
Chapter 2052: Have you taken charge? 【5300 words】

At this moment, in the Great Wilderness Temple, Chen Nianzhi looked at the great emperors under his command and couldn't help but smile a little.

But in the main hall, there are eleven unparalleled powerful men standing, namely Emperor Jianyuan, Emperor Immortal, Emperor Lingxi, and Emperor Jianxuan, plus the seven great emperors of Three Talents and Four Elephants.

In just one lineage, there are eleven powerful emperors. At this moment, Chen Nianzhi can be said to have a strong army.

And these great emperors are not ordinary great emperors.

Among these eleven great emperors, Emperor Jianxuan and the Immortal Emperor are the strongest.

Emperor Jianxuan has cultivated the six true spirit foundations and has two innate killing treasures in his hands. Apart from the shortcoming of insufficient physical strength, he is comparable to the Invincible Emperor in all other aspects.

The Immortal Emperor also has astonishing combat prowess, and his normal combat prowess is comparable to that of the top emperors.

After using the Ji Dao body, coupled with the blessing of the Red Emperor's suit and the Immortal Emperor's Spear, his combat power even surpassed the realm of the Invincible Emperor, and could almost defeat the combined efforts of seven or eight great emperors.

Emperor Lingxi has cultivated the five true spiritual foundations and mastered two innate treasures. He can be regarded as a standard top emperor.

Emperor Jian Yuan's foundation is not heaven-defying, but with the ancient sword of Cang Yuan in hand, he also has a powerful emperor's combat power.

The three talented emperors individually have only ordinary emperor fighting power, but the three of them join forces, and with the blessing of the innate treasure Locking the Sky Golden Chain, they can fight against the invincible emperor.

The individual combat power of the Four Symbol Emperors is only the first time they have entered the realm of the Great Emperor, but the four of them join forces and use the innate treasure, the Blue Dragon Halberd, to rival the invincible Emperor.

If the Three Talents and Four Elephants emperors join forces and set up a three talents and four elephants killing formation, even if the opponent is a sub-sage, they will still be able to fight, or at least have the means to protect themselves.

It can be said that Chen Nianzhi's subordinates are a great emperor, and each one of them possesses shocking combat power.

Since Chen Nianzhi set foot in the Chaos Desolate Sea, he has successively obtained the corpse of the Ya Sheng Dragon and rescued the Immortal Old Man, and obtained a large amount of resources.

The value of these resources was enough to make the Ya Shengdu overjoyed, but most of them were used by Chen Nianzhi to cultivate these eleven great emperors.

On the other hand, Chen Nianzhi himself only used three innate treasures when he was cultivating the true spiritual form. The resources consumed in his cultivation were mainly the chaotic divine liquid brought from the seven regions of the South Abyss.

It can be said that after many years of wandering in the Yellow Sea of ​​Chaos, 90% of the resources he obtained were used to train these people.

Fortunately, they did not disappoint Chen Nianzhi, and successively broke through to the realm of the Great Emperor, becoming the core combat force under Chen Nianzhi.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but feel a little relieved. He sighed and said, "I've called you here today because the war is about to begin."

"Should we start?"

Everyone looked surprised when they heard this.

Since breaking through the Great Emperor, they have waited for hundreds of calamities, and finally waited for the day to counterattack the Prime Emperor's original domain.

Chen Nianzhi smiled, and then said: "It is not a worry for us to take the Huangji Primitive Domain. With the help of Senior Immortal, there should be no surprises in this battle."

"But after this battle, you will follow me to fight in the seven regions of Nanyuan. It may be an extremely tragic war."

When the emperors heard this, they all looked a little solemn.

They have long heard about Chen Nianzhi's origins and already understand the power of the Seven Domains of Nanyuan.

Chen Nianzhi's opponents in the past were by no means weak, let alone terrifying opponents at the level of the Emperor of Heaven.

But despite this, they still did not back down.

