
Chapter 1861 True Spirit Yuanshen

After understanding the mystery of the Nine Orifices Soul, Chen Nianzhi felt quite happy.

He knew in his heart that with the help of the Nine Orifices Yuanshen, his other magical powers would be able to be merged into his natal magical powers.

Thinking of this, Chen Nianzhi did not hesitate and immediately began to integrate his natal magical powers.

Now that he has the Nine Apertures Soul, he naturally doesn't have to be as stingy as he used to be when integrating his natal magical powers. However, Chen Nianzhi has developed thousands of magical powers over the years, and most of these magical powers are only authentic levels of Kaitian magical powers.

Therefore, Chen Nianzhi also had to make a choice about which magical powers to integrate.

After a moment of pondering, Chen Nianzhi immediately integrated the three magical powers of Chaos Yiqi, Five Elements Divine Light, Chaos Divine Thunder, and Dayan Yin-Yang Star Path as the heavenly secret magical power, which is also the best choice for cultivating the natal magical power.

For the next fifth orifice, Chen Nianzhi decisively chose the Chaos Weapon Technique, which was born out of the Star Weapon Technique. Chen Nianzhi had already advanced it to an unprecedented level, and its potential would be huge in the future, enough to become a potential magical power.

As for the sixth orifice, after pondering for a moment, he chose to integrate it into the Universal Sword. After all, this was a leader-level magical power. If he cultivated it into the Song-like Sword of Time in the future, he would be able to combine it to unleash the potential of the true spiritual power.

After integrating the six natal magical powers, Chen Nianzhi no longer integrated the magical powers, and said to himself, "The seventh orifice is left to the Time Ruge Sword, and the remaining eighth and ninth orifices have to be carefully selected."

Speaking of this, Chen Nianzhi slowly withdrew his thoughts.

On the other side, Taishi Taoist Ancestor was playing chess with Taiyuan Immortal Sage. I stared blankly at the long river of purple gold marks, and the predecessor said meaninglessly: "It's wrong..."

That is also the only way to advance to the purple-gold magical power. Apart from this method, no matter how weak the magical power is, its power can only stop at the eleventh limit.

"Before today, I was already the God of Chen Nian. Even if these old guys really find out, they can kill me completely by pulling on my skin."

Only souls that possess the Purple Gold Mark can be called souls and souls.


"No one triggered the eternal purple gold."

Looking at the infinite world, with every birth of a soul, the eternal purple gold will differentiate into a Zhougu mark and combine with it to give birth to a purple gold that belongs to the new soul.

In fact, today's Taiyang Zhou Gu is one of the weakest in the Eight Thousand Immortal Realm. Even the oldest Emperor Taichu and the Taishi Taoist who preached to the heavens have no confidence in defeating him.

Taiyuan Immortal Saint's face was indifferent, but he said fiercely: "They are very similar, but they are not the same. You are very curious about my relationship with Ziyin?"

Zhenlingyuan said anxiously, my old soul has not been completely shattered. Once it is completely destroyed and turned into the material of the new soul, the new soul will not have much room to grow.

When Zhenlingyuan discovered that his soul was completely integrated with Zhou Gu, the monstrous Zhou Gu mark was still rising vertically.

Hearing this, Emperor Ziwei's eyes exuded a bit of coldness.

He planned to wait until a few days ago to comprehend the Taishi Tao Sutra - the chapter on supernatural powers before creating suitable magical powers and Tao methods.

According to Zhenlingyuan's estimation, it is probably possible for Taoist Immortal Saint to completely obliterate God Zhou Guqiong, just like we have the ability to obliterate Zijin himself.

I found that as I was refining the source of my soul, my Zhou Gu Qiong God was still absorbing the Zhou Gu mark.

Countless purple gold marks poured into the soul of Zhenling Yuan, blending with my soul to form purple gold runes one after another.

Taiyuan Immortal Saint looked slightly startled. He stood up and looked at Zijin Changhe. He accidentally overturned the chessboard.

It turns out that purple gold is the origin of all living things, and it has the characteristics of complete eternity and destruction. Even the Taoist Immortal Saint can destroy it.

I also know that after a long time, when the true spiritual essence was refined into eight sources, the soul finally underwent some kind of qualitative change.

Because there will definitely be no day when Zijin will be destroyed, which means that there may be no living thing in the chaos.

"Brother Taichu, if you remember correctly, the next time someone like that appears, it will be this Immortal Lord Ziyin, right?"

Before the True Spirit Yuan completely refined the remaining soul source, I discovered that the monstrous purple gold mark was circling along my Yuan Shen's body, and finally poured into the Yuan Shen's orifice like a dragon returning to the sea.

All the creatures that disappeared in the chaos were originally derived from the Purple Gold.

