
Chapter 2070 Qilin God Emperor [5,000 words] (12)

In an instant, the eight true spirit divine forms soared into the air and transformed into the most powerful divine forms. As the Black Abyss Emperor broke through the universe with his spear, it pierced the chest of the Desolate Dragon Quasi-Emperor.

"not good--"

In just an instant, Huanglong Quasi-Emperor's expression changed wildly.

But when he suddenly activated his war gun to resist, he still hit him with blood flying out, and several of his divine bones were broken into pieces.


After an instant of bloodshed, the Desolate Dragon Quasi-Emperor stationed his battle spear to steady his body, then looked back at the Black Abyss Emperor, showing a hint of horror.

But he saw the eight true spirit divine forms rising and falling beside Emperor Hei Yuan. Among these eight divine forms were the Ancient Thunder Crow, the Nine Heavens Thunder Spear, and the Chaos Fierce.

The rise and fall of these true spirits and gods, each exudes a ray of ultimate aura, almost transcending some kind of extreme.

"This...this is the power of the half-step ultimate divine form. Have you cultivated the Chaos Divine Pattern?"

"No way, this is impossible."

The Wild Dragon Quasi-Emperor roared in despair, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The ultimate divine pattern is the highest pursuit on the road to physical sanctification. Any being who has attained physical sanctification can be proud of himself by cultivating an ultimate divine pattern.

Once you use this to cultivate the only chaotic god form, you will be able to dominate the realm of the Chaos Emperor in the future.

Since ancient times, among those who have become saints in the physical body, those who can step into the second realm of chaos have basically cultivated an ultimate divine form.

You know, in the vast chaos, the third realm of chaos is almost a legend.

Those who can set foot in the realm of ‘Chaos Promise’ are almost all characters who existed when Chaos first emerged.

Since time immemorial, almost no new third realm of chaos has been born for countless millions of kalpas.

In other words, no matter how outstanding the new Emperor of Chaos is after the initial emergence of Chaos, he can only reach the second realm of Chaos in the end.

This is the end point that all chaotic beings can reach, and it is also the ultimate level in this era of chaos.

The Black Abyss Emperor has already cultivated the ultimate divine pattern, and is theoretically qualified to touch the extreme realm of the second realm of chaos.

With this alone, his potential is a thousand times greater than that of his Desolate Dragon Quasi-Emperor.

It should be noted that among the dozens of Chaos Realms with the Chiyang Chaos Realm as the core, there are at least hundreds of Chaos Heavenly Emperors, and there is only one Hedao Supreme in the second realm of Chaos.

The Black Abyss Emperor has cultivated the Chaos Divine Pattern, and his potential is incomparable to that of Japan.


The Black Abyss Emperor sneered, and said calmly: "Today, I will let you see what the power of the Chaos Divine Pattern is."

As soon as the words fell, the Black Abyss Emperor exploded completely, his combat power almost surpassing the best in the world.

He single-handedly defeated the seven sub-saints, including the Infinite Sub-Saint Desolate Dragon Quasi-Emperor, but he was able to overpower the seven sub-saints and beat them violently.

The display of combat power was almost astonishing, even Chen Nianzhi was amazed by it.

"His strength has far surpassed mine."

Chen Nianzhi whispered in his heart, probably understanding the power of the Black Abyss Emperor.

You must know that Chen Nianzhi only relies on the strength of his physical body and is only at the level of the top sub-sage. The reason why he has the invincible combat power of the sub-sage is because of the blessings of the Sacrifice and the seven true spirits.

But even if the whole body's foundation is blessed together, without using the Guixu Seal, Chen Nianzhi's combat power is actually comparable to Wuji Yasheng, who controls the twelve avenues of divine form.

The Black Abyss Emperor can rival the Wuji Yasheng who controls the 24 avenues of divine form by relying solely on his physical strength. The gap in combat power between the two sides is already huge.

The reason for this is that Emperor Heiyuan has cultivated the nine true spirit patterns, and his physical realm is also a higher level than Chen Nianzhi.

The most important thing is that his eight true spirit divine forms are all enhanced by the Chaos God Form, reaching the half-step Chaos God Form realm.

As for Chen Nianzhi, only five true spiritual forms have been blessed, so the gap between the two sides is naturally not small.

According to Chen Nianzhi's estimation, if his physical body breaks through the realm of the Great Emperor, his physical combat power will be comparable to that of the Wuji Yasheng in the form of the twelve great avenues.

If he cultivates the True Spirit Divine Pattern, his physical combat power will be even greater, comparable to that of a sub-sage with the divine form of the Eighteen Avenues.

At that time, with the addition of the Tao of Sacrifice and various true spiritual foundations, Chen Nianzhi's strength would surpass that of the Black Abyss Emperor.