The Immortal Emperor took a deep breath, and then said with a fighting spirit: "I just wanted to see how powerful the prosperous primitive domain is."

Emperor Jianxuan also smiled and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "My sword is short of some of the strongest opponents."

The rest of the people were also full of fighting spirit and were obviously well prepared.

Seeing this, Chen Nianzhi patted them on the shoulders and said: "Let's not talk about the seven regions of Nanyuan for now. You should be ready and set off when everyone is here."


As the war machine of the Great Wilderness Ancient World started to work, war preparation resources were finally sufficient, and time passed quickly.

After only a calamity, the Emperor arrived at the Great Wilderness Ancient World first. It was obvious that he had not left this place too far.

After another two calamities, the immortal old man stepped through the chaos and appeared outside the ancient world with a calm expression.


Seeing the arrival of the old man, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but feel happy.

After hundreds of kalpas, the aura of the immortal old man has become more unfathomable and seems far more terrifying than before.

But he took a look at Chen Nianzhi and couldn't help but said in surprise: "With the power of the Great Dao, you have already entered the sub-sage realm?"

Chen Nianzhi nodded, and then said: "The way I created has reached perfection a few years ago."

The immortal old man nodded, and then he said, "Bring a few copies of the Preaching Heavenly Book to me, and I will let a hundred flowers bloom in the immortal primitive domain."

"It's not difficult."

Chen Nianzhi smiled and gave the three copies of the Preaching Heavenly Book to the immortal old man.

After receiving the Book of Preaching, the Immortal Old Man looked at Ji Huang beside him, and then said:

"Now that you have made a breakthrough, and with the addition of this Taoist Supreme Emperor, your chances of defeating them in this battle are already high."

"But those two have the Chaos Void Breaking Talisman, so it may be difficult to keep them."

Chen Nianzhi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure to suppress them."

Since they are cooperating sincerely, Chen Nianzhi naturally has nothing to hide.

But with a flick of his sleeve, he took out the Chaos Refining Bottle, and then said calmly: "This thing, I think, is enough to suppress them."

"Chaos Refining Void?"

The expressions of Ji Huang and the Immortal Old Man changed slightly, and they obviously understood the origin of this treasure.

The immortal old man immediately looked at Jihuang and said with a bit of fierceness: "Fellow Jihuang, you must also know how precious this treasure is, right?"

"I understand."

Looking at the expression of the immortal old man, Jihuang smiled bitterly and quickly swore a great oath, promising that he would never reveal the secret of the Chaos Refining Vase.

Seeing this, the immortal old man withdrew his murderous intention, looked at the Chaos Refining Void and said: "This treasure is the companion treasure of the Immortal World Dao Ancestor, and its value is enough to make the Chaos Heavenly Emperor's heart move."

"With the methods of Xianhuan Daozu, his Chaos Spiritual Treasure will definitely not choose its owner at will, and it can fall into your hands. It seems that Xianhuan Daozu is probably related to you."

"Related to me?"

Chen Nianzhi was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but feel a little doubtful.

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of any relationship between him and the ancestor of Xianhuan Dao. At most, Chen Nianzhi had been to the Emperor's Treasury.

But then I thought about it, and it seems that the former Emperor Tianxu mistook Chen Nianzhi for the Patriarch, and there seemed to be some clues.

"Could it be that I am really the reincarnation of a forbidden existence?"

Chen Nianzhi's thoughts flickered, and for a moment he felt that some of his perceptions seemed to be a little confused.

Seeing this, the immortal old man couldn't help but smile and said: "You don't have to worry too much, no matter what secrets are hidden behind this."

"But when you stand at a high enough height, all the secrets will naturally become clear."


Chen Nianzhi nodded and thought no more.

He stood up, looked at the vast and chaotic sea, and then said: "Let's set off."

As Chen Nianzhi spoke, the huge ancient ship of the Great Emperor began to move.

The three sub-sages and eleven great emperors all boarded the ancient ship and then headed towards the chaotic sea.