At that moment, Zhenlingyuan understood the power of Tiandi's color acupoint.


In the eye of the sea, Zhenlingyuan found a hazy light floating beneath it. This was an indelible and eternal light.

Zhenlingyuan just took one look and understood that it was a light that was completely destroyed or decayed. It was born at the beginning of the creation of chaos. It was the evolution of Hongmeng and gave birth to eternal purple gold. It was also the origin of all living things.

It transcends destiny and the way of heaven, and even the vast and narrow paths are comparable to it.

But even if the soul is destroyed, Zijin will always be destroyed.

The Taichu God Emperor sighed slightly, shook his head and said: "If the Sun God Emperor is greedy for the stars, your God Clan has already conquered the seven Chaos God Emperors in the ancient times, how can it be reduced to the situation where the eight clans stand in a tripod?"

The years passed in the eyes of Zhulong Zhenling on the other side, but he closed his eyes in an instant.

Next to him, a purple-robed God Emperor with peerless appearance also opened his eyes and spoke without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Zhou Guqiong did not hesitate at all, and immediately increased the power of the Chaos Divine Thunder, smashing it under the old soul.


The Emperor Ziwei spoke, and then said: "It was the catastrophe of the last years of the ancient times, when Taiyin's friend lost the authority of the small path, but the other party successfully attained the realm of chaos."

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It is precisely because of this that the Sun True Spirit controls two paths at the same time, and can surpass Shihuang, who controls the space path, and Zhulong True Spirit, who practices the time path, and becomes the leader of the eight small true spirits of the demon clan.

"I see."

"Just now you didn't make any calculations, and found that the fortunes of chaos are ups and downs."

Just when the True Spirit Emperors were shocked, Zhou Guqiong was bathing in the long river of purple gold marks.

The True Spirit of the Sun looked at Zijin Changhe fiercely, and said meaninglessly: "It seems that the calamity measurement was less interesting than you expected."

At the same time, the new soul of Zhenlingyuan is constantly emitting magical light and swallowing the purest origin in this small millstone of chaos.

The Emperor Taichu didn't say much when he heard this, but after a long time, he said wonderfully: "Counting the time, my friend Taichu will soon return."

Speaking of this, the Taichu God Emperor looked at the purple-robed God Emperor and said: "Ziwei, it seems they are coming back again."

"The remnant of the old soul may allow you to take a step back."

At that moment, Zhenlingyuan spoke urgently, and I finally understood the mystery of Zhou Gu's realm.

In an instant, in the eternal void, the purple gold emitted eternal light.

But when Zhou Gu is destroyed but his soul is not corrupted, many mortals, monks and immortals will completely collapse and disintegrate before their souls are completely wiped out.


It turns out that the aperture is called the Purple Gold Acupoint. It is actually sublimated from the natal aperture and is blessed by the eternal power of Purple Gold.

"Tell Him that it is a sharp sword and His worst whetstone."

Zhenlingyuan was shocked and showed surprise.

At that moment, Zhenlingyuan spoke urgently, and I clearly understood the secret of destroying Zijin.

Those runes gathered into Dao patterns, and suddenly my soul was dyed into the color of the Emperor of Heaven.

My soul hungrily absorbed the purple gold mark, absorbing billions and trillions in just an instant.

As soon as he finished speaking, the True Spiritual Yuan used all his strength to activate the Yuan Shen and finish absorbing the eternal purple gold power.

With a loud bang, this tiny soul finally disintegrated and turned into fragments that scattered all over the sky.

At that moment, Zhou Guqiong looked up at the Eternal Purple Gold, exhaled hastily and said: "Whether we can break through the God of Chen Nian depends on today."

At that moment, a voice came.


Moment before, he said with a warm smile: "Before the First World War, the Sun God Emperor took the opportunity to take away the power of the Star Path, which not only caused him to be severely injured and fell asleep, but also caused the Taoist Master to fall into reincarnation."

At that time, Zijin will return to become the Zijin Mark. If he is reincarnated again, he will be the same person again, because the soul has not completely changed, and he will be the same person again.

"That smell."

The so-called seventeen-limit purple-gold realm means that before oneself transcends a certain limit, he can sense the eternal Zhougu, absorb the power from that purple-gold, and receive less of the purple-gold mark from it and return it to his body.


"Why are there so few purple and gold marks?"

Compared with the special natal acupoint, which can only increase the power by 80% and reduce the mana consumption by 10%, the Zhougu acupoint can double the power of magical powers and reduce the mana consumption by 40%.


However, because Zhou Gu's imprint is sufficient, the other four acupoints are still the original natal acupoints.

"It seems to be the God of Chen Nian. It seems that the Eight Thousand Immortal Realm has produced another outstanding senior."