"The Invincible Sub-Sage, also known as the Invincible Sub-Sage."

"There are almost no limits in this field. There are even innate avenues that contain seventy-two avenues of divine form."

"If you are in charge of the infinite path, you will probably be able to break through to the third level of chaos in one breath after fusing it with Chaos Beginning Qi, right?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly and shook his head slightly.

Those innate avenues that can directly lead to the third level of half-step, there will be at least many supreme masters who practice it, and there are even the existence of the third level of chaos, and it is impossible to be controlled by a mere sub-sage.

With this thought in his mind, Chen Nianzhi took his thoughts back and looked at the war above the sky again.

However, they discovered that the Black Abyss Emperor had single-handedly beaten the seven Asia Saints to the point where they all fled like bereft dogs.

But at this moment, Chen Nianzhi frowned slightly, and reflexively used the Guixu Seal, manifesting a cauldron of chaos to cover the retreat room of Taoist Taizhuo behind him.


Almost at the same time, several killing lights bombarded the cauldron, and all of them were firmly resisted by the cauldron.

After blocking the blow, Chen Nianzhi shattered the void with a flick of his sleeves, knocking out several extremely powerful divine forms.

Looking at these powerful men in front of him, Chen Nianzhi frowned slightly.

"They are the Heavenly Prison Sub-Saint, the Fallen Demon Lord, the Emperor Halberd Quasi-Emperor, and the God of Ten Thousand Tribulations."

Upon seeing this, the Ancient Spiritual Emperor on the side immediately revealed the titles of these four people.

In just a moment, Chen Nianzhi remembered the information about these four people. Among the four sub-sages, the Tianjio sub-sage came from the original domain of holy demons and was the ancestor of Emperor Tianyan.

The Fallen Demon Lord also comes from the original realm of holy demons. It is said that he was transformed by the fallen God Emperor of Destiny, and he is also the top demonic sub-sage.

The Emperor's Halberd Quasi-Emperor comes from the original domain of Taihu. He is the reincarnation of an incomplete Chaos Spiritual Treasure, and his cultivation has already reached the top level of the Sub-Saint.

The God of Ten Thousand Tribulations is the first of the five sub-sages from the original realm of the gods, and is also a top sub-sage.

Each of these four most powerful people is only one step away from the realm of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor. This matter is obviously for Chaos Beginning Qi.

So Chen Nianzhi instantly understood the cause and effect, and couldn't help but sneered: "As a generation of inferior saints, why don't these fellow Taoists fight head-on?"

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to be so sneaky, right?"

"Guixu Daozu."

In just a moment, those young saints showed cold expressions.

The Emperor Ji Zhunzhuang spoke, his eyes cold and said: "If you know what's going on, get out of the way."

"When we take away the Chaos Beginning Qi, we will definitely do no harm to Qiu. Why should we fight to the death for others?"

The Fallen Demon Lord also looked at Chen Nianzhi indifferently, and said with boundless murderous intent: "Anyone who blocks my way will surely die."

"Either let me take away the Beginning of Chaos Qi, or I will kill you and take the Beginning of Chaos Qi."

Chen Nianzhi smiled and said calmly: "There is only one Chaos Qi, but there are four of you, how should we divide it?"

The Myriad Calamity God's eyes were cold, and he said with an indifferent expression: "How we divide it, that is our business, and you don't need to interfere."

Chen Nianzhi shook his head and said again: "Why don't you discuss it first? It won't be too late to take action after you have discussed it."

"I see you're stalling for time."

The Heavenly Prison Yasheng spoke angrily, and instantly controlled all the divine weapons to fly into the air and suppressed Chen Nianzhi.

Chen Nianzhi frowned slightly and sighed, "Oh, I was discovered by you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Nianzhi activated the formation, and the Guixu Seal instantly transformed into twelve innate treasures.

These twelve innate treasures merged with the Qilin Ancient Territory and turned into a twelve Yuan Chen formation, firmly guarding the Qilin Ancient Territory together.

Not only that, the monstrous formation also trapped the four great Yasages within it.

It turns out that not long ago, Chen Nianzhi deployed a chaotic formation with the Guixu Pearl as the core, plus the power of the Qilin Ancient Territory and some heavenly authorities.

The power of the Guixu Seal is comparable to that of the Chaos Spiritual Treasure. With the blessing of the formation, it is almost equivalent to being activated by a Chaos Heavenly Emperor himself.

For a while, even the combined efforts of the four sub-saints were unable to open the blockade of the formation.

"not good."

Seeing that they could not break through the blockade, the expressions of the four great Ya Saints changed drastically.

While they resisted the formation with all their strength, they roared into the chaos: "Fellow Taoists, if you don't take action now, when will you wait?"

