
Chapter 2102 The Divine Shape of Time and Space, the Dial of the Universe [5,300 words] (12)

Chen Nianzhi said this in his heart, and then activated the Universal Dial to increase the flow of time in the Immortal Refining Furnace a hundred times, and then began to use the power of the Immortal Refining Fire to refine the Universal Dial.

In this way, after only about one calamity in the outside world, but hundreds of calamities in internal refinement, Chen Nianzhi finally completely refined the Dial of Heaven and Earth.


After the Huantian Dial was completely refined, Chen Nianzhi's space-time divine pattern continued to change, and finally turned into a space-time divine form.

This divine form of time and space is exactly the same as the Universal Dial. It is the divine form of time and space—the Universal Dial.

"The second ultimate divine form is finally here."

After refining the divine form of time and space, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but whisper slowly and showed a smile.

He stood up and activated the three true spirit forms with all his strength. Suddenly, the three divine forms of Chaos Cauldron, Chaos Bead, and Huantian Dial complemented each other, exuding the ultimate supreme divine power.

"The only god-shaped Chaos Cauldron, the ultimate god-shaped Chaos Bead, and the Universal Dial."

"Now, even if I face the Sun Emperor, I should be able to protect myself, right?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly in his heart, and couldn't help but smile.

Among his three major divine forms, the only divine form, the Chaos Cauldron, is the foundation of his power, and the Chaos Beads are the key to increasing his combat power.

And this Universal Dial is Chen Nianzhi's strongest means to save his life and defeat his enemies.

As the most powerful special god form, the space-time god form can control the flow of time, and can also split or even seal the entire void. It is one of the core methods that will make Chen Nianzhi invincible in the future.

Chen Nianzhi tried to push it, and found that once he activated the Universal Dial, he could reduce the flow of time a hundred times.

Once the flow of time slows down, Chen Nianzhi is not affected. This is almost equivalent to Chen Nianzhi's speed, reaction, insight, and other abilities increasing a hundred times.

The most important thing is that once this space-time divine form explodes with full force, it can isolate the surrounding space-time.

In that space-time realm, Chen Nianzhi's time flow rate would even be reduced by a thousand times, but Chen Nianzhi would not be affected at all.

Of course, if these time and space divine patterns and domain powers were used on some powerful Chaos Emperors, the effect would be greatly reduced.

Even when facing the Supreme Hedao, the power of time and space may fail.

But just by blessing the speed of time on yourself, you can exert all the effects.

Therefore, the magical uses of this time divine pattern can be said to be endless. It is very effective when dealing with enemies of the same level or weak, and it can also be the best way to save lives when facing stronger ones.

Compared with the Guixu Divine Pattern that absorbs all damage, the Chaos Divine Pattern amplifies all kinds of divine forms, and the Space-Time Divine Pattern is not weak at all compared to it.

"With the blessing of the divine form of time and space, he is nearly invincible at the same level, but he can easily escape when facing high-level powerful people."

"No wonder among the four ultimate divine forms, this space-time divine form is called the most powerful and special ultimate divine form."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, and finally put away the three divine forms.

With this breakthrough, his improvement was huge, but Chen Nianzhi did not waste time. He walked directly out of the retreat room, and then stepped out of the Immortal Refining Furnace.

At this time, Black Abyss Yasheng and Panhuang had been waiting for a long time. After seeing him come out, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You finally came out."

"This time with the help of the Immortal Refining Furnace, I have gained a little bit. Can you help me protect the law?"

Chen Nianzhi spoke slowly, looked at the two of them and smiled.

The Panhuang nodded slightly, and said calmly: "Tianlu Cave is about to close, and we will probably face a lot of pressure next."

Chen Nianzhi nodded, glanced at Panhuang, and said solemnly: "If fellow Taoist you can trust me, why not follow me after you go out."

"I have two senior guardians, so I think the safety can be a little more guaranteed."

Panhuang nodded. He understood that he was wearing Shen Yuan's battle armor and would probably become a target if he went out. Chen Nianzhi was trying to protect himself.

In this regard, Panhuang did not be polite, but said firmly: "If I can't even trust you, who can trust me?"

"It's just this kind of favor that Panhuang will definitely repay in the future."


Chen Nianzhi smiled and said nothing more, and then he and the two of them explored the Immortal Refining Heaven while waiting for the day when the Heavenly Furnace Cave would be closed.

Time passed like this, and several calamities passed in the blink of an eye. Until that day, the Immortal Refining Heaven began to close, and everyone was sucked out by a huge force.