"It's a pity that the eight members of Xingchen Xiaodao are born to hold their own, and they are born to be in a situation where water and fire are equal. That may be the destiny of your God Clan."

During that process, my soul continued to grow, and my consciousness became increasingly weak and magnificent.

In the center of the small hall, the Emperor Taichu had a special look on his face, and he just said fiercely: "With the seventeenth limit, it would be difficult for one to emerge in billions of years, but now two have emerged one after another in just 20 million years."

But listening to the buzzing sounds, Zhenlingyuan only felt that the spiritual platform was ethereal. The soul seemed to be transcending the shackles of the physical body and the world of mortals. It ascended along the endless chaotic space and came to a vast sea of ​​​​paths.

Without Zhou Guqiong's full attack, even if the old soul can be said to be the destroyer of souls, those with magical powers will finally end the accelerated fragmentation and become complete after the bombardment.

Integrating the natal magical power into that acupoint will allow Zhou Gu to merge with the magical power. The Zijin acupoint can cut off the temperature and nourish the magical power, continuously weakening the power of the magical power, and finally promote it to Zhou Gu's magical power.

On the other hand, no matter how powerful the magical power is, once it is integrated into the Purple Gold Acupoints, its power can gradually increase, making it a Purple Gold Divine Power whose power far exceeds the eleventh limit.

In the ancient divine court, in a divine palace, a gaze that wiped out all the heavens opened rapidly.

"Now that the Demon Clan is suppressed in the world, it's up to me, the Sun God Emperor, to stand in the way."

Several weeks of solid marks were sprinkled from the small sea of ​​​​dao, and hundreds of millions of purple gold marks fell into the soul of Zhenling Yuan, rising vertically like a long river of chaos.

"Brother, you have taken part in creation, do you know the secret inside?"

"You think even if you come back again, your destiny path has been controlled by me, and your Taiyin friend will have to find another path. I'm afraid it will never be possible to break through the realm of chaos."

At the end of the ancient times, in order to take a step back and take charge of the Star Trail, I plotted against the Taiyin God Emperor and Ziwei God Emperor, and took sole control of the Zhoutian Star Trail.

Zhenlingyuan spoke hurriedly, showing a hint of surprise.

Taishi Daozu dropped a chess piece and looked at Taiyuan inexplicably: "He lost."

"The Seventeenth Purple Gold Realm, it turns out to be like this."

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"Purple gold orifice?"

By pouring this purple gold seal onto the body, the body can be completely destroyed or dead. Even the Taoist Immortal Saint can completely destroy it.

Of course, to condense a soul, you only need a purple-gold mark, but if you want to become the God of Chen Nian, the purple-gold runes required are also quite astonishing.

"It should be those few calamities."

"Come here, let the Eighth Prince be robbed."

Zhou Guqiong quickly picked them up and threw them all under the small millstone of chaos, where they were crushed and destroyed to become the purest source of the soul.

Ziwei God Emperor's face turned slightly cold. It turned out that the Sun God Emperor used the Sun Path to prove the truth, but he also occupied part of the Star Path.

And if the Yuan Shen is fused with the Purple Gold Seal, the Yuan Shen will also possess the characteristics of Zijin's destruction, and it is almost possible to be completely destroyed.

This is a figure that can be described. Just sitting cross-legged in the small hall, there are eight thousand paths rotating around me, and there is no eternal light of destruction that reflects the infinite chaos of the ancient world.

Until the end of the catastrophe, Zhou Guqiong discovered that among his four small Yuan Shen acupoints, the acupoints that had refined Hunyuan Yiqi were not all dyed with the color of the Emperor of Heaven.

Shihuang Zhenling was slightly surprised at this, and went to ask the door: "Go and check to see who has become the God of Chen Nian. Order the younger members of the clan to remember to fight against him in this calamity."

At this moment, under the bombardment of the Chaos Divine Thunder, the old soul was not yet full of cracks, and broken pieces fell off from it, flying into the small millstone of Chaos and being destroyed.

The countless purple gold marks continued to pour into the Yuanshen acupoints, dyeing the acupoints bit by bit the color of Zhou Gu.

Back to the subject, when the thoughts of the two God-Emperors flickered, the demon clan Zhou Gu on the other side also opened his eyes one after another.

"Can it be said? Can it be said?"

Thinking that the True Spirit Yuan here had slightly consolidated the reborn Yuan Shen, he looked at where the Yuan Shen's remains were.

At that moment, every being in the Eight Thousand Immortals Realm opened their eyes.

"It's to destroy Zijin."

In addition, the Purple Gold Acupoint can also increase the power of supernatural powers, and the effect will be more unique.

"No wonder Taiyou, the younger generation, once said that the Purple Gold Realm is something that can be said. Before you reach this point, you will be able to make a breakthrough naturally."

"So few Zhou Gu marks."

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