Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 112 Ron becomes famous again

Chapter 555 Ron becomes famous again

Everyone's eyes were focused on the entrance of the hall.

Percy, who no longer cared about his face because of his family's prosperity, also lowered his head in shame.

The Weasley twins began to jump and make a noise.

Dumbledore on the stage had a flickering look in his eyes, as if he thought of another person.

Just after entering the other door of the entrance hall, Professor McGonagall, who was training freshmen in the small room, stuttered for the first time.

All of this was because of one person.

A very famous person in Hogwarts.

Ron Weasley, one of the three musketeers!

He just shouted at the door of the hall, "Krum! Where are you?!!!"

His face was grim and he looked unsatisfied.

Although he was holding Lavender in one hand.

But no one could help but wonder if Ron had a crush on Krum.

And they did meet in Diagon Alley.

It was also in the newspaper.

It is said that Krum and Ron sat in Florin's ice cream shop for an afternoon.

Ron has such a past record.

He had scandals with Harry and Neville in his first year.

As for his girlfriend Lavender.

It is very likely that she is just a friend, used as a shield.

After all, no one saw Ron on the train.

It was when they were about to get off the train that Lavender took the initiative to find him.

The crowd began to get agitated, and pairs of bright eyes stared at Ron who was leaning against the door powerlessly and losing his energy because he couldn't see Krum.

He was still mumbling Krum's name.

Lavender wanted to comfort him, but it didn't work at all.

This made the owners of those bright eyes - the witches with the souls of rotten girls - even more excited.

It was two years ago.

At that time, they were discussing in Madam Pomfrey's infirmary which one Ron was in true love with - Harry and Neville.

Oh, and Draco.

He and Harry were a couple.

After that, it was all about heterosexuality.

Among the protagonists, except Neville, they are single.

Harry and Draco both have engaged partners.

Even Ron has Lavender.

But today, they are back, back! The atmosphere of the past is back!

They all looked up at Dumbledore.

They were all thinking about one thing in their hearts - when will the people from the other three schools arrive.

They can't help but stir up the CP of Krum and Ron!

As for Ron.

Professor McGonagall, who had just come over to scold Ron, gave up her plan after seeing his lost and defeated appearance.

She returned to the first-year students in another room.

Harry wanted to stay there and wait for Ron to come back to his senses, but Ginny forcibly pulled him away.

And Neville, seeing that Harry and Ginny were gone.

In addition, he saw the beautiful figure not far behind Dudley, and he unconsciously took a step and disappeared from the spot.

Only Ron was left sitting in front of the door, with a dead face.

All the spirit he had accumulated before disappeared because of Krum's absence.

As for the other people who knew Ron, they couldn't bear the burning gazes of the rotten girls.

They didn't want to be included in the matchmaking with Ron.

Most of them said hello and left.

Only Anthony was different. As the class leader of the original world line, he is now Ron's roommate.

He immediately grasped Ron's pain point, "You are famous again! This semester, I am afraid that the fame I get back will not be as good as yours."

He pretended not to notice what just happened, with an admiring expression on his face.

Michael and Terry beside him couldn't help but pull his sleeves.

They thought it was unreliable.

However, Ron slowly raised his head, "Am I really famous?"

"Really! Now, your mist bottle will probably sell well!"

"Why didn't I think of it?" Faced with Anthony's encouragement again, Ron muttered to himself.

He stood up holding Lavender's hand.

He looked around, and the gazes that ordinary people could not bear were sweet to him.

He even waved his hand.

The witches' booing responded to him.

However, these seemed to him like petals being swayed and music of blessing.

He walked into the hall holding Lavender's hand, as if he was a king who had returned from victory, with his head held high and his mouth filled with great pride.

In response, Michael and Terry beside Anthony cast admiring eyes.

Anthony shook his head, indicating that he was not a fool.

Ryan, who was looking down and avoiding Kate's playful gaze, could not help but sigh.

This Anthony was indeed the prefect of Ravenclaw in the original world line.

While Ryan was sighing, Ron had already come to the Ravenclaw table.

And Lavender separated from him and went to the Gryffindor table.

"Ron, look at the six empty seats on the staff table, and the three long tables next to Slytherin." Harry reminded Ron as soon as he sat down.

He was afraid that Ron would return to his previous state.

"I noticed it a long time ago." Ron said this, but turned his head to look at Slytherin as if he had just discovered it.

"Harry, don't worry about him.

The important thing now is why the ghosts disappeared?" Ginny curled her lips.

"I know!" Seamus at the Gryffindor table turned his head, "They are said to be more and more like living people, except that their bodies are translucent, there is no other difference.

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They seem to be preparing to appear with other schools in order to show off the great magic invented by Ravenclaw.

"Appear together?" Ron asked hurriedly when he heard the other schools.

Dean also turned his head, "What else could it be?

The other schools have actually arrived a long time ago.

They are waiting to appear after the sorting. The ghosts are the same.

Harry asked: "But I have investigated.

In previous competitions, other schools obviously arrived about three or four days after the start of school.

Also, if the ghosts are going to come out, why is there no ghostly translucent long table floating above our heads."

"Mr. Digg told me.

Like the previous competitions, the competition was announced at the beginning of school.

This time is different.

It was mentioned at the end-of-year dinner of the last school year.

As for the ghostly table.

It seems that at the request of the ghosts, Dumbledore is going to perform ghostly magic on the spot this time.

Let's do the big one. "Dean said.

"You know Dedalus Digg! He is also a hero of the Order of the Phoenix!" "He is Dean's uncle!".

As soon as Dean finished speaking, such voices came from all around.

Now, after the report of the Daily Prophet, almost all British wizards can accurately recite the names of each of the first generation members of the Order of the Phoenix and their deeds.

It is said that the Tofan Clothing Store has plans to invite members of the Order of the Phoenix to become its spokespersons.

In response, Harry and Ginny smiled at each other with a gratified smile.

However, Ron only noticed one thing.


After the sorting, that bastard! Piglet! .Flobberworm!

will appear after the sorting!"

Thanks to the monthly ticket of the sleeping conch classmate, and the recommendation and subscription of other classmates!

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