Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 155 Harry's Troubles

Christmas is coming.

One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts School woke up from a dream and found that the surroundings were covered with several feet of snow, and the lake was covered with hard ice. The Weasley twins were punished because they cast a spell on several snowballs, letting them chase Quirrell around and hit him behind his turban.

After they were caught, they emphasized that it was for the good of Professor Quirrell, so that he would catch a cold and rest, and then Professor Dumbledore would teach them in person, how great!

This made Professor McGonagall tremble with anger, and gave them a much heavier punishment than the original world line.

In the recent period of time, Ryan also stopped and was no longer prepared to make trouble.

The reason why he made trouble was actually because he had nothing that could threaten his life, and he was relieved-after this goal was suddenly achieved, he began to let himself go a little.

To transform this world and let it develop according to his own ideas, for him personally, he had had it when he studied this wizarding world three years ago.

But with the discovery of the underwater city, Moon City, he suddenly found that his crude plan was no longer useful, and other wizard groups did better.

This is why Ryan started to mess with Harry Potter, which is the most boring thing for him in recent time.

When Ryan was still Zhou Yi, he felt that Harry, the savior, was too unworthy of the name when he read the original book. Now that he has solved almost all the worries, he is ready to play the same role as Dumbledore and cultivate the real savior through one event after another.

Not messing with Harry recently is also to let him rest and give him a buffer time. After all, he just finished the competition, knew about the Philosopher's Stone, and suspected Quirrell. Dumbledore will arrange the next event for Harry.

Now Ryan just needs to be a spectator.

Thinking of this, Ryan looked out the window of the Ravenclaw Tower boredly. Several owls flew across the windy and snowy sky to deliver mail. After going through hardships, they must recover their strength under Hagrid's care before they can continue to take off.


That was Neville's sneeze. This is the bad thing about living in a high tower. If you don't pay attention to pull down the curtains and close the windows when you go to bed at night, you will definitely have a runny nose the next day.

This led to a large number of little wizards who caught a cold and drank stimulants with steam coming out of their heads in addition to Slytherin and Hufflepuff.

To be honest, it was quite interesting to watch. Ryan had the urge to make Kate catch a cold and have steam coming out of her head. Unfortunately, Kate's current magic skills made her no longer as susceptible to colds as a mortal.

However, only Ryan had the leisure to make fun of these things. The other little wizards couldn't wait to have a holiday.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw were the same. Even Roger was expelled from the Quidditch team, Slytherin defeated Gryffindor, and the Ravenclaw Quidditch Cup was on the line again, which could not divert their minds from the holiday.

However, as Christmas approached, the steam little wizards were no longer seen.

In the castle now, except for the lounge and the auditorium with a blazing fire, there were no little wizards anywhere else. The energetic Gryffindors who like to have fun everywhere also stay in the lounge or the auditorium, waiting for the arrival of the holiday.

In the corridor, there are no more little wizards who like to stay there and chat with the portraits, unless they pass by during class. After all, the corridor with a draught has become bitterly cold, and the window glass of the classroom is also rattling in the biting cold wind.

After the cold weather, the little wizards who pay attention to keeping warm are not so cold.

"It's so boring. Oh, why doesn't Dumbledore give the invisibility cloak to Harry Potter? The good show should start soon." Ryan thought boredly.


Time December 16, Monday, 1:10 pm, Potions Classroom.

The weather is very cold, all the little wizards are leaning against the hot crucible, shrinking in their seats, and the exhaled air forms a cloud of white mist as soon as it comes out.

"Harry." Dudley started talking to Harry again for the first time. You know, they haven't spoken for nearly 4 months.

"What?" Harry was startled and almost put his hand into the cauldron.

"I, I mean, will you go back this Christmas? I will go back, my mother asked me to ask." Dudley asked.

Time is indeed a bit urgent. After all, in the second week of December, the deans of each college will start to write down the names of students who stay in school and don't go home for Christmas.

By the third week, most teachers and students have gone home.

Other students who stay in school will attend the Christmas dinner on December 25th.

And this holiday is very long. It will not be until early January that other students who go home will take the Hogwarts train back to school again.

And the first-year students still have classes today, so those who want to go home can only leave after the class.

"No, you know why I don't want to go back." Harry said coldly.

"Well, now I am also a wizard, maybe-" Dudley was about to say something.

"It has nothing to do with this." Harry ended the conversation unilaterally. Just then, Professor Snape floated into the classroom like a black bat. He looked at the crucible that was heated in advance for heating, and said nothing. The class began.

"Look, Harry, Professor Snape's foot has healed, so what about the Philosopher's Stone?" After class, Ron, who was curled up in a corner of the lounge, said to Harry.

"You forgot what Ryan said, his injury will heal in a month. He was bitten by the three-headed dog on October 31st, and it's already mid-December." Harry was surprised, "And you still doubt Professor Snape?"

"I think Professor Quirrell is the most suspicious. He was chased all over the snow by George and Fred for a little trick. Is this the level of a professor?"

"I checked Professor Quirrell's grades. Except for Transfiguration, which was E (exceeds expectations), his other subjects were O (outstanding). "Harry said.

"Okay, but I won't leave this Christmas. My parents are going to Romania to visit Charlie. George, Fred and I will stay in Hogwarts." Ron frowned, then smiled, as if he had not remembered that there was a brother Percy who stayed in school with them.

"Hey, you disappeared as soon as Harry returned to the common room. I've been looking for you for a long time." Harry's fan Anthony appeared behind Harry with his two younger brothers Terry and Michael.

Harry looked helpless. Anthony had been a little too enthusiastic since he won the match against Hufflepuff.

Every time he saw Harry, he would mention Quidditch, but Harry didn't want to mention it. Roger's expulsion from the team was still an unhealed scar for Harry.

During recent training, every team member would praise him and belittle Roger when they saw him. Even Captain Johnny was going to let Harry be the acting captain, and he himself would take the position of Roger's chaser.

This had already made Harry a little overwhelmed, and he no longer wanted to hear about Quidditch in his daily life, which was why he had been avoiding Anthony recently.

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