At the moment when they were about to be expelled from Immortal Refining Heaven, countless spiritual lights flew over, and all the immortals who participated in the exploration of Tianlu Cave received one spiritual light each.

Chen Nianzhi also got one. After exploring it with his spiritual mind, he found that it turned out to be a streak of chaos.

He quickly put away the aura, and then looked up at Panhuang and Heiyuan Yasheng beside him. He saw that the two people suddenly became happy after receiving the aura, and then quickly collected the treasure.

"It seems that both of you have gained a lot."

Chen Nianzhi's thoughts were floating in his mind, but he did not ask.

The Black Abyss Yasheng also suppressed the excitement in his heart, just nodded to him, and whispered quietly: "After returning, you only need to accumulate enough foundation, and then you can start to prove the Emperor of Heaven."

"Okay, after we go back, we will prepare for senior's breakthrough."

Chen Nianzhi felt happy and immediately spoke.

Panhuang on the side also had joy in his eyes and nodded to Chen Nianzhi without saying anything more.

Chen Nianzhi understood that Panhuang, who had used his strength to prove the Tao, had obviously gained a lot and probably received a copy of Chaos Beginning Qi.



Just as Chen Nianzhi's thoughts were wandering, he suddenly heard a violent roar and a scream.

He looked up and realized that he had left Tianlu Cave, and a war was breaking out in the chaos in the distance.

A powerful top emperor personally took action and suppressed a sub-sage firmly.

"You guys, please hand over your treasures quickly."

At this time, Chen Nianzhi suddenly noticed a powerful aura coming from him, and a powerful Chaos Emperor took action, urging a big hand of Chaos to suppress Chen Nianzhi.


Chen Nianzhi was shocked, and just as he was about to take action, he saw a piece of floating dust coming across, knocking the Chaos Heavenly Emperor upside down on the spot.

Then, Taishi Taoist Ancestor strolled over, looked at the Chaos Heavenly Emperor calmly and said: "Yangxu Heavenly Emperor, you dare to touch even my people?"

"Taishi Daozu!"

The Yangxu Heavenly Emperor's expression changed slightly, and he immediately cupped his hands and said, "I was negligent. I hope fellow Taoist can forgive me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Yangxu Heavenly Emperor turned around and left, disappearing into the boundless chaos.

Seeing this, Taishi Taoist Ancestor returned to God and looked at Chen Nianzhi. He smiled and asked, "How was the harvest this time?"

"Slightly rewarding."

Chen Nianzhi smiled slightly, and couldn't help but smile a little: "Thank you, Dao Ancestor, for your help."

Saying this, Chen Nianzhi greeted the Emperor Taichu and the Immortal Old Man on the side one by one.

After saluting one by one, Chen Nianzhi introduced Panhuang beside him and said: "This is my best friend. I hope you can take care of him."

When the three heavenly emperors heard this, their eyes moved slightly. The Immortal Old Man and Taishi Daozu did not speak. Taichu God Emperor glanced at Panhuang's Shen Yuan Battle Armor, and suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

"Chaos Armor, I never thought that my little friend would have such an opportunity."

Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi quickly said: "This Emperor Pan and I are close friends. Please don't think too much about this Chaos Armor."

"Where there."

The Emperor Taichu quickly waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "I am indeed jealous, but I am not a person who takes things by force."

"If fellow Daoist Panhuang is willing to sell, I am willing to pay a huge price to trade. If you are not willing to trade, it doesn't matter."

Panhuang did not speak, but shook his head firmly.

This Shen Yuan Battle Armor is a defensive treasure that can perfectly make up for Panhuang's lack of physical defense. It is impossible to trade it away.

When the Emperor Taichu saw this, he just sighed with regret and said no more.

Seeing this, Taishi Taoist Ancestor said: "This is not the place to talk. Let's pick up Emperor Ling and fellow Taoist Tianhuang and leave as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, Taoist Taishi Taozu summoned the Ancient Spiritual Emperor and the Quasi-Emperor Tianhuang with a flick of his sleeves.

Then he no longer hesitated and left directly with the group of people.

A group of people left this chaotic sea and traveled for several calamities. Only then did Panhuang stand up and say goodbye: "Brother Guixu, fellow Taoists, thank you for your protection."

"Next, let's say goodbye."

Chen Nianzhi nodded, and immediately turned around and said to Taishi Taoist Ancestor and others: "I will give Taoist friend Panhuang a ride. Please wait a moment."

After the words fell, Chen Nianzhi took Panhuang and left this vast and chaotic sea.

