
Chapter 1881 The True Spirit Avenue [6,200 words]

After explaining everyone, Chen Nianzhi returned to the top of the Soul-Destroying Ancient Land.

After he opened a cave at random, he was ready to start practicing in seclusion.

However, before practicing in seclusion, Chen Nianzhi sensed the Hunyuan Immortal Body, and his eyes couldn't help but shine with a glimmer of light.

With this breakthrough, Chen Nianzhi cultivated a true spirit body, and similar to the true spirit soul, his chaotic and immortal body was very powerful and activated far more true spirit marks than the true spirit body of the Little Golden Crow Emperor.

With so many true spirit marks, not only did the chaotic immortal body completely transform into a true spirit body, but it also had twice as much weight that was not used.

Looking at the extra true spirit mark, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This extra true spirit mark cannot be integrated into other foundations, but it can be integrated into the natal acupoints to enlighten the natal acupoints.

In addition, you can also use this excess true spirit mark to breed bloodline innate supernatural powers of the true spirit level.

The bloodline magical power can greatly increase the physical combat power, but it is extremely exclusive. It will not only restrain each other from the natal magical power, but also suppress the movement of laws and avenues in the body.

So Chen Nianzhi thought twice and decided to choose a natal acupoint to transform.

"Which magical power should I be promoted to?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered, his eyebrows frowning slightly.

After a long time, after Chen Nianzhi pondered again and again, he still chose the Chaos Divine Thunder.

Among his several natal magical powers, the five-color divine light can capture all things, the chaos-derived weaponry is invincible in group battles, the Universal Sword is the best in sneak attacks, the chaotic divine thunder is the most powerful, and the great Yin-Yang star path is the Yi Dao magical power.

It can be said that each of these magical powers has very powerful potential, but since they are still in the process of calamity, their combat power naturally ranks first.

After confirming his choice, Chen Nianzhi poured all the true spirit marks into the natal acupoint where the Chaos Divine Thunder was located.

In an instant, the aperture slowly transformed until it turned into a purple-gold color.


At the moment when the transformation of this acupoint was completed, Chen Nianzhi suddenly felt that in his natal soul, the two true spirit acupoints emitted a dazzling fairy light. They complemented each other and actually had some kind of resonance.

When everything calmed down, Chen Nianzhi showed a hint of surprise.

He could clearly feel that the two true spirit acupoints were constantly resonating, and complementing each other slightly increased each other's power.

What's even more astonishing is that with the blessing of the True Spirit Acupoint, Chen Nianzhi's True Spirit, which had already reached its limit, increased its power by another 20%.

You know, the True Spirit Yuanshen has already reached its limit. It stands to reason that on this basis, unless it breaks through to the realm of Daluo, it is impossible to go any further.

But Chen Nianzhi's True Spirit Yuanshen has still made great progress on this basis, how can it not be shocking.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi immediately lowered his eyes to understand the soul. Soon after, he finally got a glimpse of the mystery of the true spirit soul.

"I see."

Chen Nianzhi opened his eyes and couldn't help but sigh.

It turns out that this true spirit soul is not the end of the path of the soul. Each of the nine natal acupoints in it can transform into a true spirit acupoint.

If one day, Chen Nianzhi's nine natal acupoints are all lit up and transformed into true spirit acupoints, then he will be qualified to attack the realm of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor with the power of his soul alone.

Logically speaking, any True Spirit Magical Power is the prototype of Chaos Level Supreme Magical Power, and only the Hunyuan Emperor is barely qualified to touch the True Spirit Acupoint that lights up.

Chen Nianzhi has cultivated the True Spirit Yuanshen in this realm, and has extra True Spirit Marks to light up the second True Spirit Acupoint. The news is enough to shock the Three Thousand Immortals Realm.

But it is undeniable that the power brought by the True Spirit Acupoint is extremely amazing. In theory, starting from the second True Spirit Acupoint, every time a True Spirit Acupoint is opened, the power of the soul will skyrocket.

Chen Nianzhi opened the second true spirit acupoint, which increased the power of the soul by about 20%.

If the third True Spirit Acupoint can be opened and the three True Spirit Acupoints resonate, the Yuan Shen will increase by about 30% based on the two True Spirit Acupoints.

Based on this calculation, opening the eighth True Spirit Acupoint can turn the eight True Spirit Acupoints into a natal Bagua formation, which will increase by 80% on the basis of the seven True Spirit Acupoints.

