The regional announcement rang three times in succession.

Yan Jiuding: You won’t believe it if you tell me. I published the book, but I passed the level!

Each of them heard the sound of copy settlement in their ears.

"You have cleared the nightmare level copy!"

"Generating review"

"Your team's evaluation for this copy is: B level!"

"Your personal evaluation grade is: F grade"

"Your contribution to this copy is 0, and there are no special rewards."

For a moment, everyone was ashamed.

They even regretted why they didn't take action before, and they could get at least an epic piece of equipment.

But now, they only passed a nightmare level, but they gave the lowest evaluation.

This is not A slap in the face?

No, it shouldn't be a slap in the face, but a shame.

At this time, Qin Xiu returned to the entrance of the dungeon.

As a result, someone cleared the copy.

"Mr. Yang, I really bother you this time. Our previous agreement is invalid. This copy is all your fault. We only keep some basic maintenance costs, and the remaining profits will all belong to you! Of course, you can also earn some money from maintenance fees.

As for giving up the benefits, it is entirely because Yan Jiuding wants to win over Qin Xiu.

With such a general here, what copy can't be cleared?

However, Qin Xiu felt that Yan Jiuding was too useless.

"Well, yes!"

Qin Xiu doesn't talk much, but there are some things that he still needs to give instructions to.

"I put a forbidden spell. If the copy is destroyed, the nightmare level may not be established."

Without the nightmare level dungeon, the income here will be greatly reduced.

But when he heard Qin Xiu's words,

Yan Jiuding took a breath.

What a powerful person and how powerful he is to say such a thing.

Boom. Broken copy.

He had never seen it before.

"If there is nothing else, I have to leave first!"

Although he left the dungeon,

Qin Xiu's natural growth has not ended yet.

An earthquake covering such a large area may make him upgrade crazily.

He will go back to do outrageous job transfer tasks.

And when he heard Qin Xiu If so, even if Yan Jiuding wanted to continue to win over, he hesitated because of the coldness that Qin Xiu had always shown.

He couldn't let Brother Yang Dan hate him.

Yan Jiuding personally sent Qin Xiu to the entrance of the dungeon in a teleportation array. Return to Qincheng.

Just as the two were leaving, a world announcement suddenly sounded.

【World Announcement: The Philippines has given up its restoration. The Philippines has been destroyed. All people are stateless and can join any country. The application for entry will be determined by the country's nine-turn decision.】

【World Announcement: Feili Nation's Nine Revolutions, Holy Light Priest, and Santos have joined the Lighthouse Nation, and the Lighthouse Nation's national luck +3】

【World Announcement: Feili Nation Nine Turns, Sky Knights, Claverie, join the Lighthouse Nation, the Lighthouse Nation’s national luck +3】

【World Announcement: The Nine Revolutions of Philip Country、……】

Eight prompts in a row.

One will destroy the country.

The rest is all the news that Nine Turns has joined the Lighthouse Country.

The Lighthouse Country gained eight nine-turns, and its fortunes instantly increased by 24 points.

Then, another message emerged

【World Announcement: The Lighthouse Country’s national luck reaches 200 points, resources will be refreshed ×2 within ten days, and attack power will be permanently increased by 20%】

This news made Qin Xiu frown suddenly.

Resource refresh ×2 within ten days.

This will greatly increase the strength of the lighthouse country.

The more resources you have, the more people you can train, and the probability of becoming a ninth-level person is high.

Many resources that were not available before may be obtained with the improvement of the national fortune.

Then, those career changers who were stuck at rank eight became rank nine. Wouldn’t this have given the Lighthouse Country another national destiny?

It's really a virtuous cycle.

Not to mention the permanent increase in attack power by 20%, which is a very terrifying increase.

This couldn't be any worse for the Dragon Kingdom.

Because the two countries have a hostile relationship.

Qin Xiu thought with his head and knew that if the other party developed, there must be nothing good going on.

The most important thing is that Qin Xiu is actually responsible for this matter.

If he hadn't destroyed the country.

How could a person from Philly Country join the Lighthouse Country?

And at this time.

On the Internet, the world was in an uproar.

Countless people gathered together to discuss the destruction of the Philippines.

"The last time a country was destroyed was hundreds of years ago, during the era of universal job transfer, when the caves invaded. Many countries faced monsters and had no power to resist, which led to the destruction of some small countries. This time, the country was destroyed due to disaster."