In this battle, the Great Wilderness Ancient World was almost fully mobilized, leaving only the reincarnation body suppressed in the Great Wilderness Ancient World.

Fortunately, the current reincarnation body has reached the seventh level of the Hunyuan Emperor, and its combat power is comparable to that of the Great Emperor.

Coupled with the blessing of the authority of heaven, the strength of the reincarnation body is enough to be comparable to the top sub-sage, and it is more than enough to protect the ancient world of the wilderness.

The ancient ancient ship of the Great Emperor continued to shuttle through the chaotic sea, and kept moving forward according to the guidance of the Supreme Emperor. Unknowingly, it crossed the vast sea of ​​chaos and arrived outside the original territory of the Supreme Emperor.

"This is it."

Looking at the Huangji Primitive Domain in front of him, Jihuang slowly spoke, with a complex look on his face.

As a sub-sage who has cultivated the seven great avenue gods, he has always been the first of the three sub-sages in the Huangji Primitive Domain.

Although he had many quarrels with the Great Wilderness Emperor, an outsider, over the years, he never thought of expelling him completely.

After all, the primitive domain without the supervision of the Chaos Emperor is very dangerous in chaos.

He has always regarded the Emperor of Great Desolation and Emperor Nirvana as rivals who compete with each other but are in the same boat.

After all, the three Asia Saints join forces and have the power of heavenly authority, so they are qualified to fight against the Chaos Emperor.

At least one or two Chaos Heavenly Emperors may not be able to break through the Huangji Primitive Domain guarded by the three sub-sages.

But he never expected that these two people would join forces to deal with him. Aren't they afraid of encountering the ending of the primitive wilderness in the past?

"Short-sighted person."

Jihuang's mind wandered, and finally he sighed and looked at Chen Nianzhi and the immortal old man beside him.

"Holy Lord, fellow Taoist Guixu, I will use my back-up tactics later to fight for the authority of heaven. At that time, the authority of heaven in this world will be stagnant."

"I ask you to take action to suppress those two great Yasages."

Chen Nianzhi nodded and said, "You can take action. The two of us can handle this battle."


The Emperor Ji spoke, and with a flick of his sleeves, he offered up an unparalleled heavenly wheel.

In an instant, he escaped into nothingness and appeared in the Huangji Primitive Domain.

Chen Nianzhi and the Great Wilderness Emperor continued to wait. After a while, they suddenly discovered that there was a huge tremor in the Huangji Primitive Domain, and the authority of heaven seemed to have fallen into silence.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar in the Huangji Primitive Domain.

"Old thief Ji Huang, do you still dare to come back?"

"Today, I am returning to settle old accounts."

After a fierce roar, a shocking battle broke out inside.

Chen Nianzhi and the immortal old man looked at each other, and then without any hesitation, they instantly entered the Huangji Primitive Domain.

When he first entered the original domain of Emperor Ji, Chen Nianzhi discovered that Emperor Dahuang and Emperor Nirvana were joining forces to hunt down Emperor Ji.

"Do it."

Without any hesitation, Chen Nianzhi drove the Chaos Heavenly Halberd to kill the Great Wilderness Emperor.

The Immortal Old Man arrived late and suppressed Emperor Nirvana. The other eleven emperors also rushed into the center of the battlefield and fierce battles broke out with several local emperors.

"I wonder who it is, it turns out you found a helper."

Seeing Chen Nianzhi coming to kill him, Emperor Dahuang couldn't help but sneer.

But with a flick of his sleeves, he drove the Great Wild Sky Halberd to pierce the sky and suppressed Chen Nianzhi.

"A mere great emperor, without the blessing of the authority of heaven, dare to take action against this saint?"

When he took action, Emperor Dahuang looked at Chen Nianzhi, the murderous intent in his eyes almost solidified.

At this moment, the fighting spirit of the Emperor of the Great Wilderness swept through the sky, and he concentrated a nearly full-strength blow, intending to completely suppress Chen Nianzhi.