If the ninth True Spirit Acupoint can be opened, the Yuan Shen will undergo an unprecedented qualitative change under the amplification of the True Spirit Acupoint formation.

At that time, as long as you can find a copy of Chaos Beginning Qi, then even if you give up your physical body, magic power, and all other foundations, you can achieve the Chaos Heavenly Emperor realm by relying only on your soul.

These Chaos Heavenly Emperors are Soul Dao Heavenly Emperors. For them, their souls are the Dao, and there is no need to control the refining Chaos Dao.

And because the nine true spirit acupoints are lit up, the soul path chaos-level powerhouse has nine chaos-level magical powers, which makes the combat power even more bizarre and unpredictable. Among the chaos emperors, they are all difficult people with top combat power. They are not weak. The Emperor of Chaos who was sanctified in the flesh.

"It turns out that it is possible to attain the realm of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor by relying only on the soul?"

After understanding the mystery of the true soul, Chen Nianzhi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

At this moment, he vaguely understood that the Heavenly Emperor of the Soul Dao must be very rare, because such a person must have an astonishing talent for the Yuan Shen, and he needs to experience countless near-deaths and constantly break and stand before he can achieve it.

Among the seven chaos-level powerhouses in the Three Thousand Immortal Realm, Taishi Dao Ancestor created the Tao, Taiyuan Immortal Saint wields the Chaos Spiritual Root, and Taichu God Emperor, Ziwei God Emperor and others are all innate Chaos Gods. Huang Genji is not specialized in cultivating the way of the soul.

Most of the three demon emperors, Taiyang, Zhulong and Shihuang, follow the orthodox method of chaos, which has nothing to do with the way of the soul.

From this, it can be seen that it is extremely difficult to illuminate the nine true spirit acupoints and use the soul to realize the Chaos Emperor.

If Chen Nianzhi guessed correctly, the seven Chaos Heavenly Emperors in the Three Extremes Primitive Realm may have lit up at most two or three True Spirit Acupoints, or even only one True Spirit Acupoint.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi suddenly remembered the innate soul book again. Legend has it that the innate soul book was transformed from the three soul books of chaos.

The Three Souls of Chaos Book is a companion treasure of the ‘Ancestor of the Netherworld’ in the original fairyland, and theoretically carries the status of a Chaos Heavenly Emperor.

But for some unknown reason, when the original fairyland world first opened, the ancestor of Netherworld suddenly fell, and the Three Souls Book of Chaos was divided into three, turning into the three books of Heavenly Soul, Earthly Soul, and Human Soul.

The Book of Human Souls disappeared into the depths of chaos as early as the early days of ancient times, and now there is no trace left.

"If the ancestor of Netherworld had not died, he should have been in charge of the original immortal realm Netherworld and used the way of the soul to prove the Chaos Emperor, right?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly and thought of the Six Nether Treasures of the Original Immortal Realm.

Legend has it that when the original fairyland first opened, there were six treasures of the underworld, namely the soul-gathering bell, the soul-washing pool, the well of reincarnation, the book of life and death, the judge's pen, and the mirror of the past. These six treasures are all innate treasures and represent the underworld of the original fairyland. authority.

Each one represents the perfect personality of the Chaos Emperor, but for some reason, when the chaos of the original immortal realm first opened, the most critical one among the six treasures, the Qianchen Mirror, had disappeared.

After that, the Netherworld Hell of the original Immortal Realm became a piece of scattered sand. Eighteen Netherworld Emperors including Emperor Taiyou were in charge of the eighteen levels of hell, but no one could completely unify them.

"It seems that there is an ancient story behind the depths of this primitive fairyland."

Chen Nianzhi sighed slightly and quickly put his thoughts down.

The story behind the Three Extremes of the Primitive Realm did not have much to do with him, but Chen Nianzhi was extremely happy when he realized the method of mastering the soul this time.

Although Chen Nianzhi does not specialize in one discipline, this method of lighting up the nine true spirit acupoints and getting a glimpse of the soul path of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor can still be said to be a great road to the sky, guiding him on the way forward in his cultivation.

"The method of Yuanshen can prove the Tao through the nine true spiritual acupoints."

"If you don't know how to sanctify the physical body, how can you attain the enlightenment of the Chaos Emperor?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered, shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He slowly withdrew his thoughts from his soul, and roughly estimated that according to the current strength of his soul, it would take 600,000 years for the Chaos Divine Thunder to transform into a true spiritual power. By then, the calamity would be almost over.

