Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 194: New Prophecy and Werewolf

Chapter 418 New Prophecy and Werewolves

"Should I get in touch with Ron?"

"He's cool and seems to be interested in me." Lavender asked seriously.

Because she actually understood from the beginning that this problem was a problem that even a real prophet could not solve.

The point is not whether the prophecy is true, but how she should face a relationship that may fail.

Accept it with pleasure?

Or escape?

And the liar Trelawney, who has strong insight, may be more suitable in this regard.

"It's good to be young, and you can still feel the pain of love." Facing Lavender's question, Trelawney sighed.

She suddenly felt that Lavender might not have made up the so-called prophecy for the sake of showing off.

She was hesitant and confused, not knowing whether she should face the first love in her life.

Trelawney's eyes softened, and her tone was no longer deliberately lowered, acting mysterious.

She really deserves to be a Gryffindor.

Dare to show your vulnerability to others.

She didn't have this courage back then.

If she dared to tell her friends at that time, with the support of friends, even if she failed, it would be beautiful.

Instead of being alone now.

"You still have a long life. I can only say don't make a decision that you regret."


"Take courage! Little lion of Gryffindor!" Trelawney walked to Lavender and patted her shoulder encouragingly.

But she acted very stiffly, as if she had not been in close contact with people for a long time.

"You are the greatest prophet!" Lavender threw herself into Trelawney's arms.

In Lavender's view, a prophet who gives others courage and encourages people to move forward is also great even if he is a liar.

This may be more useful than cold prophecies.

"You feel it now." Parvati was puzzled.

The professor of divination in the most powerful magic academy must be the most powerful prophet.

I don't know how long it took. Watching Lavender and the others go downstairs, Professor Trelawney murmured in a low voice: "I hope that next time we meet, you will no longer be troubled by love."

The firelight flickered on her long emerald earrings.

But the next second, a loud, hoarse voice sounded in this strange room, "This happened in midsummer--"

It was Trelawney!

She froze in her armchair, her eyes were scattered, her chin drooped, and her eyes began to move, looking like she was having an attack of some kind of illness.

"At the intersection of the three great magic schools--the spirit of Fiendfyre will be complete again--the Resurrection Stone will be restored--" Professor Trelawney spoke again, still in that hoarse voice, very different from her own.

"The boy with the power that the Dark Lord does not understand will be in the restricted area of ​​​​---under the Dark Lord, and the woman who gave the boy the power will return to the world again after escaping the Dark Lord three times--" Professor Trelawney's head dropped to her chest and she snorted.

Then, very suddenly, her head snapped up again.

"Am I distracted again?" Trelawney shook her head.

At this time, Ryan, who was looking at the snow scene with Luna not far from the Whomping Willow, turned his head and looked at the top of the North Tower.

"What's wrong?" Luna, wearing a furry white hat, shrank into Ryan's arms.

"Someone mentioned me, and another guy I admire but hate." Ryan rested his chin on Luna's head.

"Oh, Ryan, continue to tell the history of the Whomping Willow." Luna didn't ask any more questions.

If it was Hermione, she would probably get to the bottom of it now.

Ryan inexplicably thought of Hermione who was hiding in the Room of Requirement and trying to find Ryan's magic book.

"Speaking of the Whomping Willow, one person is indispensable, our associate professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts - Remus Lupin." Ryan's eyes flashed with memories.

"He? He is a guy who is harassed and favored." Luna said in words that only those close to her could understand.

That is, Lupin is a gloomy guy who is troubled.

"Do you know why?"

"He is a werewolf."

"Because of his identity as a werewolf, Hogwarts planted the Whomping Willow here the year he entered school."

"This prevents the surrounding students from getting close to this place, and Lupin can go to the Shrieking Shack alone through the secret passage under the Whomping Willow during the full moon." Ryan whispered.

"Then he must be in pain." Luna said so.

Werewolves are unwelcome magical creatures.

They are highly contagious, and the bite wounds will bleed continuously without special treatment.

Muggles or wizards who are bitten by werewolves during the full moon can be transformed into werewolves after applying a mixture of silver powder and distilled water to the wounds newly bitten by the werewolves and letting them heal.

This is because werewolves are more like humans infected with lycanthropy.

When bitten by a werewolf in wolf form during the full moon, once the werewolf's saliva comes into contact with the victim's blood, infection will occur.

Another major reason for the rejection of werewolves is loss of control.

They will transform into wolves during the full moon. They cannot choose whether to transform or not. They will forget their identities after the transformation and will even find the right opportunity to kill their best friends.

What's more terrifying is that after they turn back to human form, they can still recall everything they experienced during the entire transformation process.

This means that no matter how kind a werewolf is, he or she cannot be accepted by others.

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Because they are already themselves in wolf form.

This also means that when two werewolves mate in wolf form during a full moon, very strange things will happen.

This has only happened twice in history: werewolves will give birth to a litter of real wolf cubs, and they will become very beautiful wolves when they grow up.

They are no different from real wolves, but have wisdom close to that of humans.

It is said that there is such a group of wolf cubs in the Forbidden Forest, which is also the source of the rumor that there are werewolves living in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

And Ryan, who has long been familiar with the Forbidden Forest, knows that this is true.

There are also real werewolves in the Forbidden Forest, but real werewolves will not bark unless it is a full moon.

They will also trap themselves far away from the border of the Forbidden Forest in advance.

They are not the source of the rumor that there are werewolves in the Forbidden Forest.

In short, as a wizard, Luna should be repulsive when she knows that there are werewolves in the school.

Because she was not familiar with Lupin, and she also knew the danger of werewolves.

But she immediately thought of Lupin's pain.

To be honest, this made Ryan a little jealous.

"What's wrong?" Luna turned her head.

"I'm going to do something good, and your father may become famous again." Ryan snorted.

"Huh?" Luna's face was full of question marks.

She didn't know that her words made Ryan inexplicably jealous.

You are miserable as a werewolf, right!

If there is a spell that can castrate a werewolf's infectiousness and turn the wolf into an Animagus-like state.

Are werewolves still miserable?

Damn Lupin!

Look how miserable you are!

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