But Chen Nianzhi sneered, and five Dao gods emerged from behind, manifesting into the Immortal Realm, the Ten Great Immortal Treasures, the Treasure of the Immortal Treasure, the Body of Sacrifice to Me, and the Foundation of the Dao.

It turned out that after more than a hundred calamities of development, the number of Daluo Jinxian who worshiped my way has exceeded 600, and even many new Hunyuan Emperors have been promoted.

The birth of so many strong men led to the further improvement of the Way of Sacrifice, giving birth to the fifth avenue god form.

At this moment, Chen Nianzhi blessed himself with the power of the authority of Jiwo Dao, and suddenly burst out with the most powerful power that penetrated the chaos. When the Heavenly Halberd struck out, it instantly shook the Great Wilderness Heavenly Halberd away.

It can be said that at this moment, Chen Nianzhi's combat power is almost comparable to that of the top sub-sages in charge of the Nine Great Dao Gods.

The Emperor of the Great Wilderness can only master the five great avenue gods, and is far inferior to even the Suzaku Yasheng. How can he be Chen Nianzhi's opponent?

However, in just one encounter, Emperor Dahuang was beaten to a bloody pulp, showing a look of disbelief.

"Have you taken charge?"


At this moment, a scream came from the sky.

Facing the Immortal Old Man in his heyday, Na Nirvana was severely injured in one move, and blood flowed out from the blow. He obviously suffered a huge loss.

"not good."

The Great Wilderness Emperor's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately wanted to activate the Chaos Void Breaking Talisman to leave.

But at this moment, he discovered that the space was as strong as Chaos Divine Iron, and even the Chaos Void Breaking Talisman could not break it.

It was only then that the Emperor of the Great Wilderness noticed something was wrong, and discovered that on the endless sky, an ancient bottle emitting the energy of chaos was slowly rising and rising, emitting the eternal light that suppressed the void.

"Chaos Refining Void."

Seeing this scene, the faces of Emperor Dahuang and Emperor Nirvana changed wildly, with a hint of despair on their faces.

Seeing this, Emperor Ji said with a sneer: "Emperor Nirvana, Emperor of the Great Wilderness, it's time to liquidate you today."

Saying this, Emperor Nirvana was about to suppress the two of them, but was stopped by Chen Nianzhi.

But seeing Chen Nianzhi step forward, he looked at the two Yashengdao with a calm expression: "I have not been in charge for a long time, and I also want to see how strong they are."

"Can you please help me raid the formation so that I can meet these two sub-sages."

The immortal old man nodded, and with a flick of his sleeves he set up a large formation to seal off the world, leaving the frontier battlefield to Chen Nianzhi.

Seeing this, the emperor of the Great Wilderness became even more furious: "You are just a newbie saint, but you dare to be so arrogant. Do you think you are trying to bully me into not daring to kill you?"

Nirvana's eyes were also cold, and he said with a bit of coldness: "Young man, you must respect your seniors. You must know that we are both sub-sages, and there are differences between you and me."

"Yes, even if we are both sub-saints, there are differences!"

Chen Nianzhi smiled, then jumped up into the sky and drove the Chaos Heavenly Halberd to kill him.

The Great Desolate Emperor set up the Great Desolate Sky Halberd to resist, but in an instant he felt an incomparable divine power coming. He was suppressed and retreated continuously, leaving a trace of void in the sky with his footsteps.

"What a powerful and powerful treasure."

The face of the Emperor of the Great Wilderness changed slightly. He looked at Chen Nianzhi's Chaos Heavenly Halberd and said with a hint of horror: "How come you have such a powerful treasure?"

"Weak people have no right to ask questions!"

Chen Nianzhi spoke indifferently, ignoring the Nirvana Emperor's various methods, and used the palm of his hand to control the Chaos Heavenly Halberd and smash it down, and the Emperor of the Wilderness flew out with blood.


After being hit one after another, Emperor Dahuang almost went crazy with hatred.