However, Chen Nianzhi is not in a hurry. He has not yet cultivated the True Spirit Avenue. As long as he successfully cultivates the True Spirit Avenue, he can greatly shorten the time to advance to the True Spirit Superpower.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi decisively took out the source of Tao of the Black Turtle of the North Sea and refined it.

This Black Turtle of the North Sea cultivated the four immortal foundations during his lifetime, and is the source of the top eight calamities.

In addition, the Black Turtle of the North Sea has also cultivated the two great laws of Beiming True Water and Origin of All Things, and has cultivated them to perfection.

The origin soil of all things is the same as Chen Nianzhi's earth attribute path, which is extremely suitable for Chen Nianzhi. At this moment, the refining process is naturally improving by leaps and bounds.

Only a few decades later, Chen Nianzhi refined only half of the source of the Tao, and successfully cultivated the prototype of the Origin of All Things.


At the moment when the prototype of the fifth avenue was completed, the five prototypes of the avenue in Chen Nianzhi's body slowly circled, and finally condensed into one, turning into a magnificent and boundless avenue of chaos.

"Is the prototype of the Avenue of Chaos finally completed?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, and a smile appeared on his face.

But this was just the beginning. Next, Chen Nianzhi continued to refine the source of the Beihai Xuangui. Until a hundred years later, with a violent roar of the avenue, the avenue of the origin of all things finally took shape, and was no longer just the prototype of the avenue. .

"Is the avenue complete?"

Chen Nianzhi opened his eyes, sensed the origin of all things, and couldn't help but show a clear look.

He discovered that the complete Origin of All Things Avenue was indeed the Hunyuan-level Avenue that pointed directly at the Hunyuan Emperor. It was only in its preliminary form, and it had already reached the eleventh limit of immortality.

"It is said that the Avenue of Origin of All Things has the possibility of achieving the Avenue of Chaos. Now it seems to be true."

Chen Nianzhi said calmly, as the saying goes, there are three levels of Tao, namely Hongmeng, Chaos, and Xiantian.

Among them, the Xiantian Avenue can prove Da Luo, which is the level of most avenues. If you want to realize the realm of chaos, you must have the Avenue of Chaos.

There are two types of chaos avenues. One is the innate chaos avenue, such as Taichu, Taishi, Xiantian Wutai, etc. These avenues are very powerful, but extremely rare. Generally, it is difficult to cultivate them successfully.

The other is to push the Innate Avenue to the extreme, and eventually make it transcend the limit and transform into the Avenue of Chaos. This is the most common way to advance to the Realm of Chaos.

If you want to transform the innate avenue to its limit, first of all, you need to cultivate the avenue that is strong enough, and secondly, you have to take control of all the authority of the avenue, and finally you can take that step.

But if the avenue is not strong enough, then even if one masters the authority of the innate avenue and is forcibly promoted to the realm of chaos, most people will be destroyed in the end.

And if you want the avenue to be strong enough, the best way is for Daluo Jinxian to continuously improve the avenue.

Therefore, for an innate avenue, the more Daluo Jinxian who practices it, the greater the possibility of being promoted to the avenue of chaos.

This also leads to the more powerful the Xiantian Dao, the more difficult it is to compete for the authority of the Heavenly Dao.

Chen Nianzhi's cultivation of Pure Yang Heavenly Fire, Xuan Ming Zhen Shui and other avenues, each of which has a large number of Da Luo Jinxian cultivation, has long been qualified to transform into the Avenue of Chaos.

However, because there are too many Da Luo Jinxian cultivators, including top Hunyuan Emperors, and even Chaos Heavenly Emperor level characters, the competition is too fierce, and no one can completely defeat their opponents, and they are in a stalemate. among.

The same is true for the origin of all things. The moment Chen Nianzhi completed his cultivation, he immediately felt that there were a large number of Da Luo Jinxian occupying part of the power on this avenue.

At the end of the avenue, there were even several indescribable figures crossing the sky, each of them falling into a stalemate.

"The Emperor of Chaos?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered, showing a trace of solemnity.

At this moment, he realized that the original path of origin of all things was actually cultivated by several Chaos Emperors.

"They have already entered the realm of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, why do they still want to spy on the authority of the great avenue where all things originate?"

Chen Nianzhi whispered, showing a hint of surprise, but he still couldn't figure it out.