Chen Nianzhi frowned slightly and looked into the depths of chaos.

But he found that more than twenty sub-sages appeared, with more or less greed in their eyes.

"There are many people trying to fish in troubled waters. How many people did the demon clan let in?"

Chen Nianzhi's expression became more solemn, although since the Wild Dragon Quasi-Emperor escaped, Chen Nianzhi had long expected that many Yasheng would spy on him.

But the fact that more than thirty sub-sages came at one time was really too exaggerated.

You must know that this is the primitive fairyland, and outsiders cannot come in casually.

The reason why so many Yashengs came this time was probably because of the efforts of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court and even the three Heavenly Emperors to secretly let them in.

"The demon clan is so vicious and vicious, you really shouldn't work with them."

Chen Nianzhi's face was slightly cold, and he could only use all his strength to control the large formation to cover the Qilin Ancient Territory to resist the attacks of these sub-sages.

At the same time, the sub-sages above the sky were almost going crazy. They came with overwhelming fighting intent, trying to break through the formation and search for the beginning of chaos.

Fortunately, the power of the formation composed of twelve innate treasures is indeed far beyond ordinary people. Even if it faces the attacks of dozens of sub-sages, it is still unharmed.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Nianzhi suddenly felt a supreme chaotic aura coming from behind.

Immediately afterwards, the huge sea of ​​​​roads was torn apart.

A supreme avenue rises from the cave, wrapped in a primordial energy of chaos, and the nine avenues bloom like a lotus.

Following that, the primal energy of chaos began to be slowly absorbed, and was gradually integrated into the refining process, giving the divine form of the avenue a light of chaos.

Until a certain moment, the nine great avenue gods slowly merged and finally turned into a lotus seed filled with the energy of chaos.


In an instant, Taoist Tai Zhuo rose into the sky and merged with the chaotic lotus seeds.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable supreme aura erupted, and Taizhuo Taoist carried infinite immortal light to break through the sea of ​​​​dao and disappeared into the origin of the endless avenue.

I don’t know how long it took, but amid the endless interweaving of the Great Dao Divine Chain, an ancient divine emperor wearing a purple robe strolled from the Great Dao Sea.

He transformed into a handsome young man, with an unparalleled appearance and grace. His slender and straight figure was clad in the noble purple robe of the God Emperor.

Just standing there, it seemed to be the center of the entire world, like an ancient divine emperor overlooking the chaos when chaos first emerged.

"He broke through."

In the vast chaos, countless supreme beings whispered, and there was a hint of chill in their eyes.

Outside the primitive immortal realm, the six great god emperors and emperors stopped fighting. The chaos emperors in the seven regions of the South Abyss cast their gazes, and they were all worried, happy, or calm as usual.

Even the six regions of Beiyuan, and even the vast sea of ​​​​dao, cast their eyes one after another.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Taoist Master Tai Zhuo, who has attained the enlightenment of chaos."

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Qilin for attaining the realm of the Divine Emperor."

"Fellow Taoist has set foot in the Realm of Chaos, and we have gained another ruler in the Seven Domains of Nanyuan."

"Fellow Taoist is actually from my Qilin clan. We may have more exchanges in the future."

"Hahaha, you are never alone in enlightenment."

As the Qilin Ancestor broke through, one after another the most powerful people in the realm of chaos sent congratulations.

Some of these are people from the Seven Domains of Nanyuan, and some are from the Great Sea of ​​Chaos.

Except for a very small number of Chaos Emperors who have enmity with Taoist Taizhuo, most of the Chaos Emperors have conveyed some goodwill.

Most of them are just bystanders and have no grudges against Taoist Taizuo.

After all, the ancestor of Qilin has achieved a breakthrough, and it is impossible to stop him from becoming enlightened. To continue to antagonize him is to make enemies indiscriminately.

Since there is no grudge, it is better to take advantage of the situation and form a good relationship.

After all, everyone is an eternal existence that does not fall into reincarnation, so it is good to make friends without any grudges.

Taoist Tao Zhuo congratulated these people, then bowed his hands and returned to the Qilin Ancient Territory.

Chen Nianzhi came back to his senses and found that all the sub-sages who blocked the way had fled, and many of them even used the Chaos Void Breaking Talisman.

So he put away the Guixu Seal, bowed his hands in front of Taoist Taizhuo and said, "Congratulations to Senior Taizhuo. You have broken through the realm of chaos and have become a chess player overlooking the sea of ​​chaos."

Taoist Tao Zhuo quickly helped Chen Nianzhi up, and then said very seriously: "The friendship between you and me does not need to be so polite."

"From now on, we should talk about friendship as equals. It's better not to undermine the old."

Chen Nianzhi smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Taoist Tao Zhuo said to the Ancient Spirit Emperor and the Black Abyss Emperor: "You have helped me so much this time, and I have nothing to thank you for."

