Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 87 Because of an exam paper, the airline is reshuffled! (8 more)

Chapter 87 Because of an exam paper, the airline was reshuffled!

(The eighth update, ask for a custom, one custom plus one more)

"It's even better... 35

"And a complete set of blueprints for a new engine..."

"Su Chen also took into account all domestic fighter-related production capacity..

"Even using these existing production capacity to create a perfect industrial chain with minimal modifications and changes...


He's completely stupid! The pile of materials that I gave Su Chen before includes these,

But it's not so detailed... Those data, huge and complicated,

If it really spreads out,

Build a library!

Even the person in charge of Operation 031, who is in charge of the following matters,

It's not clear either!

Su Chen has been accurate to the point that a certain component is arranged by a specific manufacturer for R&D and production,

Even the direction of R&D and upgrading for this manufacturer has been planned...


Zhang Yanghao took these drawings...

this moment,

He seems to have seen the truly magnificent future of our aviation!!!

"I need a few experts.""

"Argument with me!

Zhang Yanghao reacted instantly!

Mathematical theory expert, applied physics expert, engine science expert....

various experts,

At the same time, there are also several experts who have returned from abroad and have experience in foreign fighter planes to verify together!

"I'm going to call now!

"These answer cards are sealed in the vault and locked up! 99

"Send a company here!""

brag brag!

in the sound of footsteps,

In five minutes, a company came directly to this room 26!

Zhang Yanghao looked extremely serious!

"Here is the order!

= "Until I come back, stare at me and never leave for a moment!""

"If anyone wants to transfer the exam papers, the King Laozi will not do it!""

"All the weapons of the company are loaded and the insurance is removed!

"Once someone leaves the team without authorization, contact with the outside world, and control it on the spot!"

"Go to the toilet in a team of three, don't fall behind!"

"If someone approaches the safe without authorization...or there is an abnormality, they will be killed on the spot!!!35

A chilling aura erupted from him!!!

. . . . . . . .

After Zhang Yanghao's instructions were completed,

Immediately drove to the nearby troops and contacted the experts in Rongcheng aircraft manufacturing using a special encryption method!

that night,

A special plane landed in Hangzhou from the direction of Rongcheng,

More than a dozen expert engineers of Project 031,

I rushed to the scene of the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University in a hurry!

They are in full swing to verify....

Mathematical reasoning, applied physics, fluid mechanics...


There are no good laboratory and computer simulation conditions here, it can only be determined in theory or according to their experience,

Determine the value of this answer card!

"Never seen before, never seen before!"

The top math expert of Project 031 said,

"The mathematical logic of this engine...really new and unique..."5

"I really haven't seen...

"Maybe, according to his plan, it will be produced...

"Really able to exceed the engine assembly level of f22!"

. . . . . .


"Simply perfect! 55

Two experts dug back from abroad said!

They have participated in the F22's younger brother, the F35's peripheral engineering,

F35, in short, is a simplified version of F22, the former is a tiger and the latter is a leopard.

F22 was discontinued because of excess force and huge capital consumption. The global aviation force is like a chicken. What is the use of a butcher's knife to kill a chicken?

Then they launched a more simplified version, cheaper, the F35, not only fully equipped, but also sold internationally.

Although the core technology of the F35 has not flowed out, they can also be seen on the periphery.

In the overseas version of the F35, they have also been exposed to design drawings, structural drawings and the like!

at this time,

Two turtle experts,

It's all amazing!

"Here, there is only a brief table of contents, the core technical points, he has marked it a little, but it is incomplete.

"If so, really according to his... 35

"If he has a detailed data theory, etc., maybe it's really feasible!

"If he really has core technology!"

"I think the feasibility rate is above 70%!"

. . . . . .

Field experts, collective conclusion!

Seventy percent feasible!

Zhang Yanghao widened his eyes,

He originally thought that for this test paper, Su Chen could just give a mathematical logic idea...

It really doesn't work, let Su Chen owe him a favor...


The harvest is so rich!

"We personally escort this document to Zhang Shaozhong's seat!

"You and me, report in person!"

Zhang Yanghao gave orders in an orderly manner...

The answer sheet was sealed in a vacuum special file bag,

Then turn around and rush to the marking group!

"Su Chen's math answer sheet, our military has taken over! 39

"His six answer sheets are encrypted at the SSS level!""

Everyone in the grading team is stupid!




Still the highest sss level encryption!