He pinched his fingers and calculated for a moment, and suddenly he had a glimmer of understanding. It turned out that if the Chaos Heavenly Emperor wanted to break through the second realm of chaos, the "United Dao Realm", he needed to build several very suitable chaos avenues and merge them into one before he could break through.

These Chaos Heavenly Emperors are also cultivating the Avenue of Origin of All Things, hoping to one day gain the authority of the Avenue of Origin of All Things.

After all, the Avenue of the Origin of All Things is one of the most powerful innate avenues. There are thousands of Daluo Golden Immortals practicing this path in the endless chaos, and each Daluo Golden Immortal can strengthen this avenue.

Moreover, this avenue has long been perfected by these Da Luo Jinxian and the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, and has reached or even exceeded the limit of the innate avenue. Once anyone can obtain all his authority, he can transform into the real chaos avenue in an instant.

"It seems that I have found myself in a big trouble."

Chen Nianzhi spoke slowly and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

He chose the five top avenues just to point directly to the realm of chaos, but unknowingly, he had already coincided with the practice of the realm of harmony.

Theoretically speaking, if Chen Nianzhi masters all five natal avenues and merges them into one to form the infinite avenue of chaos, he will directly enter the second realm of chaos and combine the realm.

But the five avenues he chose were too powerful, and they also provoked too many powerful enemies for him.

Trying to seize the power of heaven from the hands of the Chaos Emperor is almost a fool's errand. Only the same level of calculation can ultimately succeed.

Of course, there are also benefits to cultivating this avenue, because there are too many Da Luo Jinxian who practice this path, which also leads to the terrifying potential of the Origin of All Things Avenue. Once it transforms into the Chaos Avenue, I am afraid that it will immediately reach the top level among the Chaos Avenue. .

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi pondered slightly, and finally said with a faint look: "It seems that I can only prove the Chaos Heavenly Emperor with the physical body first, or practice and cultivate to become the Soul Dao Heavenly Emperor, and then plan the method of becoming a saint."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, with a ripple in his eyes.

Although it is difficult for the physical body and the soul to achieve enlightenment, it is their own sublimation and transformation. There is no need to compete with others for the authority of the avenue. As long as they meet the conditions and have Chaos Beginning Qi or Hongmeng Beginning Qi, they can directly achieve the realm of Chaos Heavenly Emperor.

Cultivation of the physical body and soul first, and then fighting for the authority of the avenue after attaining the enlightenment of the Heavenly Emperor. This may be the only way for Chen Nianzhi to cultivate the 'Avenue of Chaos' to the realm of chaos.

Of course, this gave Chen Nianzhi a glimmer of hope, because whether he wanted to become a saint with his physical body or to become a Heavenly Emperor with his soul, he needed talent that would stun the chaos.

If a person can master one of the paths, he is regarded as a unique genius. Chen Nianzhi who can master both paths is unheard of.

Even the Chaos Heavenly Emperor could not believe that he could still have astonishing talent for the Dao even though he had proven the Chaos Heavenly Emperor with his physical body and soul.

Even the Emperor Taichu would slap him back when he heard this, and sneered at him and thought he was an idiot.

In fact, even for Chen Nianzhi at the moment, this is an unattainable dream. He is not sure whether he can succeed until he reaches that step.

"That's all, let's take it one step at a time."

Chen Nianzhi whispered, lowered his eyes and continued to perfect the avenue.

With the completion of the Great Path of Origin of All Things, Chen Nianzhi began to continue practicing the Great Path of Xuanming True Water,

As early as many years ago, after Chen Nianzhi refined the source of the Tao of the Underworld Emperor, he had already realized the Xuanming True Water Dao. However, because the Hunyuan Wuji Dao had not been cultivated at that time, Chen Nianzhi did not cultivate it.

Now the time has come, Chen Nianzhi comes back to practice Xuanming True Water, it's just a matter of time.

During this process, the Avenue of Origin of All Things also showed strong repulsion, trying to prevent the formation of the Avenue of Xuanming True Water.

Fortunately, Chen Nianzhi's True Spirit Yuanshen is very powerful. It can only control an eleven-limit avenue. How can he fight against the True Spirit Yuanshen?

Easily, he completely controlled the origin of all things in his body, and completely formed the path of Xuanming Zhenshui.

After completing this step, Chen Nianzhi continued to refine the second Source of Dao. This Source of Dao was obtained from an emperor-level prodigy who practiced the Dao of Wood. He only cultivated an immortal foundation, and his strength was among the demon clan. Among the many geniuses, he is not considered powerful.

