Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 129: Runic Numbers - Seven

Chapter 572 Runic Numbers - Seven

"Moke is a silver-green lizard found throughout the UK and Ireland.

It can grow up to 10 inches long.

Moke has never been discovered by Muggles because it has the ability to shrink its body at will.

Just now it became so small that you can't see it with your naked eyes, and it has been watching you on the high stool.

And why does it make wizards chase it and even invent spells for it?

It's all because its shed skin is a precious material that can be used to make wallets or purses.

Purses made of Moke skin can shrink when strangers approach, so it is difficult to be discovered.

Once the owner puts the item in the bag, only he can take it out.

So you understand.

Owning a Moke means an endless vein of gold." Hagrid's words undoubtedly made the eyes of the little wizards in the audience seem to turn into the shape of gold galleons.

They are all in the third grade, fourteen or fifteen years old!

They can all enter Hogsmeade.

No longer a kid who doesn't know how expensive food and daily necessities are.

According to Hagrid, it seems that as long as you have such a shapeshifting lizard, you will be financially free?

Now, even Ron, a guy with a bulging wallet, couldn't help but look at the shapeshifting lizard up and down.

But Harry found that Hagrid didn't care about all this.

He looked confident.

Seeing Ron, Hagrid couldn't help but take a few steps forward and laughed: "You kids are so naive.

Many of your seniors who graduated had the plans you have now.

Become a professional lizard hunter.

But most of them failed and had to find a job peacefully.

The successful ones don't need to make money from these little lizards.

Even I caught this cunning little cutie with my unique secret in your last school year."

"Last school year?" Harry understood it immediately.

That was when Hagrid awakened.

Hephaestus was born in this way.

However, Harry noticed that Hagrid was different from Snape and Professor McGonagall.

As usual.

Now, the plan to talk to Hagrid after class was dashed.

The next time was the interaction between Hagrid and the shapeshifting lizard named Lexus.

And those students who were dissatisfied with Hagrid's evaluation played hide-and-seek with Lexus with Hagrid's permission.

When the bell rang.

Because there were ancient magic and spells classes next.

Harry and his friends waved goodbye to Hagrid and walked towards the castle.

When they passed the library on the second floor, a group of chattering girls passed by them.

One of them had a Bulgarian scarf tied around her waist.

Then Harry was surprised to find that when he was about to go upstairs, Ron suddenly turned around and ran towards the group of girls.

"You. Scarf. Krum." When Harry walked in, he heard Ron saying this to the girl wearing a Bulgarian scarf.

And when the girl saw that it was Ron, who was very famous in the school, who was chatting up, the impatience on her face quickly turned into kindness.

"You really are with Krum - hehe, I mean. um.

I took this scarf from Krum.

He was just in the library.

He wrapped his head with a scarf.

Like Professor Quirrell before.

But he underestimated us.

We saw him wearing this scarf before -

Are you asking if he's still there?

He's not.

There are still some students from Durmstrang there.

They're all cool.

It's a pity that there are some bitches from Beauxbatons.

This is Hogwarts, they're not welcome!"

"It's unbelievable that there are so many students in the library.

I was wondering why I never saw them on weekdays.

It turns out they all went to the library."

After getting rid of those girls.

On the way to the Ancient Runes classroom on the 4th floor, Ron complained as he walked.

He felt it was unfair.

They, Ravenclaw, have their own library in the common room.

They rarely go to the library.

Otherwise, he would have known Krum's movements a long time ago.

Maybe he bumped into Krum yesterday, explained the misunderstanding, and played with him all day long.

Maybe we can fly brooms together after dinner!

The Ancient Runes class, like the Divination class, only accepts students from one house.

Only Ravenclaw.

The professor is Bathsheda Baburin.

Harry had seen her before at the beginning of the term and the end-of-year dinner.

She looked Indian, with a monocle embroidered with tulips.

Her makeup and dress had a strong Far Eastern flavor.

If Padma had chosen Ancient Runes, she would probably feel very familiar.

However, this class was much more boring than Harry imagined.

After a simple roll call, Professor Baburin handed out the "Ancient Runes Simple Introduction" borrowed from the library.

He directly taught the ancient rune numbers.

"Demiguise: The invisibility of this animal symbolizes '0';

Unicorn: The horn of this animal symbolizes '1';

Graphorn: The horn of this animal symbolizes '2';

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Runespoor: This three-headed creature symbolizes ‘3’;

Fwooper: This creature’s feathers can have four different colors, so it symbolizes ‘4’;

Quintaped: This five-legged creature symbolizes ‘5’;

Salamander: This creature can live up to six hours after leaving the fire, so it symbolizes ‘6’;

Unknown: Since this most magical number is still very mysterious, the symbol of Unknown symbolizes ‘7’;

Acromantula: This creature with eight eyes symbolizes ‘8’;

Hydra: This nine-headed creature symbolizes ‘9’. "

Accompanied by Professor Baburin's voice with a hint of curry, this boring knowledge was also recorded by the students one by one.

Good guy.

This is a reading note.

Seeing that the class only pointed out the key points and asked them to copy, Harry couldn't sit still.

"Professor, can you tell me what kind of magical creature this Unknown is?

Is it just represented by unknown?" In the classroom with only the rustling sound of writing, Harry's voice suddenly sounded.

Professor Baburin adjusted his monocle and looked Harry up and down:

"This question.


A student asked me a few decades ago.

But he was in private.

You may also know this student, his name is Tom Riddle.

Your Professor Riddle's father. "

(Harry's eyes widened, he knew that this student was referring to Voldemort.)

"What do you think of the number 7 when you first heard it?

If you have ever been to a church, you might think of the seven deadly sins (pride, envy, wrath, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust) and the corresponding seven virtues (chastity, diligence, generosity, humility, gentleness, temperance and tolerance).

They are what every human or wizard has. ”

(Anthony asked quickly: "But we are wizards?")

"Wizards are also magical creatures. The most mysterious magical creatures. ”

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