Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 146: Traces of Moon City

Ron didn't know how his sister was framing him.

When he heard about the gift, he was actually not angry anymore.

When Ginny and Harry were being affectionate, he couldn't wait to open the gift.

A pair of red gloves appeared in his hands.

It looks a bit rough, but not bad. Ron said half disgustedly and half happily.

But the next second, his expression froze.

In Harry's hand, there was a pair of gloves of the same style, but they looked much more delicate.

What are you looking at? I have to practice. Ginny stretched and lay on Harry's four-poster bed.

Is this for practice? Ron began to doubt his life.

At this moment, Hedwig suddenly flew into the room with a small package in her mouth.

Hello, after it landed on Harry's bed, Harry said happily, are you going to talk to me again?

It bit his ear gently in a very intimate way, and this greeting was much more precious than the gift it brought him.

It turned out that the small package was sent by the Dursleys.

They gave Harry a toothpick and a short message, asking him to find out if his engagement meant he would not have to go back to their house in the future.

Did your aunt and uncle know about it?

I think they are right.

You can sleep in my room. Ginny's square face flushed.

Yes, it should be Dudley. Harry casually threw the toothpick on the table.

As for the second half of Ginny's words, he chose to ignore it.

Harry began to open other gifts.

This year's gifts are much less than last year's.

This is because Sirius bought Harry a VVIP of the Owl Post Office.

As a VIP, you can selectively refuse gifts outside the whitelist.

And VVIP, you can use magic to set up an additional receiving point.

Harry was like this. Except for the Weasleys, friends at Hogwarts, and Sirius, all other gifts were sent to a room that Sirius bought in Hogsmeade to store gifts.

The other Christmas gifts Harry received were much more satisfying.

Hagrid gave him a big bag of fudge, and Harry decided to put it by the fire to soften before eating; Ron gave him a book called "Flying with the Gunners", which told some stories about his favorite Quidditch team; Draco bought him a luxurious feather pen.


Harry opened the last gift, which turned out to be a brand new hand-knitted sweater given to him by Mrs. Weasley.

This year I have a legitimate reason to wear a Weasley sweater. Harry put on the sweater and smiled at Ginny.

Ginny took off her cloak, and she was also wearing a Weasley sweater inside.

Um, where are Fred and George?

According to last year's process, it would be them who broke into our dormitory at this time, and maybe Percy who was pulled over.

According to them: Christmas is a day for the whole family to reunite. Ron couldn't help but complain.

At that time, he wanted to lie in the dormitory for a day and play with the gifts.

They, Ginny's eyes rolled, they are waiting for you, they asked me to ask you to go to the Gryffindor common room.

Hmm? What about you? Ron noticed something was wrong.

We, where we go has nothing to do with you. Ginny pouted, and Harry nodded aside.

Ron stood there awkwardly, he looked at Ginny, and then at Harry.

Finally, he sighed helplessly. Okay, I'm leaving!

But you have to be sensible, you know, Ginny, you are still a child!

Only in the first year! Ron walked out indignantly, leaving Harry and Ginny looking at each other on the four-poster bed.

I think I'm still very sleepy. Harry's throat was dry.

Me too. Ginny also crawled into the bed.

Next to them, Ryan, who had not been noticed, said it was very exciting.

Ryan smacked his lips, and the next moment, he appeared in Smith Castle.

His pajamas quietly changed into a luxurious black wizard robe.

It was time to install the bathroom.

Speaking of bathrooms, there was no shortage of them in Smith Castle.

There was a bathroom in the room next to each bedroom.

But what was really missing was the bathroom that Ryan was not allowed to enter when George Smith was alive.

Walking past the silver seats lit with Gubler fairy fire on both sides, Ryan came to the elevator and pressed the negative floor.

Entering the elevator, the elevator door made of dark, deep and strange metal slowly opened, and the bathroom that was originally opposite had only a piece of quaint oak door left.


Jerry, wearing a dress that ordinary house elves would never touch, knelt on one knee and appeared on Ryan's right.

Master, do you have any instructions?

Do you want to wake up Ms. Nagini to sleep with you? Jerry said.

No, it's time for Nagini to hibernate.

I just think that this bathroom should be restored. Ryan said lightly.

This bathroom doesn't really need to be repaired, but it would be a bit wrong if it was left alone.

Ryan stretched out his right hand, and silver starlight appeared around him. Everything in the bathroom appeared in Ryan's mind.

The stars, the mist from the bathtub, the cool touch, the lifelike rockery, the irregular natural hot spring-like bathtub, the diving board, the snow-capped mountain made of white towels, and the magic painting.

Ripples emerged from the air, just like the calm water surface being broken by stones.

At the same time, in the two Smith Castles, opposite the elevator entrance on the first floor, the dazzling galaxy swam around the colorless ripples.


Behind the oak door, the same bathroom as before appeared in the two Smith Castles.

Ryan opened the door, and on the wall to his right, inlaid in a gilded frame, there was a painting of a rock next to the endless sea. A blonde mermaid, with snow-white hair, waved at Ryan.

With a click, the door closed.

Okay, Jerry, how much information have you collected about Moon City? Ryan stepped forward, and the next second, they appeared in the study.

Master, the 1,400-acre Shelburne Farm on the shore of Lake Champlain is very strange. The milk, fruits and vegetables it produces have disappeared inexplicably. At that time, through magic and alchemy tools, the milk, fruits and vegetables still existed, but they were beyond the distance described by Tracer No. 134. Jerry said quickly.

Oh, tell me about its history. Ryan nodded with interest.

Even if this ranch does not belong to Moon City, it is estimated to belong to an unknown wizard residence like Atlantis.

It is the former residence of a Muggle named William Seward Webber, who is a famous businessman in the Muggle world.

The farm consists of four parts: a 24-room hotel, a non-profit education center, a cattle farm, and a vegetable garden. Jerry said at last.

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