Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 183: Team Champion - Hogwarts!

Chapter 626: Team Champion - Hogwarts!

No one paid attention to Draco's doubts.

This was not only because Harry and the others believed in Ryan.

It was also because Dumbledore, who was standing by the metal monument, had already taken action.

He waved his wand, and the young dragon at his feet opened its golden eyes.

It quickly flapped its wings and flew in circles around the stands.

The students at the front put down the parchment in their hands and stood up.

They reached out hoping to touch something.

They sat down again until it flew back to Dumbledore's head and circled.

Then Dumbledore pointed his wand at his throat and said, "Loud voice!"

Then his words resounded like thunder throughout the Quidditch field.

His voice echoed above their heads and spread loudly to every corner of the stands.

"I think you are all curious about it. And what are the decorations on the court today used for?

Before talking about them, let's go back to the game.

I think everyone still remembers the first event of the team competition?"

There were waves of responses from the stands.


"It's war magic!"

"It should be group magic!"

"It's on the parchment in our hands!"

Dumbledore looked around, "In this case, you should all still remember the effects of the three group magics you learned.

They will all be used on the warriors to help them get through the first project.

And your performance in today's team competition will also determine the size of your contribution to them.

I'll make a long story short.

The cute alchemical puppet flying above my head is the target for you to cast group magic.

It will turn the magic you give into flames and spray it on the metal tablet belonging to your school.

At that time, the completeness of the metal tablet will be linked to the ranking of the competition.

The more complete, the lower its ranking will be.

This will also be the order for the warriors to choose the obstacles in the subsequent individual competition.

Okay, students of Durmstrang, please recite your spells in order.

Please pay attention to the alchemical puppet above my head."

The first group magic is to enhance the ability of the cursed to resist attacks.

Following Dumbledore's order, obscure spells began to sound from Durmstrang.

Complex magic power was connected under the spells that sounded one after another.

Milky white threads gathered from everyone's heart to the sky - forming a milky white ball of light.

The ball of light followed the attention of the Durmstrang students and flew to the alchemical dragon above Dumbledore's head.


White circles of light began to appear in the dragon's golden eyes.

Next came the second magic. The purple magic light representing power was reflected from the students' eyes.

They gathered above the metal dragon's head, forming a purple halo.

Then came the third magic. The green divine wind representing speed was released from the students' hands and surrounded the bat-like wings of the metal dragon.

The white halo in the eyes disappeared.

Then came the purple halo above the head.

Then came the green tornado lingering on the wings.

The young dragon raised its head high, and golden-red flames gushed out of its mouth.

The flames seemed to have their own consciousness, and they followed an arc-shaped trajectory and hit the metal tablet engraved with the Durmstrang school emblem.

The earth shook, and the long table of the jury broke into two sections with a crack.

The blue glow on the grass disappeared for two seconds before reappearing.

The metal tablet surrounded by the flames only left one-third of it close to the ground.

At the jury, Durmstrang's headmaster Karkaroff stood up.

He waved his wand, and the long table returned to its original state.

The fragments of the metal tablet that belonged to them flew towards him and gathered on the lawn ten feet away from him.

He waved his wand again.


Blood-red coils appeared around the metal fragments, surrounding them all.

Then Karkaroff sat down again.

Next came the students of Beauxbatons.

At Dumbledore's command.

A familiar scene happened again.

The metal tablet belonging to Beauxbatons shattered.

But this time the long table of the jury was intact.

This made Madame Maxime purse her lips.

She almost didn't need to look to guess that Beauxbatons might lose to Durmstrang.

After the firelight faded.

Sure enough, half of the metal tablet of Beauxbatons was left.

Madame Maxime stood up with a sullen face.

Under her magic, the fragments flew in front of her and were surrounded by sky-blue coils.

Just looking at the size of the coils, it can be seen that Beauxbatons is lagging behind.

In the stands, students of Durmstrang showed smug smiles.

Even though he was isolated, Krum, who was sitting in a corner with a large blank space deliberately left, couldn't help but relax his frown.

The Beauxbatons side lowered their heads.

Hope that they are not the last.

The third one is Castrumbusher.

After Dumbledore shouted to start.

A familiar scene happened again.

When the golden flames poured into the metal tablet, the blue light of the lawn shook violently.

However, it was maintained intact.

Madam Vulcanova frowned.

Because they were the only ones who could not repel the blue protection spell for a moment.

And the flames of the metal dragon were also golden, without a trace of crimson.

Madam Maxime breathed a sigh of relief.

The students of Beauxbatons in the stands raised their heads again.

Soon, after another pile of metal blocks was surrounded by bright green coils in front of Madam Vulcanova. The students of Hogwarts all stood up.

Because they were the last.

After Dumbledore shouted to start, a series of high-pitched spells came from them.

This also made many students from the other three colleges look annoyed.

They realized that chanting spells while standing up was much better than chanting spells while sitting.

The sound was also higher-pitched.

However, the students of their three schools did not expect it.

Three minutes later, the metal dragon raised its head here, and red flames poured out.


On the lawn, the blue light completely disappeared.

Everyone on the jury cast a protective spell on themselves and their seats one by one.

Dumbledore also left the ground with both feet and floated in the air.

At the metal monument belonging to Hogwarts.

It was not only the fire that lingered, but also the smoke and dust.

"Sweep away the whirlwind!" Dumbledore, who landed on the ground again, waved his wand.

A breeze flew out from the tip of the wand, wrapped in the smoke and dust and flew into the sky.

What appeared in front of everyone was a pile of scattered metal blocks.

It shattered completely!

On the stage, the students of Hogwarts cheered.

No need for any comparison!

They won the championship of the team competition!

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