His fighting spirit shook the heavens and the earth, and he unleashed his unparalleled supreme divine power.

In an instant, the sun and moon trembled, the stars swayed, and a power that shocked the past and the present emerged from behind the Great Wilderness Emperor.

But when he saw the Emperor of the Great Wilderness forming a seal, the five Dao Dao gods gathered behind his head, and finally condensed into a Dao Dao Heavenly Halberd, and finally merged into the Dahuang Heavenly Halberd.


In an instant, the Great Desolate Heavenly Halberd trembled violently, and the Great Wilderness Heavenly Halberd, which contained the five true spiritual forms, burst into a world-destroying light.

As the Emperor of the Wilderness waved, this heavenly halberd almost completely tore apart the past and present. Every ray of residual power could penetrate the past and present, and shatter all worlds into dust.

At the same time, Emperor Nirvana also took action, fused with the six great avenue gods, unleashed an all-destroying edge, merged into a world-transferring heavenly wheel, and slashed towards Chen Nianzhi.

"Is it the power of the only great god?"

Chen Nianzhi spoke slowly, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"I can do it too!"

In an instant, the five divine forms behind Chen Nianzhi's head merged and instantly turned into ten supreme immortal treasures. They swallowed up the power of vast chaos and nothingness and blessed his body.

That body that was already considered invincible almost surpassed a certain extreme at this moment and completely entered a certain taboo realm.


The three Yashengs broke out with all their strength and launched an all-out battle with all their strength.

In an instant, the sky shook and the earth shook, the universe trembled, and even the Huangji Primordial Domain trembled violently. Vast waves rolled up in the sky and the earth, and the whole world seemed to be broken apart.

At the end of the killing spree, Chen Nianzhi suddenly wielded the Chaos Heavenly Halberd and slashed out, forcibly shattering the long river of time and space.

They sank into the vastness of time and space, fighting for endless years, and it seemed that all ancient history would be changed by them.

The vast river of time and space was shattered, and they moved upstream against the long river of time and space, fighting against the current in the long river of time.

The mighty power that burst out from the war changed everything, and the vast river of time was diverted. Multiple time and space, and parallel universes were shaken out in the war.


In the midst of the exhausting killing spree, Chen Nianzhi let out a shocking roar and cut off the Great Wilderness Emperor's arm again.

The eternal and immortal holy blood spread across the endless universe, turning one large universe after another in multi-dimensional space and time into a sea of ​​blood, and creating one after another indescribable forbidden land.

This is the catastrophe of this diverse time and space, and it is also the opportunity for the truly strong to become enlightened.

The Emperor of Nirvana was also fighting to the point of madness, forcibly stimulating the power of the avenue to the extreme and tearing apart the vast ocean of avenues.

They fought all the way into the sea of ​​avenues, and in the ocean where the origins of the endless avenues gathered, a battle broke out that shocked the past and the present.

At this moment, countless Dao Yuanshen in the Great Dao Sea were shocked.

There are countless Da Luo Jinxian trembling, their souls are living under the protection of the authority of the avenue, but they are not even qualified to look directly at the center of the battlefield.

The expressions of Emperor Hunyuan and even the powerful Emperor suddenly changed, and they cast extremely solemn gazes, with curious and solemn expressions in their pupils.

Until the war swept across the sea of ​​avenues, alarming a supreme avenue of chaos and attracting the attention of a certain supreme being.


With a cold snort, the avenue of chaos came across, and Chen Nianzhi and the three of them fell from the ocean of avenues as if they were hit hard, and returned to the original realm of Huangji.

The moment Chen Nianzhi came to his senses, he used the power of the Chaos Heavenly Halberd to slash down and strike at the head of the Great Wilderness Emperor.


There was a crisp sound. The Emperor of the Great Wilderness did not have the Guixu divine pattern to absorb the damage, but his reaction was still a little slow after all, and his head was beheaded by Chen Nianzhi on the spot.

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