”

“When you face the damage of the skill of ignoring defense, you can directly be immune to the effect of ignoring defense!”

Thinking of the end, Ye Chuan couldn’t help nodding secretly.

“It seems that no matter what kind of talent it is, it can’t be underestimated!”

“Even if it is a chicken rib talent in the early stage, such a powerful talent can appear!”

“Without those talents in front of me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been able to obtain these talents at all!”

Ye Chuan touched his chin thoughtfully.

From the talent of [Copper Skin and Iron Bone], to the talent of [Steel Bone and Iron Bone], to the talent of [Copper Head and Iron Arm], to the talent of [Cast Iron Casting], to the talent of [Golden Muscle Jade Bone]…

Finally, the [Ice Muscle Jade Bone] talent, [Immortal Muscle Jade Bone] talent, [King Kong Not Bad] talent, and [King Kong Not Broken] talent just obtained…

The attributes of these talents are obviously the elements that have been improved step by step.

It would be strange to say that there is no progressive relationship!

If he didn’t have those chicken rib talents in front, he probably wouldn’t want to plunder the powerful talents behind.


Ye Chuan took a closer look at the [Talent Panel] again, and was about to turn to the [Skill Panel] behind.

At this moment, he suddenly snorted.

Because, just below that [King Kong Unbroken] talent, there is even a text.


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