"Then...how are the grades calculated?"

Zhang Yanghao is unsmiling.

"Why don't you ask? Of course it's full marks!""

"You arrange such little things yourself!"

"Delete all the electronic scanned copies of Su Chen's last six answer sheets!

"I watched you delete with my own eyes!

. . . . . . .

Su Chen's last six answer cards, completely encrypted!

Fortunately, the exam questions in front of him have been graded, and all are full marks!

I saw with my own eyes that the staff of the marking team deleted Su Chen's answer to the last question in the electronic library of answer sheets.

There is only one original left in the world!


Zhang Yanghao left with a mighty escort of the troops!

Leaving behind the masked marking team.

"After all these years...is it the first time the exam papers have been encrypted?

. . . . . .

that night,

The convoy is non-stop,

Just go high speed!

Dozens of military vehicles are racing,

Escort Su Chen's answer sheet to the outside of General Shao Zhong's residence in Shangjingzhang!

When you get to the door,

It is already four in the morning.

Zhang Yanghao glanced at the time, the teacher must be resting at this time,

But he couldn't wait,

Call the guards immediately!

"Jingle Bell!"

In the bedroom of Zhang Shaozhong's mansion, he was still sleeping,

The ringing bell woke him up,

But he was not angry,

Because he knew that his line was always on,

But it never rings more than twice a year.

There is a notification at four in the morning, which means that there is a major event!

"I'm Zhang Shaozhong. 99

. . . . .

"Teacher, it's me! Zhang Yanghao!

"The plan for Su Chen was successful.

"There is a major discovery, and the documents must be presented to you!"9

. . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao's voice came, although he tried his best to contain the excitement,

But still can't hide it!

Zhang Shaozhong knew about his student. He was usually very self-restrained and shrewd. If it wasn't for a major discovery, he wouldn't be so excited!

"Where are you now!?"

Zhang Shaozhong went straight to the point.

;"Students are now at your door!""

"Come in!

. . . . . . .

The two have no unnecessary nonsense,

Zhang Yanghao took the documents and more than a dozen experts, and directly broke through the layers of security checks.

Entering Zhang Shaozhong's study,

In the study, Zhang Shaozhong was wearing pajamas, but a military coat was draped outside.

Already waiting!

"Say things.;

Zhang Yanghao immediately reported the matter!

Present the answer sheet on the desk,

Zhang Shaozhong looked at it with a magnifying glass.

to be frank,

He didn't have any hope for that Su Chen!

many talents,

Even if he proved the Riemann conjecture, it can only be said that he put his energy and talent in this place...

Other places, may not be used!

in his mind,

Su Chen is also the level of a general think tank scholar and researcher!


This plan was an eye-opener for him!

After all, he is the head of the 150 Strategic Technology Division. Although he is not from this profession, he has been immersed in it over the years and has learned a lot.

"On the big side, almost perfect.""

"All parameters are superior to the f22, and the engine thrust is an astonishing 3x173.4 kN, which is 50% higher than the thrust of the F22..."

This data is fantastic!

Dreamy is a bit false!

"Even taking into account the details of every factory, every component at the time of production. ;""

"I don't understand theoretically, how much feasibility is there?

"According to his feasibility report, a fighter that surpasses the F22 can be built in one year?"

The rolls are a plus,

The plan is a plus,

But the core,

Where is it so simple?

Zhang Shaozhong asked.

"Our conclusion is that more than 70 percent!"

More than a dozen experts have analyzed from various aspects,

And according to Su Chen's mathematical logic began to explain, the engine also began to infer.


From four in the morning to ten in the morning.

Smoked one cigarette after another.

The whole study was filled with smoke,

The ashtray was full of cigarette butts.

The experts are all bald!

99 Brilliant plan..."

"This time from scratch, I realized the deeper meaning of this plan..."

A sea turtle expert says...

"I was abroad and obtained the dismantled F35 structure diagram, which is far less subtle than this one..

"Before in the exam room, it was a bit sloppy, but now we are replaying it for a few hours...

"I feel the success rate, not just 70 percent,

"It's more than 80 percent!"

"The details, what's missing now, are the details that didn't appear in this test paper, and these are all in Su Chen's mind!"

"He is a god!" The expert's expression became more and more excited!

"He is not only the god of mathematics, he is also the god of the sequence design sequence of aviation fighter jets!!!35

This is not an answer, this is the key to reshuffling the world of aviation!!!"

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