With the help of the power of the time and space divine form, he took Panhuang to fly along several desolate roads in a very short period of time, and then he said this very carefully.

"Fellow Taoist carries a valuable treasure. In order to prevent accidents, remember to be careful along the way."

Panhuang nodded and couldn't help but sigh: "My fellow Taoist is determined. With my strength, I can face the Emperor of Heaven directly and have the ability to protect myself."

Chen Nianzhi nodded and did not continue the topic, but asked: "After leaving here, will fellow Taoist be sure to break through the realm of chaos?"

"About 30% to 40% sure."

Panhuang spoke slowly, showing a trace of solemnity.

Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but said: "I have a request, and I hope fellow Taoist can agree to it."

Without any hesitation, Panhuang said directly: "The grace of saving my life and the grace of enlightenment are all unrequited."

"Don't say it's just one request, it's just ten requests. Fellow Taoist, it's okay to just say it."

Hearing what he said, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but feel happy.

He looked slightly serious, and then said solemnly: "To be honest, I calculated that in the near future, I will encounter a big disaster."

"This calamity is likely to be difficult. If something unexpected happens to me, I ask fellow Taoists to protect me, a disciple from this sect, Zhou Quan."

Panhuang's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately said: "Since the disaster is coming, why don't fellow Taoists avoid this disaster?"

"Sometimes, we can't avoid it."

Chen Nianzhi shook his head, then sighed and said: "And sometimes, disasters are also opportunities. If you don't have the courage to face disasters, how can you forge the strongest sword?"

Pan Huang then nodded, sighed and said: "After I break through, if there is enough time, I will definitely go to help you."

"Even if that day comes, I will fight to the death to protect you."


Chen Nianzhi nodded, patted Pan Huang on the shoulder and said, "Although you and I have known each other for a short time, we met very late."

"I hope that one day you and I can step into the realm of the Emperor of Heaven and travel side by side in the vast chaos."

After the words fell, Chen Nianzhi took out a jade box from his sleeve and solemnly handed it to Panhuang.

Panhuang opened it and took a look, his expression suddenly changed and he said: "Ascending Holy Pill?"

"This item is too valuable, I cannot accept it."

After the words fell, Pan Huang quickly pushed it back, determined not to take back the Ascension Pill.

But Chen Nianzhi resolutely gave it to Panhuang, and then said: "As far as I am concerned, becoming a saint in the physical body is a sure thing, and the Holy Pill is just the icing on the cake."

"He is the Black Abyss Yasage. He has the Chaos Divine Form as his foundation, and his physical body will almost never fail to become a saint. Therefore, it is the most appropriate choice to give this thing to you."

When Panhuang heard this, he still said: "This thing is too valuable. I really can't afford it. You should keep it."

Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi changed his mind and said, "Only if you succeed in breaking through can you fulfill my commission."

"Let's do this, treat this as something you owe me, and I will repay it when you break through to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven in the future."

When Panhuang heard this, he received the Ascension Pill and said: "Oh, I owe you a lot, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to repay it in the future."

Chen Nianzhi smiled and said calmly: "With your strength, once you step into the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, you will one day be able to repay this cause and effect."

Having said this, Chen Nianzhi said no more, finally said goodbye to Panhuang, and returned to Taishi Daozu and others.

Seeing Chen Nianzhi's return, Taishi Daozu didn't ask any more questions and immediately led them on, heading all the way to the Seven Domains of Nanyuan.

All the way back to the Seven Domains of Nanyuan, Chen Nianzhi and Heiyuan Yasheng, together with Taishi Taoist Ancestor and Taiyuan Immortal Sage, talked about their journey in the Taishi Ancestral Court.

After hearing this, Taiyuan Immortal Saint could not help but say: "In other words, after this practice, Black Abyss Saint is expected to break through to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven."

Chen Nianzhi nodded, and then said: "It's just that Senior Heiyuan has just cultivated the only god form, and his origin is still quite empty. At this time, he cannot break through the realm of the Chaos Emperor."

"It still takes a while to accumulate. It won't be too late to wait until his origins are accumulated to the extreme."

Taiyuan Immortal Saint nodded, and then said: "I still have two bottles of Chaos Divine Liquid, so I will give them to Heiyuan to accumulate cultivation."

Taishi Daozu also nodded, took out five bottles of Chaos Divine Liquid from his sleeves, and handed ten Chaos Origins to Black Abyss Yasheng.

I have to admit that Taishi Daozu is really wealthy.