"These origins of the Avenue of Chaos should be regarded as a thank you gift to the three of you."

Saying this, Taoist Tao Zhuo took out the three origins of the Chaos Avenue and gave them to the Black Abyss Emperor and the Ancient Spirit Emperor.

Chen Nianzhi's eyes moved slightly. The origin of the Avenue of Chaos was that when Taoist Tao Zhuo was promoted to the Avenue of Chaos, he had contributed to perfecting the Avenue of Chaos and was rewarded by the Daohai.

Such a treasure is a top-level chaos treasure of infinite value, but there are only nine of them in total. He gave three of them to two people, which shows that he attaches great importance to them.

After the rewards were given to the two of them, Taoist Taizhuo took Chen Nianzhi to the cave, and then handed a ball of source energy to Chen Nianzhi with a solemn expression.

"This is……"

The moment he saw this ball of energy, Chen Nianzhi's expression changed slightly.

Taoist Taizhuo nodded, and then said: "This is the original Dao Stone bred by the Dao Sea. I only got it by chance."

"It is the condensed form of the origin of the infinite avenue. It possesses almost infinite mysteries. Using this thing as the foundation, you can refine it into a powerful Chaos Spiritual Treasure."

Chen Nianzhi's heart sank slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a bit brooding.

The so-called Origin Avenue Stone is a treasure condensed from the origin of the Avenue. It can be regarded as the topmost treasure of chaos, and it is also an all-purpose embryo.

With this original avenue stone, Chen Nianzhi can theoretically use it as an embryo, supplemented by the primal energy of chaos and the divine pattern of the avenue, to create a chaotic spiritual treasure of any attribute.

For example, if Chen Nianzhi finds some kind of opportunity, he can use this embryo to refine a Chaos Spiritual Treasure with ultimate attributes.

The ultimate attributes of Chaos Spiritual Treasures refer to the Chaos Spiritual Treasures with attributes such as destruction, time and space, chaos, fate, doom, and cause and effect.

You must know that such Chaos Spiritual Treasures bred by the Supreme Hongmeng Avenue are extremely rare, and each one has indescribable value.

"If I want to cultivate the four ultimate divine forms, I also need the four chaotic spiritual treasures of time and space, destruction, chaos, and return to ruins."

"This thing is a must for me."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, with a hint of determination.

Among these four types of Chaos Spirit Treasures, the Chaos Spirit Treasures with Chaos attributes are the most common.

Because Chaos Spirit Treasures have more or less Chaos attributes, they can be replaced by ordinary Chaos Spirit Treasures, as long as the Chaos attributes in them reach a certain level.

Chen Nianzhi can also refine the Chaos Spiritual Treasure with the Gui Xu attribute by relying on the power of the Gui Xu Pearl. It just requires the opportunity of the initial energy of Chaos and the destruction of the original domain.

But Chaos Spiritual Treasures with attributes of time and space and destruction are really too rare.

A Chaos Spiritual Treasure that only has the attributes of space is a very rare Chaos Spiritual Treasure, but a Chaos Spiritual Treasure that possesses both the attributes of time and space is such a heaven-defying treasure?

As for the Chaos Spiritual Treasure with the attribute of destruction, Chen Nianzhi only had a few ideas and clues, but he was not sure at all.

Now that he has this Origin Avenue Stone, Chen Nianzhi can't help but have an idea in his mind.

"If this Origin Avenue Stone can absorb enough traces of time and space, and then supplement it with Chaos Qi, can it be refined into a Chaos Treasure with the attributes of time and space?"

"Alternatively, by allowing the original avenue stone to absorb enough power of destruction, or even directly imprinting the traces of the avenue of destruction, can it be used to create a treasure with the attribute of destruction?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, and couldn't help but show a look of understanding.

In a daze, some of the previously puzzling insights seemed to slowly reveal a hint of mystery.

Things in the future time and space have not happened yet. If they are discovered in advance, they can be changed.

But over the years, Chen Nianzhi has been ups and downs in the long river of time and space, sitting and watching the entire long river of time and space that belongs to him.

But he was surprised to find that what he saw and heard back then, the scene of a moth flying into a flame, seemed to continue in the future without any change.

Chen Nianzhi knew very well that he had already seen it, so he should not die again.

What made him face the blade of destruction with all his might even though he knew that a moth would fly to a flame?

“When you do something you know you can’t do, are you confident enough, or are you looking for that elusive glimmer of hope?”

"Or, in the future, I will face unimaginable pressure and have no choice but to take the risk?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, and finally put his thoughts away.

He didn't dare to speculate too much, because involving that indescribable existence would likely cause unpredictable variables to his future self, and even his current self.

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