"I am a citizen of the Philippines. Thanks to this disaster, I became a citizen of the Lighthouse Country. It is so beautiful here, the air is sweet, the growth rate of the country is completely different, and my combat power has increased sharply."

"Upstairs, you didn’t care about the location. You’re still in Philly Country. How do you know about Lighthouse Gome?"

"Now the land of Feili Country belongs to Lighthouse Country!"

That's right, as the Feili Kingdom gave up its restoration, the nine-turn strong men led them to join the Lighthouse Nation.

The land of the Feili Nation already belonged to the Lighthouse Nation.

And with the increase in the national destiny of the Lighthouse Nation, as the land of the Lighthouse Nation , some resources have begun to be refreshed on the land of Feili Country, such as low-level monsters and some treasure chests.

Even though Feili Country is now a scorched earth, it will not be as barren and barren as before.

This decision is indeed true. Let the Feili Kingdom come back to life.

However, the Dragon Kingdom, which is hostile to the Lighthouse Country, felt huge pressure.

Previously, the Lighthouse Country had 31 ninth-level players, and China had 29. Now, the number of nine-level players in Lighthouse Country has increased significantly. What Qin Xiu is most worried about is not this, but the chain reaction.

…… at this time.

Sakura domestic.

26 rank-9 experts gathered on Futu Mountain.

Because of the restoration of the country.

They built new shrines, cities, and job transfer towers here.

It became the new capital of Sakura Country.

At this time, in the job transfer tower, there were 26 rank 9 people, but they were making a lot of noise.

"Baga, you actually let the people from Feili country go one step ahead.........."

"The country of Feili is not very strong. It only has 8 nine-turns. It has lost all its land and there is no hope of a comeback. But we are different. We still have 26 nine-turns. We are only one step away from the Dragon Kingdom. Why don't you persevere?........."

"How can we persevere and use our century-old savings to become Jiuzhuan? What I want is to become a god, not to support a country. What is a country? In my opinion, it’s nothing. Wouldn’t it be better if I could join the Lighthouse Nation and get rid of those burdens?"

"Yamamoto-kun, what about your beliefs? The beliefs of our Sakura Kingdom warriors."

"My belief has never changed, that is to become a god"

"That's right, we are the best allies of the Lighthouse Country"

"The Dragon Kingdom says you are a dog from the Lighthouse Kingdom!"

"Mizuki-kun, if you care so much about the Dragon Kingdom, then after the country is destroyed, you will join the Dragon Kingdom!"

"No, that's not what I meant!"

"Stop arguing and vote!"

Nine Rotations are the most powerful force in a country. They also hold the most top-level rights.

They have the right to vote to decide whether the country will be restored in times of crisis.

If the Philippines had not joined the Lighthouse Country, Some people who do not agree with the restoration of the country can simply choose not to use resources and watch others work hard.

Now, everyone has completely broken up because of their different ideas. The final result is shocking..

Only 6 people agreed to return to the country.

The others couldn't wait to join the Lighthouse Country. In other words, the people of the Lighthouse Country had already found them.

His eyes were broken.

He was also one of the people invited.

Moreover, Yuan Minghe had already predicted that

Sakura Country would be completely destroyed.

【World Announcement: Sakura Country has given up its restoration. Sakura Country has been destroyed. All people are stateless and can join any country. The application for entry will be determined by the country's nine-turn decision. ]


【World Announcement: Sakura Country Nine Turns, Onmyoji 4.8, Minamoto Mingkaku, join the Lighthouse Country, the Lighthouse Country’s national luck +3】

【World Announcement: Sakura Country Nine Revolutions, Bushido, Yamamoto Ichiro, join the Lighthouse Country, the Lighthouse Country’s national luck +3】

【World Announcement: Sakura Country Nine Turns、……】

A series of hints dazzled him.

One person increases national luck by 3 points.

26, that’s 78 points.

With a few more people, wouldn't the fortune of the Lighthouse Country be over 300?

Now, everyone's eyes are focused on Kimchi Country.

After all, Kimchi Country has also entered the stage of national destruction.

Two nine-turners died yesterday.

But they still have 11 nine-turns.

If even they join the Lighthouse Nation.

The national luck of the lighthouse country will increase by 33 points again. online.

The people of Kimchi Country can’t wait any longer!

"We want to join the Lighthouse Nation!"

"I don’t want to stay in this freezing weather for a minute!"

"I want to be a noble lighthouse citizen!"

"Join the Lighthouse Nation Join the Lighthouse Nation"

"What are our country’s nine turns waiting for?".

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