One bottle of this Chaos Divine Liquid contains 30,000 drops, but Taishi Daozu took out five bottles in one go, along with ten copies of Chaos Origin and a Chaos Elixir.

The combined value of these resources is probably enough to buy half of Chaos Beginning Qi.

Even Taiyuan Immortal Saint showed a look of amazement and couldn't help but said: "Brother, you are so partial. When I broke through to Immortal Saint, you were not so generous."

Taiyuan Immortal Saint looked unwilling. It turned out that when he broke through, Taishi Daozu only took out three bottles of Chaos Divine Liquid.

Taishi Daozu shook his head and said with a sneer: "You are the incarnation of the Chaos Spirit Root. You have no bottleneck in breaking through the Chaos Emperor. What do you need so many resources for?"

"Heiyuan Yasheng is the foundation of the chaotic god form. In the future, he will be the supreme foundation of Hedao. He will follow the path of physical body sanctification. How can the resources he consumes be comparable to yours?"

Hearing Taishi Daozu's sarcasm, Taiyuan Immortal Saint was not annoyed at all, he just smiled and touched his head.

Their friendship has lasted hundreds of thousands of kalpas, and their relationship has long been like that of blood brothers. The support they have given each other over the years is definitely not something that can be calculated with just a few bottles of Chaos Divine Liquid.

Heiyuan Yasheng saw this, but he still accepted the rare treasures given by everyone, and then said with a solemn expression: "Thank you two for your cultivation. Heiyuan will definitely remember this kindness in his heart."

Taishi Daozu waved his hand, and then said: "We are all members of our own family. It is our duty to support you. You and I don't have to be so polite."

"But we have only one requirement, and that is that you must break through before Chiyang is burned."

Heiyuan Yasheng and Chen Nianzhi suddenly looked solemn when they heard this.

They understand the importance of this matter. Once Chiyang Fenjin is allowed to take control of the power of heaven, then with the intervention of Chiyang Supreme, the Three Extremes Primitive Domain is likely to be occupied by Jiu in the future.

Therefore, Black Abyss Yasheng must break through before Chiyang Burns Ember and obtain the last Heavenly Power of the Three Extremes Primitive Realm.

Thinking of this, Heiyuan Yasheng said: "Heiyuan must do his best in this matter."

Chen Nianzhi pondered slightly, and couldn't help but said: "Can we eradicate Chiyang Burning Flame first?"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Taiyuan Immortal Saint shook his head, and then said: "Not to mention the Chiyang Supreme who is far away from the heavenly soldiers, even in the three-pole primitive domain, their strength is not weak."

"The three demon emperors are already watching with eager eyes, and there are also Emperor Xuanhuang and Empress Cang Yue protecting us. There is no chance of us succeeding."

Taishi Taoist Patriarch also nodded, frowning slightly and said: "The most troublesome thing is that the Sun Emperor has devoured the Lingxiao Emperor's son and is already in retreat to break through the half-step path."

"When he comes out of isolation, I'm afraid he will become an even bigger trouble."


Chen Nianzhi also sighed slightly. He knew very well that the other party was backed by Chiyang Supreme. Unless he wanted to completely break up with Chiyang's lineage, there would be no benefit to the human race.

Facing the Chiyang lineage behind them, even the two divine emperors of the God Clan may not be willing to support their actions.

"This Chiyang Fenjin is a trouble after all."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, and finally suppressed his thoughts for the time being.

Next, he bid farewell to everyone and returned to the Immortal Court to mobilize resources from all parties to prepare for the Black Abyss Saint to break through the Chaos Emperor.

At the same time, he was also making final plans and preparations for his return to ruins and destruction.

Time flies so fast, and hundreds of kalpas pass by in the blink of an eye.

And one day after a hundred calamities, the vast abyss finally gradually subsided, and the level of violence finally dropped to a certain critical point.

Then, a Chaos Heavenly Ge penetrated the chaos, piercing through the Chaos Heavenly Abyss with unparalleled sharpness.

In an instant, the vast and chaotic sea trembled, and the huge abyss was torn apart. An indescribable god and demon stood on the north bank of the abyss and spoke with an unquestionable tone.

"My sons, go conquer, enslave, and let them understand who is the master of Tianyuan!"

Above Chaos Tiange, a group of peerless powerful men came through the sky with wanton and rampant killing intent.

A group of young and powerful men had a fierce fighting spirit. The leader held a war spear in his hand and flew into the air. He was the first to kill in the Seven Domains of South Abyss and said with an extremely arrogant smile.

"The ants of Nanyuan, we are finally here."

"Surrender and tremble will be your only choice."

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