But his immortal foundation is the avenue of immortality, and it is also the avenue of vitality with the wood attribute, which is very consistent with Chen Nianzhi's avenue of life.

With this as a foundation, Chen Nianzhi continued to understand its secrets, and finally succeeded in cultivating the Dao of Life after ten thousand years.

After that, Chen Nianzhi directly took the source of Tao from Kun Pengzi and refined it. Kunpengzi was an invincible genius who had cultivated the immortal foundation of the Five Tao, and cultivated a Northern Dark Mysterious Gold Avenue.

Although this avenue is not particularly compatible with Chen Nianzhi's Hunyuan Ancient Gold, it is better because the source of the path is of extremely high quality.

With this as a foundation, Chen Nianzhi continued to refine the source of the Tao. Thirty thousand years passed in a daze, and Chen Nianzhi finally completed the Hunyuan Ancient Gold Avenue.

"Only one step away."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, as the Hunyuan Ancient Gold Avenue took shape, of his five natal avenues, only the Chunyang Skyfire Avenue was still in its infancy.

This last step, which was also the most critical step, made Chen Nianzhi become slightly solemn. He did not waste time and directly took out the source of Tao of Emperor Lingxiao and refined it.


With the moment of refining, Chen Nianzhi suddenly felt a blazing flame approaching.

It was an extremely magnificent flame, as dazzling and magnificent as the sun, emitting a terrifying light that reflected the heavens.

"The golden flame of the sun."

Chen Nianzhi whispered slowly, with a ripple in his eyes.

The Great Sun Golden Flame is a branch of the True Sun Fire, and it is also the superior Pure Yang Fire. However, compared to the Pure Yang Sky Fire and the Sun Sky Fire, this avenue is relatively niche.

On this avenue, there is no chaos-level being in charge, but there is the possibility of transforming into a chaos-level avenue. It can be said to be a good choice.

"As expected of the direct descendant of the Emperor of Heaven, his vision for choosing the high road is really sophisticated."

Chen Nianzhi whispered in his heart, and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

If he had been given guidance in his early years, he might not have chosen top avenues such as Pure Yang Heavenly Fire and Xuanming True Water as the foundation of the Avenue of Chaos.

When the time comes, if you choose a great path to practice like the Golden Flame of the Sun, you may have a much greater chance of breaking through the chaos with the great path.

Of course, the Dao of Great Sun and Golden Flame is still far behind. Even if the Dao of Infinite Chaos is built with this law, I am afraid that Chen Nianzhi's strength will be reduced a lot.

Not only that, even the power of the Chaos Divine Thunder, Chaos Yiqi and other natal magical powers will be greatly reduced, which will also result in Chen Nianzhi being able to barely cultivate the True Spirit Soul and True Spirit Body, unable to obtain more True Spirit Mark points. Transform the natal acupoints.

Due to such a chain reaction, Chen Nianzhi probably has no hope of enlightening the nine true spirit acupoints, nor does he have any hope of directly becoming a saint in his physical body.

"One drink and one peck are the number of days."

"It seems now that no one was there to guide me, and I unintentionally embarked on the most difficult road, but it also helped me build the foundation of what I am today."

Chen Nianzhi breathed out slowly and immediately increased his strength to refine the source of Tao.

As Chen Nianzhi refined, most of the hundreds of eons of enlightenment gained by Emperor Lingxiao were absorbed by Chen Nianzhi.

With such a magnificent foundation, Chen Nianzhi's understanding of the Chunyang Heavenly Fire Avenue has made rapid progress, and even the other four avenues have made invisible progress.

In just an instant, he understood the Pure Yang Heavenly Fire Avenue, and he was only one step away from completing the Chaos Avenue.

But at this time, the repulsive force of the other four avenues also reached its extreme.

The four eleven-limited avenues of immortality are rejected together, and the resistance brought is very shocking. An ordinary person would probably only fall short of the success.

At this time, Chen Nianzhi's Yuanshen, who had first cultivated the foundation of the True Spirit, finally took effect. However, Chen Nianzhi forcibly suppressed the four avenues with the True Spirit Yuanshen, making the Pure Yang Sky Fire Avenue fully formed.

At the moment when the Chunyang Skyfire Avenue took shape, Chen Nianzhi released the constraints of the other four avenues.


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering roar.

But seeing those five avenues slowly spiraling together, they finally merged into a powerful infinite avenue of chaos.

At this moment, the sky... cracked!

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